Chapter 62 :climb mountains

In line with the principle of “don’t give potential opponents the opportunity to collect information” Liu Junshi put forward the principle, after Nioh and Maori first arrived in the youth training camp, they stayed in the gym and practiced silently for a long time.

I found a small room and played for a long time against the serve machine.

Nioh just didn’t feel very happy at all.

Looking at my seniors, he also looks uninterested.

Back in the dormitory, the two took a shower each, Nioh wiped his wet hair and suggested–

“Senior, why don’t we go out to climb the mountain early tomorrow morning! It’s so boring here~”

“It’s no wonder the little minister doesn’t want to come. It’s really boring. At least for us, it’s not helpful here. Then let’s listen to you, and I will go hiking after breakfast tomorrow!”

Maori immediately responded that he was able to train like this for a whole day today, which has given the youth academy a lot of face.

“Puff, then we must remember to bring lunch tomorrow~ in case we don’t come back, but~ we’ll be hungry.

Nioh suggested.

“Of course, little Nioh, didn’t you talk about mountain climbing before? I always bring compressed biscuits~ for emergency use, it’s also light.”

As Maori said, he turned the bag and took out the compressed biscuit packet he had prepared.

“Senior is really reliable~”

Nioh deliberately teased and said, but he gave a compliment to the senior’s approach-he himself never thought that he could bring a light thing like compressed biscuits.

Talking and laughing until the night gets darker.

In order for the climb to go smoothly tomorrow, the two stopped talking and fell asleep early.

If it is not for special reasons such as playing games, making up homework, and excessive evening training, young athletic teenagers rarely sleep in bed.

Nioh and Maori went to bed early last night for their mountain climbing action.

Therefore, both of them woke up before six o’clock.

After washing up together, I went out of the dormitory and found a route for a morning run, and went to the restaurant until 6:30.

At half past six, although there are people dining in the restaurant, there are very few people.

After choosing breakfast happily, the two went back to the dormitory to tidy up the things that might be used for climbing the mountain.

There are not many things, in fact, it is food that accounts for the bulk.

After simplifying it again, it was stuffed into a tennis bag. The two of them sat and looked at the map in detail, checked the battery level of the mobile phone, and after confirming that it was full, they were on the road immediately.

The management of the youth academy is really liberalized.

There is no need to ask the person in charge to sign any leave slips. Nioh and Maori directly wrote their names and contact information on the registration form at the entrance of the youth training camp and went straight to the mountain to the east where they were scheduled to climb.

Away from the city and close to nature, Nioh only feels the fresh air, even when walking on the rugged mountain roads, it feels comfortable.

With a compass and mobile phone, the two are not afraid of getting lost.

Nioh followed his finger on a path and started climbing the mountain with Maori.

Maori thought this time he was here to relax. On the premise of ensuring safety, let Nioh lead him further and further down a certain path.

The road between the mountains is always twists and turns.

As he walked, Nioh stopped suddenly.


Let out a low exclamation.

Maori, who was walking slowly behind, walked forward a few steps quickly, and saw–

The narrow mountain path opened up instantly, but the front was not a flat ground, but a cliff.

The two ends are connected by a rough wooden rope bridge, which is really abrupt in the mountains.

………For flowers-

Seeing the scene in front of him, Maori also understood the reason why Nioh exclaimed.

Think again about the path you just walked–could someone deliberately set it up in the mountains?

“Senior, do you want to go over and take a look?”

The query sentence was full of curiosity.

Mori looked at the younger fox’s eyes full of eagerness, and said directly–

“Then go and take a look! Maybe there is something interesting on the other side~”

After that, I observed the wooden boardwalk and found that it looked worn, but as long as it walked steadily and there were not many people walking, it was still very reliable.


So, following Nioh, two courageous and well-balanced people walked over easily.

After making up his mind to continue to explore the front, the two of them walked straight along the road.

After this walk, I walked to a mountain wall.

No way!

Nioh and Maori glanced at each other and began to observe the surroundings.

In front of this mountain, there is a river passing by. It can be observed that the river goes around the mountain.

There is only one way to continue forward-climb up the mountain wall in front of you with your bare hands!

Maori took a closer look and found that it is not impossible to climb up with bare hands.

–There are countless raised and recessed places for climbing.

Observing, Maori’s curiosity was also aroused.

Because of the suspension bridge in front, Maori doesn’t believe that the mountains in front of him are just so ordinary and simple.

“Little Nioh, don’t you want to climb the mountain? Do you want to follow the predecessors to climb this mountain?”

The Maori tone was full of excitement.

“Puff, of course, senior!”

With that said, Nioh directly started climbing.


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