Chapter 678 : Advantage reversal, overtake score

The beginning of “Dreamland” means that the horn of a full-scale counterattack has been sounded.

Probably because he encountered mental power tennis moves during the three-year junior high school competition, Atobe felt that he was inexplicably familiar with the “struggle rhythm” of “spiritual assassination”.

Where is the familiarity?

He basically got rid of the negative influence, and although he wanted to bring a Don Huaise to the other side, Minister Hyotei was able to hold back his sensibility and glanced at his doubles partner at this time.

The mental power tricks used in tennis are illusory and unclear, but they all work on the player’s spirit and thus play a role. Therefore, once or twice, there are always some things in common.

Rikkai’s junior high school student Zhengxuan happened to be looking at him with an innocent look, and his pupils were full of sincere and sincere greetings, as well as expressing joy for him to break free from the assassination.

Atobe, who wanted to say something, choked.

He didn’t want to be grateful for his doubles partner at all, even Nioh did a lot of effort for his “fully sober” in the first game just now.

Looking at the face of Rikkai Taisho choosing Minister Hyotei who didn’t want to say anything, he just wanted to end the doubles game quickly.

So, he just snorted and looked at the other side of the net across the net.

The meaning of Nioh’s commanding look at Atobe was very clear.

This doubles qualifying match was a show of “black history” for Atobe, and the “public execution” couldn’t be more ashamed-after all, the young master was recruited and showed a not-so-good-looking appearance.

Moreover, in terms of physical strength, the advantage of high school students is obviously getting bigger and bigger!

It is only natural that Minister Hyotei wants to end the game so quickly, and Nioh also thinks so.

Because, he is also thinking of doing this, his desire to end the game quickly is as strong as Atobe!

Stepped into the trap of the predecessors and then broke free, used the “phantom” with higher intensity when the mental riots were not completely calm, and ran for the entire game time without stopping.

Nioh’s own physical strength has also consumed most of it!

If the second set does not end soon, he might be exhausted in the third set.

not to mention–

Senior Maori, he deceived so much!

Probably because of the previous mental power being forced into a riot, Nioh, who was able to calmly wait for his partner to counterattack, is now suddenly emotional.

He felt a little wronged.

[Loss, this doubles is a big loss!]

The white-haired boy, who looked like he was plated with silver hair and had a silver-blue visual color in the sun, groaned and swung his racquet at the tennis ball that was on the way.


Nioh, who was really sober and sensible (but not calm and willing to be calm), decided to close the net.

“15:0, Atobe and Nioh score!

The effect of “Dreamland” just used is immediate.

With the deceptive effect of the previous “Phantom”, although both Maori and Yuezhi’s mental powers are not low, the “dream” that carries so much mental power of Nioh is not so easy to break free for a while.

Yukimura, who sits steadily on the bench outside the court, is precisely because of this that he feels that his own members have used the tricks just right.

– It’s perfect to finish the game with a quick score while the opponent is immersed in the “dream”!

This is a good time to show off his moves, Yukimura thinks so.

The purplish-blue-haired teenager who is gentle in nature but still pursuing has never concealed his desire for victory and honor, and he is bound to win.

The sudden illness in the second grade made him realize the precious responsibility of time, and the chance is hard-won.

Because of his talent and his own efforts, the “son of God” who has been going smoothly all the time has to think about–

How many years does he have?

How many years can he play tennis?

In the future, will there be any accidents like those of the second country?

Although he has romantic feelings, Seiichi Yukimura, who has always been a realistic pragmatist in his life, has not been worried about it all the time.

He chose to work harder, trying to seize every possible opportunity and subsequent victories.

The U17 training camp is the bridgehead for the domestic youth tennis industry to connect with the foreign world youth tennis industry.

If you want to see more magnificent scenery, this is a great platform.

Many days before the invitation came to the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Minister Rikkai had thought about it in his chemistry class.

And on the first day he came here, he was ready-whether it was a personal “subscription” or a “revolution” with the big army!

From the very beginning, Yukimura, who was attracted to Kanto overlord Rikkai as the head of the Grand Tennis Department, respected his predecessors, but he was not willing to treat him badly because of this.

There is no “respecting the old and loving the young” in the competition, only the difference of strength.

The rules of the U17 training camp have silently hinted at this.

Seiichi Yukimura is therefore very happy to use his different dimension tennis strength, not to beat the opponent, just to “show”.

So Nioh used “Dreamland” to add a little more “extra points” to him~

The strength of the members also proves the strength of the head of the tennis department.

This is not because Yukimura thinks too much, but because these people originally entered the U17 training camp based on the school’s tennis team, and naturally there is a “small group” division.

The right to speak, the right to speak about the game involved is Seiichi Yukimura’s inevitable power. Of course it is impossible for him to get all the right to speak in the roster, but he is willing to fight for it as much as possible.

Rikkai’s teammates are his natural supporters in the eyes of the coaching staff. If among the selected middle school students, the strength of their own tennis club occupies nearly half of the team-it doesn’t even need to be half, only one-third is probably enough. In this way, Seiichi Yukimura’s will can be treated with caution by the coaches.

Then, it is to continue to win and receive more words slowly

It is enough that there is no blind spot in tennis. I believe that his free and comfortable members don’t want to be restrained by details without blind spots and can’t complain about it.

For example, Nioh, surely you don’t want to be arranged to be a doubles partner with someone who is too annoying, right?

And if Sanada were arranged like that, maybe Shimbun Daily would publish an article about the violence the next day.

– Yukimura, who watched the game, thought about what happened to him that one of his high school students in the first army said about him, and worked hard for his staff.

Bang! Bang!

“30:0, Atobe, Nioh score!”

“40:0, Atobe, Nioh score!”

The continuous sound of a tennis ball landing.

“2:2, Atobe, Nioh score!’

The opponent in the “dream state” is really easy to deal with compared to before.

Nioh and Atobe won the round very quickly.

“Puff, speed up the tempo, Atobe.”

But Nioh is still not satisfied with the current speed, or scoring efficiency.

When he opened his mouth, he asked the already breathless partner to speed up the pace of the game-this is undoubtedly a more physically demanding play.

“Dreamland can’t stop Senior for too long.”

But Nioh had no choice but to say so.

Maori is too keen on mental power, and he is too familiar with Nioh’s mental power. Tsukimitsu Ochi himself is a player who prefers mental strength and technique. It is only a matter of time before he can break free.

Besides, maintaining the “dream state” of two high school students on the opposite side of the net takes enough energy to make Nioh gritted his teeth.

If he doesn’t end the game soon, he is afraid that he will play very well in the third set!

“My uncle got it!”

Accompanied by Atobe’s words, there was a momentary sound of wind that rang out quickly.


Hyotei’s waist and abdomen forcefully, there is no warmth in the sea-blue eyes, and he stares at the opponents on the opposite side coldly.

“Look at Atobe, he is in this pose”

The middle school students who were sitting in the auditorium or standing up anxiously made a noise.

The mental shock caused by Nioh’s launch of “Dreamland” before also affected them, making some middle school students who are not very good in mental defense defense still a little dizzy until now, so that they did not focus on watching the game just now. Rubbing his forehead, closing his eyes slowly.

“Tang Huaise serve!”

But now, Atobe has successfully become the focus of attention.


The emperor of Hyotei seems to be born with the super ability to “focus on the line of sight”.

“15:0, Atobe and Nioh score!

The serve technique, which was previously unsuccessful due to negative mental effects, is now extremely easy to use.

Although such a game requires effort, it is extremely efficient.

At least, when the two high school students on the opposite side have not yet broken free from the “dream”, with Atobe’s eyesight, they can serve and score!

“30:0, Atobe, Nioh score!”

“40:0, Atobe, Nioh score!”

One, two, three

It’s totally “personal performance time” for Atobe Keigo.

Nioh, who has nothing to do during this time period, is very face-to-face and wants to applaud his partner–

“Do you need me to call now, Atobe?”

“Would you like your “Hyotei exclusive support cal”?”

Rikkai’s big election is always emotional when it is emotional, and it can be called a representative figure of “unpredictable”.

He just felt a little wronged (have not done anything yet, he was targeted by the predecessor, the most worthy of the bad comment is that the predecessor actually asked me and Atobe to be a stepping stone to help him practice doubles with another predecessor!), After that I was a little angry, but now I feel happy

– Cloudy to rain, overcast to fine.

The time for the two small rounds is not yet there, so I want to swing around on the edge of doing things and eager to try.


The first answer to him was Atobe’s last serve in this small game.

The conscientious and responsible Minister Hyotei has always done everything from beginning to end and pursuing perfection.

“3:2, Atobe, Nioh score!”


“Ah, let’s indulge in the magnificent skills of this uncle!”

Ordinary people may feel embarrassed or annoyed when asked by Nioh like that, but Atobe naturally accepted the invisible compliment from the doubles partner – in the eyes of Minister Hyotei, isn’t this just praising him for his gorgeous tennis?

The junior high school boy with purple-gray hair stood on the court with high spirits.

His familiar figure and look made his staff deeply relieved and relieved.

So one-

“Hyotei! Hyotei–”

“The winner is Atobe!”

Oshitari, who always feels that he might be over after the game at Atobe, is very eager to abandon his own image baggage.

The tennis teenager of Oshitari’s family no longer needs a “personal image”.

See you, his cousin and Shitenhouji’s minister said that Mancai Tucao was so funny that he was about to fly!

And the two times that he lost the chain happened to be the “focus events” in the middle school tennis world. It seems that the face of Hyotei’s genius has long gone!

So in order to survive–

“Hyotei! Hyotei-One”

“The winner is Atobe!”

The candidates of Hyotei seem to have received special cheerleading training.

The neat, rhythmic, emotional and vigorous slogan should be supported. Middle school students are not surprised, and high school students are dumbfounded.

“Sure enough, it feels better to watch the game live~”

Instead of staying in the main control room, he chose to stand on the exclusive platform to watch the game. Coach Saito, who was watching the game with his two coaches, watched what he had seen in the videotape of the junior high school tennis tournament.” Hyotei-Emperor-Atobe exclusive support call” support scene, chuckled lightly, and curled his eyebrows.

He feels that choosing to watch the game on site is really a very wise choice-even if they have to pay the price of standing for several hours for this choice!

“Oh, Akaya, do you want to cheer for Atobe?”

Almost in sync with the mental coach in the stands, there was a chuckle, and Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura.

Yukimura looked at his junior Kirihara Akaya very, very gently, and asked these words in his eyes.

“No, no need it, Minister!

The courage was praised by many middle school students many times in the second-year ace. The lake-green eyes were moisturized, and they looked extremely pitiful and dripping.

He just watched the game and knew he had misunderstood something very wrong

“Senior cheated me, Minister QAQ”

Kirihaya said in a very small voice 2.9 very aggrieved.

How could he not recognize the seniors from the family?

No wonder he always feels weird when talking to that “Atobe” during the change break, as if he had overlooked something

[It’s the fault of Nioh-senior who deliberately deceived me with mental power!]

Because he didn’t have the slightest caution, he tempted himself to ignore “Nioh” and pretended to talk to him like Senior Atobe!

There are other seniors (including ministers)

[That’s it. Senior Nioh’s “Phantom” has a problem. Did they lie to us and me?]

Kirihara Akaya didn’t believe that his minister really didn’t see anything in advance.

The tried-and-tested Rikkai junior actually doesn’t care about “this point of training”, but only after he ran over and was deceived did he start discussing the “real truth” together-it’s too funny Yes, Senior Liu Sheng and the head of the village!

Ps, I’m going to travel tomorrow~ [Without my laptop, I will be back late on the 23rd. The specific deposit is currently only 2894. Try your best to be the last one tomorrow. 】If you can’t find the article, you can go to see God III.Although this article is unfinished and I still don’t know when it will be finished, it is really good-looking.

Article! Very, very time-consuming! If necessary, you can write notes to record the plot and straighten your thoughts. After all, the front is okay, when it comes to Passerby~ the cross-border battle stage, it will be a real big scene! (The disadvantage is that it is easy to forget all kinds of things if you don’t watch it for a long time. Four days, in addition to chasing updates and sucking c

When I was huya, I basically watched it day and night, and there are still more than two hundred pictures that I haven’t finished reading–but I started to get confused again orz) I rely on it for the holidays,

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