Chapter 640 : Immediately after the above, too much

Nioh lowered his voice and spoke a little strangely and slowly, and was very satisfied to see some people present showing his satisfaction.

So, he generously expressed his thoughts–

“None of us want to compete with our seniors!”

“So-Senior Maori, Senior Tanegashima, you just surrender!

The middle school students onlookers couldn’t hold back their expressions.

This big turning point almost made them laugh out loud!

What a heart-warming proposal, Marui Bunta looked at Nioh with a very approving look and thought.

Kuwanabara was nervous, but when Nioh finished speaking, he realized that instead of feeling “cheated” by “183”, he had an idea of ​​”it really is.”

The three tennis players, Yukimura, Fuji, and Shiraishi, who have seen everything long ago, kept their respective smiles, smiling/squinting/smiling brightly, waiting for the answer from the high school students on the opposite side of the net.

As for Atobe, who was the most angry just now–

Atobe:” ”

Atobe was expressionless and didn’t want to laugh at all.

Atobe: “..”

He doesn’t even want to talk!

As a middle school student, Atobe Keigo has not seen the “world” yet, and does not know the truth of the so-called “trash talk is everywhere”.

Although he is still a teenager, although he has an excellent background and received the education of elite aristocracy, he has not really experienced “intrigue” after all, nor has he experienced “the ups and downs of the business sea”.

With a crystal clear, shining incomparably gorgeous diamond heart for his partner, coupled with the “leader” responsibility that has been taken for granted, Atobe never expected that, in such a serious atmosphere, At the moment when Minister Hyotei seems extremely solemn, the white-haired player who is big Rikkai will say something harsh when he should

Wait for “just kidding”!

What about Rikkai, the king who said “no dead ends, no let up”?

Sure enough, things are gathered by kind and people are divided by groups. Rikkai and the group are all “fraud”!

Before that, Atobe didn’t believe the situation of the two or three incidents in the back of the mountain. At the time, Minister Hyotei thought that his candidates were deliberately vomiting bitterness or deliberately making complaints, so he exaggerated them all. But now think


A bunch of scammers!

Too much is too late. Although Atobe was “misled” by Nioh’s “performance”, as the three of the 201 Demon King group lamented, Atobe, who was “deceived again, so cheated”, has gradually become black in his attitude towards Rikkai. Melted away.

– All of Rikkai’s positive candidates are poisonous!

Minister Hyotei thought blankly, and gave Rikkai’s Deputy Minister Sanada a severe cross.

He was not willing to believe that Sanada Genichiro would be such a “convulsive” person, but now

Atobe Keigo is willing to believe all “rumors” about Rikkai Taisho elections!

For example, in a co-living competition, Rikkai’s sophomore ace Kirihara Akaya, who was fashionable, “young” and “children’s words,” “narration introduction-walk into the jump, caring for Shaka~”

Although he himself hadn’t heard all this in person because of the game, some of his members directly and indirectly received Kirihara Akaya’s “commentary lines”.

Minister Hyotei at the time dismissed it, and now Atobe Keigo

Atobe’s eyes darkened slightly, and he had his own decision in his heart.

It’s about Hyotei’s “mortal enemy” Rikkai, and it also involves his own “majesty.” With this uncle!), Atobe finally no longer “despise” the relevant information that seems nonsense

But he looked at the Hyotei genius who was obviously holding back his smile, and at the same time he completely dispelled the idea of ​​letting Oshitari collect relevant information in his own heart.

This is because Minister Hyotei doesn’t have so much time and such a low laugh, to listen to this Oshitari teenager from Kansai!

In Atobe, which Hyotei Gakuen has the power to dominate, even in the U17 training camp, some important school affairs have to be handled from time to time.

Although he has no pressure on his studies, his daily time cannot be changed.

Atobe’s time is very precious, he doesn’t want to waste any second of it.

However, he is willing to spend some time exploring the “big secret of Rikkai”.

Perhaps, what seems to be Huangxi’s words is the most true portrayal.

The expressionless Atobe pursed his lower lip, he thought firmly.

The same song works the same way.

Atobe he followed in the footsteps of Mitsuya Akuto and Yanagi Renji.

– After Mitsuya listened to Kirihaya’s explanation, the clouds were light and breezy. In fact, he couldn’t wait to explore the origin of Yanagi Renji’s moves “Danmaru Rondo (x)”.

Liu Ze was deeply agitated by his younger generation 2.9.

Rikkai’s military division felt his own “poorness of knowledge”.

Therefore, it is logical that the two data tennis players, Mitsuya Akuto and Yanagi Renji, each confirmed their own ideas today.

And now

People with firm ideas will add the gorgeous name “Atobe Keigo”!

PS, (the holiday is over qaq) This chapter continues from the previous chapter, and the next chapter is “The Big Secret of Rikkai” (Yes, as you think, you can now read the original text outside, or you can skip it and wait until the approximate timeline Looking back, or connecting with the front, in short, there is a foreshadowing!)

u17 The establishment of Rikkai discussion group, the discovery of Yanagi Renji

Find information

The first step is to turn on the laptop or mobile phone;

The second step is to open a search webpage at random and enter “jump” related entries.

Then, according to different ideas, you tennis teenagers can play freely!

Yanagi Renji’s eyes were scorching, and he conducted a series of searches around his juniors in the tennis club.

After eating the lesson of flag, his search range is very wide and very detailed.


A vast array of comics!

There are endless animations and games!

Why is there a novel version, a text version, and a theater setting!!!

For the first time, Junshi Liu felt that his junior, Kirihara Akaya, was a teenager with an excellent memory.

– Akaya’s pressure is still too small, it is absolutely useless to not memorize English words!

– Next time, the goal for younger generations can’t be limited to passing, it must be full marks!

He searched the web and thought deeply in his heart.

After a dazzling series of searches, Yanagi Renji looked at the web page and he finally opened his eyes.

Demonization, angelization, too broad, the source is unknown.


Liu stared at the laptop screen with shining eyes.

The corners of his mouth cocked.

He, who has always been indifferent, rarely shows such a proud look.

Red pupils!

Pale hair color!

Bad character!

Although, the description is not particularly accurate;

Although, it is not completely consistent;

Although, just open

But ah, where is the difference between the “villain party” and the “devil”?

Liu 17 Renji only felt that he saw the “dawn of hope” for himself, and he had a hunch.

–After such a long search, he has found the “truth” about junior tennis!

Excited, Liu calmed his mind and rolled the mouse wheel.

The character introduction, the character image, and the plot are all temporarily forgotten by Liu Junshi after just being glanced at it.

Liu gave full play to his “one eye and ten lines” ability, quickly browsing the information on this page.


It’s about to turn to the end!

The power of anger, Black Wing!

Guardian power, Bai Wing!

Although he only saw the keywords and knew nothing about the animations and novel texts that appeared, Yanagi Renji could also rely on his own associations to think of the different-dimensional phantoms of his younger generation.

Not to mention–

On the page, there are pictures of anime!

Those black wings are really very similar!!

Liu looked at the screen, only feeling that his right hand, which was able to hold the net racquet steadily even if he was about to lose his strength, trembled slightly.

Although he was hopeful, he never expected that search engines would cooperate with him so much!

Just search for keywords like black and white wings, and you can find what he wants to see!

So Junshi Liu started his “process of sorting out data.”

One copy and paste.

-Follow the “clues” to continue searching.

Copy again and paste again.

The good thing is to share with everyone. Liu, who is very team-friendly, is determined to share the information he spends a lot of time to find with his teammates as a “responsible data tennis player”.

– In particular, his Rikkai teammates;

–Of course this includes his “very admired descendant” Kirihara Akaya.

So, this day.

It was getting late-although Nioh Masaharu was not asleep at this time, he had just received the head of Hyotei, Atobe Keigo, who came to “drop in” by the way-come-team.

Nioh, who was already sitting cross-legged on the upper bunk, opened the text message from Yanagi Renji with a somewhat inattentive look.

Because it was a text message, I only wrote a brief message.

But these short messages are enough!

“This is a group text message. It is the latest information I compiled myself tonight. I will send it directly to everyone in the Rikkai group–

A Certain Magical List

Gakuen City, the first in lv5

The strongest, with red eyes and white hair, can pass by one party!

【Attached picture jpg】

【Black Wing jpg】


By the way, if it is convenient for everyone, you can search for the character entry “Ringke Yuriko” by yourself. ”

The content of the text message is very simple, and it does not seem to reveal much.

But even if there is no text, just looking at the picture is enough!

Those texts are not so much explanations as they are “guide links”!

With this in mind, Nioh started his web search very heartily.

Because of the “keywords” mentioned in Yanagi Renji’s text messages, he searched for something very smoothly.


The time has come again!

Marui Bunta started a group chat with super fast hand speed.

The name is very serious. “Rikkai Big U17 Group Experience Sharing”.

In the group chat–

Marui: Yanagi, you are really a genius!

Yukimura: Renji has worked hard~

Liu: This is what I should do, no thanks, everyone.

Sanada: Willow!

Liu Sheng: Kuwabara and I are searching for the division of labor. Have you finished reading it now?

Marui: Is it enough to know the general meaning?

Kuwabara: I just read the keywords, right?

Marui: After searching this day, I immediately pulled this discussion group!

Marui: Jack, you are right, just look at the keywords!

Marui: Sure enough, it’s the same as before! Akaya is your own person, right?

Tanegashima: So, what happened before?

Tanegashima: Maori and I seem to have missed a very exciting experience.

Mori: Don’t say that, Tanegashima-senpai.

Maori: You are the only one who missed your previous relationship! I know it!

Liu: Did Nioh tell the Maori seniors?

Yukimura: Sorry, senior Tanegashima. I really didn’t expect Akaya’s words to be

Nioh: Puff, Yukimura is probably embarrassed to say this.

Nioh: Senior Tanegashima, our minister also has a “manga background”~

Sanada: Nioh! Don’t talk nonsense!

Yukimura: Masaharu

Nioh: Don’t hide Sanada, we all know that you want to ignore what you said at the time. But this is the case, I remember there are still several audio testimonies!

Sanada: Ren! King! Ya! Governance!

Tanegashima: Really? Senior, I don’t believe it, please send me an audio.

Maori: I have this one!

Sanada: Senpai, it’s too lax!

Kirihaya: Ahhhhh, what message did you send, Senior Liu!

Kirihaya: What the hell is Lingke Yuriko?!

Nioh: Puff, our second-year ace found a bright spot~

Yukimura: Yes, Akaya saw this at first sight

Liu: I just mentioned by the way, Akaya.

Maori: Yuriko Lingke, I found it! It’s just a delusion in the official establishment, not something important.

Kirihaya: Senior, you said it was easy…

Kirihaya: But the other predecessors thought they were wrong!

Marui: Akaya, where are we going wrong?

Kuwabara: +1

Liu Sheng: Same as above

Sanada: Too lax!

Nioh: Sanada, are you a repeater?

Tanegashima: Nioh, don’t change the subject.

Tanegashima: I swears in the name of the predecessor. I didn’t think much about it. I immediately started the search for “Ringke Yuriko” after watching the dialogue.

Kirihaya: Senior Tanegashima! Senior don’t search!

Marui: Akaya, what are you worried about? That’s not you

Yukimura: Akaya probably thinks of herself wearing a skirt.

Yukimura: It’s okay, Akaya. “Lingko Yuriko” is very beautiful.

Yukimura: But he can’t match your women’s clothing.

Kirihaya: Minister Yukimura!

Nioh: [Rikkai Sacrifice, Hindrella and his friends. Video link]

Nioh: Puff, no thanks, everyone!

Liu Sheng: Received, downloaded.

Kuwabara: +1

Marui: I’ve kept this all the time! Jack, you didn’t have it before?

Maori: Little Nioh sent it to me before

Tanegashima: So only I haven’t watched it myself?

Yukimura: It seems like this, Tanegashima-senpai

Nioh: Senior can use 187 to speed up the progress bar, and finally the princess of Sanada hugs~

Sanada: The previous topic was not this, Nioh Masaharu!

Sanada: Don’t change the subject!

Nioh: Isn’t it you who changed the subject, Sanada?

Marui: Hello, don’t you care about our Cinderella?

Marui: Akaya has no online haircuts

Liu Sheng: It should have been over-exploded and went offline directly.

Sanada: To escape, he is too relaxed!

Nioh: Yes, it’s too lax!

Nioh: Senior Maori, let’s relive the last princess hug with Senior Tanegashima.

Nioh: That’s the “friendship appearance” of Seigaku’s small pillar, remember to take a screenshot!

Yukimura: I have photos, do you want them?

Sanada: Yukimura!

Yukimura: I know–I will send it out right away!


A lot of.Jpg

207 dormitory, Rikkai Deputy Minister looked at his mobile phone screen with a dark face.

– Yukimura, what do you know? Don’t post it!

However, with the upload of photos from various angles, Sanada Xianichiro has given up this dialog box.

He chose the same approach as his younger generation.

Close the dialog!

Shut down immediately and sleep with your eyes closed!

Tomorrow will be a brand new one

Maybe, you were dreaming just now?

PS, I overestimate myself every time! Atobe’s “The Big Secret of Rikkai” will be written tomorrow, and I can’t finish it today (this timeline is the same night, I mean the night in the text) The author will work very hard to fill this up “Topic”, the topic is endless (Atobe hasn’t started his gorgeous search yet!)

Finally, let me talk about the update. This holiday season, it’s definitely not just me cooing! I empathize with your emotions, because I have such feelings myself (so I disconnected myself from the Internet, so as not to see sadness). Holidays-everyone must obey national arrangements and focus on holidays! Focus on rest! Focus on the outdoors and nature, focus on family and

Family! If it doesn’t work, just focus on dreams and peace!.

The big secret of Rikkai, the discovery of Atobe

[The timeline is “The night of the text”, immediately after the above “” Yanagi Renji’s Discovery”~][Just after Atobe talked with Nioh and walked out of “Nioh Kingdom” (214 dorm)~][Yes, the previous chapter is “Fanwai-Hyotei: The handover of the year, announcing a new era”, I did not expect that I could write such a long Hyotei remembrance! Many things will have new insights in retrospect~]

–From the next–The text one

Atobe was warmly received by the dormitory owner in “Nioh Kingdom” and successfully formed a team.

In the next time, he agreed that Rikkai teammates focused on the chat group, while he himself, driven by an inexplicable force, began to focus on searching for information.

What do people do when they are unconscious?

Following the deepest thoughts in one’s heart, there may be a “miracle” that stuns oneself.

Therefore, Minister Hyotei is very focused on searching for information.

Atobe obeyed his own heart, and then he saw the “miracle” that belonged to himself and also belongs to Rikkai (the second-year ace brain hole)!


Atobe looked at the laptop screen, tapped the mole on his fingertips, looked unpredictable, whether it was joy or sorrow.

But this is the result he “desired.”

– Yes, his insight told him that he is close to the truth!

The current situation should start with digressions–

Minister Hyotei, who has high taste, is of course well-read.

The so-called magnificence of world famous works and elegant movements are naturally based on their own connotations.

Atobe’s “The Great Secret of Rikkai-The Road to Information Search” is much smoother than that of the Liu Junshi who is older than Rikkai, even if he “wasted a little time” at the beginning.

In the match during the “Rikkai-Hyotei” stay that impressed him that year, although “Rikkai Chief Minister” was absent, his strong strength and skills were spread in the Hyotei Tennis Club.

However, this is nothing more than that.

Although “jump” is good, it doesn’t perfectly conform to Atobe Keigo’s own aesthetics.

The popularity of “Saint Seiya” is good, but for Atobe, it is not worth his indulge!

Therefore, in less than a minute, Minister Hyotei “abandoned” the “exploring desire” of Minister Rikkai.

He snorted softly, thinking that he was really stupid to search for such things on the Internet-probably because he was infected by the “Rikkai virus”.

So, next, he tapped the keyboard casually.

Then, “Although the mobile phone is drawn 187, it is dark and unmatched, but it is indeed a white-faced European” Atobe, just so casually typing on the keyboard to search for something that makes him look inexplicable!

Yes, that’s right–

This time it was aimed at “the Minister of Rikkai who was shot in the last search”.

Atobe, with gorgeous aesthetics and high taste, has quite a good literary quality.

Although he grew up overseas when he was young, literature knows no borders!

–It is wrong, it is “literature without boundaries”!

No matter which continent or ocean it is, no matter what age group it is, people only differ in their acceptance.

The charm of literary works, in any case, is constant.


#Come out, the world is disqualified!#

How can I forget him?

Osamu Dazai, Atobe said the name softly in his heart.

This is a name that has ripples of sadness on the lake of mind as he reads it, but Atobe himself feels full of joy at this time.

–If you can avoid the violent ecstasy, naturally there will be no grief.

But, who can be unhappy for a lifetime?

How can life without joy be meaningful.

And grief-no one will lack it, it seems to be an inextricable gangrene.

But life is full of sorrow and joy, and escape has no meaning.

After closing the book, the teenager who used to live in the ying country had an experience, but still remained calm. He has already passed the cognitive age of “black or white”, and all kinds of teachings since childhood have allowed him to understand a lot of the truth of “not knowledge but better than knowledge” at this age.

Everything will pass–

Yes, they Hyotei, this year’s Hyotei is already “in the past”.

Thinking of this, Atobe sighed in his heart.

At the same time, he can’t wait to go back to the past and wake up himself at that time!

-“Disqualification in the World”, Osamu Dazai.

How striking!

How can I forget?!

“I’m so sorry to be born.

This sentence alone has been circulated among the population for many years, and it is still there today.

Minister Hyotei certainly did not follow the Rikkai Taisho elections who “collectively disappeared” after the national competition.

But he has indeed heard the news of “disqualification in the world”!

Akutakawa Jirou, Rikkai’s red-haired redhead is currently a fanatic fan of Marui Bunta, and he perseveres in searching for topics when communicating with “idols”!

In order not to make “idols” feel helpless, Akutakawa Jirou is committed to “self-reliance”.

He and Marui Bunta talked from “Marui-kun, you are the sky!” to “Bunta, I’m here for you to eat cake again!”, and then went deep into “Wow, Rikkai’s XXXX is amazing”. This skill is true. Yes, I really want to have a fight!” This kind of topic.

-I have to say that in terms of “going deep behind enemy lines”, Seigaku’s data tennis player Inui Sadaharu is about to surrender.

– Hyotei’s “part-time. Dog head soldier” Oshitari Yuushi must also look up to his teammate.

The elder brother Marui Bunta, who looks enthusiastic and cheerful, but is actually very mature, hot and reliable, faces the “sugar-coated cannonballs” who are the kind of teenagers who eat the sugar-coated but still go bombs.

But in the face of his “little Hyotei fan”-or the kind of “little fan” that makes him “big brother feelings”, Marui Bunta really has nothing to do!

How can it be repaired, “brother control” is an incurable disease!

After Marui’s initial slight resistance, the Hyotei fans facing him can be said to be “knowledgeable and inexhaustible”-although the great genius of Rikkai also repeatedly considered the reliability of his fans.

Marui knew that Akutakawa Jirou could not have looked at him with admiration for the purpose of “searching for information”.

Therefore, use a few sentences to reveal the internal information of your own tennis club-just a few words are not information at all, and it is nothing.

But one-

How enthusiastic fans are about Amway, their idol, Marui Bunta, who has never experienced it, doesn’t know it!

Hyotei is choosing Mukahi Gakuto and has something to say in this regard!

Hyotei’s red-haired sister, the head contestant, has a lot of bitterness to vomit!

In the Hyotei Tennis Club, if you have a problem, find a partner (for example, Feng: Senior Shido!)-this is a problem or a minor problem for personal emotional tendencies;

As for the broader but innocuous question-if there is a problem, look for Oshitari-the head of the dog-the assistant minister-although not a deputy minister, the job of the deputy minister is his-Yuushi;

But at this “need to share adversity” moment, the doubles partner-the dog head soldier-Oshitari Yuushi ran away by himself

Others also stayed away from the unusual Akutakawa Jirou.

(Shido: Cilang didn’t fall asleep!! Changtaro, let’s go away quickly, stay away from him, and go to another court!)

The desperate Mukahi Gakuto kept accepting Akutakawa Jirou’s “Genius Marui-kun! Amway” alone, until he finally couldn’t help it–


If there is a problem, I still look for Atobe!

Mukahi Gakuto spat bitterly at his minister.

In this boundless “bitter water”, “human disqualification” flashed past.

Listening to Akutakawa Jirou blowing Rikkai’s great genius and Rikkai Taisho-cho, Mukahi Gakuto, whom the Rikkai Taisho elections can’t wait to lose their hearing, didn’t listen carefully at all.

He became a “barely qualified repeater” in front of Atobe.

– Hyotei is picking Mukahi Gakuto in front of his minister Atobe Keigo, retelling that Hyotei is picking Akutakawa Jirou’s “Rikkai Amway”!

Although it is not a repetition of word by word, it is enough to make Atobe Keigo, Minister of Hyotei, hear the blue veins on his forehead!

Such “Amway”, such “retelling”, in the burst of emotion, who can find the keyword “disqualification” in this pile of words?!

Even if you hear it and feel familiar, you may skip it carelessly.

Even if you hear it clearly, how much is it possible to take it seriously?

Therefore, Atobe did not suddenly notice some strange things until now (bhcj) is here~

–Sure enough, everything is Oshitari Yuushi’s fault!

If Oshitari hadn’t run away at that time, how could such an important message be missed?

You know, Hyotei’s genius likes reading novels very much.

#This time, Minister Hyotei completely forgot the “true hobby” of his genius#

# Oshitari Yuushi: What’s my business? After the national competition, we are about to retire. How can we say “run away” occasionally when we go out?! And the novel I like to read is a romance novel!#

# Mukahi Gakuto: Sorry, listening to Cilang’s more and more profound “Rikkai Amway” temporarily made me lose my mind and mind. The debt is not too much, Atobe is right anyway, so let the black pot go on to you, Yuushi!#

However, these things can be ignored for the time being.

Now the focus is not on “falling from the sky, playing drums to spread flowers, hitting Oshitari’s pot”, or even the literature that Atobe has seen.

The “miracle” that Minister Hyotei saw is a link to another page!

“Disqualification in the world, Osamu Dazai”

Very common!

At most, it makes people think that Minister Rikkai is “from Nioh”, or that “it is still so terrible, worthy of being a big devil” (from Rikkai), or even “my minister is so handsome, so handsome. Frightened me” (from Kirihara Akaya).


“Disqualification in the world, Osamu Dazai, Bungou stray dogs

Atobe was stunned for a moment.



Minister Hyotei felt “ecstasy”.

At the same time, Atobe also has a feeling of “dust settled”.

# Thoroughly real hammer, those people like Rikkai play tennis like this#

Of course, the calm and sensible Minister Hyotei would not really believe that the Rikkai Conference of the three consecutive hegemonies in the country was what he thought. However, this does not prevent him from laughing out loud?

Even in U17, they are now teammates, but the opponent’s mood for such a long time is enough to make Atobe laugh out loud while admiring the “Rikkai Daikoku History”.

Minister Rikkai, the son of God Seiichi Yukimura, may become a “god” according to the current development.

–Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Rikkai’s second-year ace is indeed an admirable junior!

–It’s really hard for Rikkai’s old third-year opponents!

-But Yanagi Renji can cooperate with Kirihara Akaya doubles, and there really is a “resonance” between the two?

Therefore, see the big from the small.

In addition, the Hyotei players who returned from the back mountain told Minister Hyotei about the “three things about the back mountain”, Rikkai has been “demonized” in the eyes of Minister Hyotei~

After finally calming down his smile, Atobe continued to edit the text and continued to find and search.

– Minister Hyotei swore with his personality that he did not deliberately search for other things.

However, Bungou Stray Dog not only has comics, but also TV version and novel version.

Osamu Dazai is not only a “literary tycoon”, he is also a very important and highly popular character.

Like the official novel published later–

“Dazai’s Entry Test”, “Dazai’s Black Age”, “Dazai, Nakaya, Fifteen Years Old”

Minister Hyotei searched for “Dazai Osamu” only after searching for “human disqualification” and found a long list of “related information.”

As a result, the “Black History of Minister Rikkai” is snowballing more and more.

“Don’t thank my uncle too much.”

Atobe muttered to himself and edited a text message.

–There are too many links to come over, Minister Hyotei decided to share “ecstasy”, share “responsibility”, and let another person see and know the information.

So, the recipient of this text message

There is no doubt, of course it is Rikkai’s big player Kirihara Akaya!

After all, the second-year student of Rikkai University is a very good tennis player and has “experience in game commentary”. Moreover, the promotion of Rikkai’s tricks still requires Rikkai’s juniors to be the main force!

–SMS sent successfully, To Kirihara Akaya!

Tomorrow is a good day, will Seiichi Yukimura use this?

Atobe’s lips curled up, and he looked forward to it.

Due to the “violent ecstasy”, he did not even dislike the Ponta that Nioh gave him when he left “Nioh Kingdom-214 Dormitory”.

Minister Hyotei opened the can of “causing war” but was enthusiastically sent to him by Rikkai’s great white-haired player. He watched the text on the screen and drank.

He is looking forward to qualifying.

But the calm Minister Hyotei forgot one thing.

Carbonated drinks are harmful (x)

–If you can avoid the violent ecstasy, naturally there will be no grief.

Atobe has already experienced the “violent ecstasy”, then, will the “struck of grief” be far behind?

Not far away, tomorrow is the qualifying match.

No. 9 of the First Army is ready.

The “Love Tennis Education” from the immediate predecessors, the current ministers of the Rikkai, Seigaku, and Shitenhouji tennis clubs have all experienced it. Only Minister Hyotei has never attended this class.

But now, it’s not too late!

The first army high school player Tsukimitsu Ochi is happy to show off his tennis skills on this occasion~

PS, the author thought so at the time: My head (the big devil) must have a terrifying-sounding football skill name!

Then, the author thinks like this: What name fits the minister’s description of football skills and sounds painful?

The author named Scrap lost a lot of hair, and then threw out his own pokeball (x)

– Come out, Pikachu! (x) Come out, Da Zai! (The book that made me feel gloomy for a week, it’s him!) (As for Wen, I deliberately avoided Jinghuashuiyue’s routine, but I still couldn’t get it. Shen entered this pit! It was by no means intentional-U17 outline event axis, I thought, you have to believe me!)

The final result is now like this~ (cough cough, beat the drums to pass the flowers, the code words pass the pot-I handed the black pot to Oshitari, Hyotei’s genius is not too much in debt!).

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