Chapter 685 : The dealer takes all, behind the scenes

The ice crystals crushed into powder form look like snowflakes.

At first sight of the little snow drifting over in the wind, Nioh knew the danger, but Nioh felt a sense of tranquility inexplicably.

And what followed, and followed, was–


The serve of No.9 of the first army is already fast.

Tennis landed!

“30:15, the smarter the score, the gross profit!”

What does it feel like a tensioned string suddenly breaks?

How does it feel to be awakened suddenly in a quiet atmosphere?

This feeling is superimposed, and then magnified dozens of times, which is probably the mental stimulation that Nioh and Atobe should be “under common sense”!

The more wisdom he is very good at putting pressure on his opponent’s mental power and stimulating his opponent’s mental state. Now he is in a state where he has no worries, but some people respond, and he is quite interested in this game. I don’t know how many percentage points his performance has risen compared to the past.

Don’t look at the high school students on the high school player stand, humming their jaws one by one, and at a glance they know that they are “the performance of the peers is okay (I have nothing to say)”; just look at the three rare ones on the platform The joyful coaches know that the current game state of No.9 of the First Army is what they dream of in the U17 training camp!

Long-term restraint will destroy the wildness of creatures, but it will also release even more terrifying evil the moment the chains are removed!

In fact, Tsukimitsu Ochi has always been used to “depression” in the doubles arena.

Even in the “full moon” state, you must be cautious about your teammate partner-you can never finish the game, just let your partner faint or become mentally afraid of tennis!

It is said that he is using his full strength, but he deliberately restrains himself, subconsciously suppresses his mental power, and is in an aggressive state. Can Tsukimitsu Ochi really show his true strength?

It must not be possible.

–This is something the coaching staff knows well.

But the role of Yue Zhi in the doubles arena, compared to his appearance in the singles court, the smarter the doubles, the coaches are really unwilling to give up.

But in this case, the problem comes back…

With the mental power of No.9 in the first army, how can he find a doubles partner that makes him unscrupulous?

Is it necessary to find a doubles partner who is absolutely strong enough to resist?

Impossible, mental strength can resist to “immunity”, such a strong tennis player must be able to play the biggest advantage in the singles arena of the team competition.

Therefore, the U17 training camp coaching staff’s plan for the No. 9 doubles of the first army is to “find out a doubles partner who can make Tsukimitsu Ochi as mentally aggressive as possible.”

They have been working hard for this-the baseline of the U17 training camp coaching staff is actually very low because of helplessness.

But the head coach San Mifūne Nyudō San on the back mountain does not think so!

The head coach of Mifune is unwilling to “just make it!”

Since I think No.9 of the First Army is suitable for the doubles arena and will achieve the greatest advantage for the team in the doubles arena, why not let the advantage be maximized?!!

– Isn’t Rikkai’s big red-brown, curly, tall boy a good choice?

From the very beginning, the three coaches of the U17 coaching staff and the tempered and high-spirited head coach of the three boats on the back mountain set Mōri Juzaburō’s “qualification goals” | standards are different.

Maori’s “doubles talent” is recognized by the coaches.

The mental adaptability of Mōri Juzaburō also made all the coaches happy, and they have always agreed that this Rikkai tennis player would be a suitable doubles partner for Tsukimitsu Ochi.

But only three Mifūne Nyudō three head coaches thought about “the most perfect doubles possible”!

This idea of ​​the Three Boats coach probably produced a “seed” when Maori first climbed the back mountain for unknown reasons.

Experienced the mysterious and mysterious Rikkai big white-haired junior high school boy so many mental power moves, and can still play tennis so vigorously, even if there is no mental resistance, he has been trained to have enough mental resistance!

What’s more, the old-fashioned Mifune coach, when Maori and Nioh left with Tokugawa, had already passed his various trainings during these hours, and roughly figured out Mōri Juzaburō, who was about to enter high school in a year. Tennis talent!


It’s simply a “match made in heaven”!

– Can not be met!

Three Mifūne Nyudō’s three head coaches acquiesced and supported the three coaches of the training camp to train Hyotei high school students toward doubles players. At that time, they had enough confidence and basis.

Therefore, when Maori came to the back mountain again when the cause-cause-unexplained (in fact, dizziness, no secret plan) came to the back mountain, the three heads of Mifūne Nyudō did not praise and cursed. But in his heart, he really thinks that Rikkai’s big player is very much to his old people’s tastes!

So the instructor of Mifune, who was in a good mood, started his “education and training” for Rikkai high school and high school students.

The three boat coach who thinks that Maori should have “great goals and ambitions” has been letting Rikkai senior and high school students develop his “special talent” in doubles from all aspects.

On the back mountain, Maori actually didn’t know the determination of the three boats coaches, nor did he have the so-called “great goals and ambitions”, but simply, he came from the Rikkai big tennis club!

Kanto overlord Rikkai Da, the defending champion of the national competition Rikkai Da, from such a team, Mōri Juzaburō certainly knows what kind of “player style” should be displayed when facing others.

Therefore, even if he has a face of reluctance in his heart, he is also perfect in appearance! High cold face!

Mōri Juzaburō, who brought Hara Tetsu to the back mountain, had a little guilty conscience, so he simply squeezed his face most of the time!

Although Hara Tetsu is familiar with Maori, he has seen and felt the temperament of Mōri Juzaburō in the first period of the country, but in the end, it is “Kanxi and Kanto are separated.”

In two years, two schools with completely different school spirits, Maori has become as cold-hearted as the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team. It is probably understandable?

# Hehe, in fact, the most important thing is that Yuan Tetsuya, who is too tired to laugh in the back mountain, has no energy to think about whether Maori is true-cold or fake! #

All in all, with the success of “tennis player training” from Rikkai, he “blinded” the head coach Hou Shan’s gross profit. At the beginning, he didn’t understand why Mifune coached and trained his tennis like that.

But when he and Yue Zhi combined doubles

Until the time when he was out on the expedition, feeling the tingling of the mental power from his partner, Maori finally understood it with a sullen face!

–It’s not that the mental power of the doubles partner is as “affinity” as his junior, Nioh!

Although Nioh’s mental power has caused him a lot of hardship, he has never been able to hit his opponent on the court while also having the function of “beating his teammates” at the same time!

Even if Mori himself has excellent mental resistance and a talent for adaptability, he can’t stand the aggressiveness of Tsukimitsu Ochi’s all-out effort as if nothing happened!

–The coach pits me! Moonlight Sang pits me too!

For the first time, I was accustomed to the “naughty but gentle and stable” mental power from my junior, Nioh, and I really felt wronged.

He even wanted to drop racquet for a moment and didn’t want to do it!

Because of that, the smarter, it is really a bad partner!

But no matter how

The taciturn army NO.9 has a thorough, considerate and caring heart for younger generations.

Because of receiving an order from the superior (U17 training camp suddenly issued, Byodoin frowned transmission), Otsuchi tentatively opened the “full moon” state in a doubles during the expedition.

The result is obvious-very unsatisfactory!

His partner, No. 10 of the First Army seems to be on strike!

Maori is wronged and hard to suffer and don’t want to talk (daily praise his Rikkai and his juniors)

This made Yue Zhi very guilty and a little bit sad.

And, No. 9 of the First Army decided to ignore the instructions from the U17 training camp!

Tsukimitsu Ochi’s mobility is as strong as his junior Hyotei. He directly and simply apologized to Maori, and then explained “. Garbage U17’s Garbage Instructions”.

Maori dumbly accepted the apology from the predecessor, and then–

[It turned out to be the coach’s fault!]

He immediately thought of his “second tour” experience in the back mountain, focusing on the words that coach Mifūne Nyudō III said that he did not pay attention to at the time, but now he thinks it is meaningful.

Maori, who wanted to understand, was scared into a cold sweat and felt that he was able to survive from the back mountain. Thanks to the “traditional high-cooling field” from the Rikkai tennis team and his own tired face, he has been squeezed!

But after Maori recovers,

He felt that the person who should apologize just now was not Yue Zhi, but himself.

It’s that he didn’t meet the requirements of the U17 coaches!


[Such a request, just let little Nioh come over and try it!]

How can it be done?

During the expedition, as always, he praised Rikkai’s juniors from time to time for the rank No. 10 that made the seniors jump in anger. He felt that he could not shoulder the heavy expectations of the U17 training camp.

But in the end he still thought of solution one-

[I still rely on my Rikkai juniors!][Sorry, little Nioh!]

Maori thinks that his “magic junior” is someone who can solve all the difficulties.

He has inexplicable confidence in Nioh Masaharu!


[In order not to affect Yueguangsang’s performance, let me know about this!][So sorry, little NiohQAQ][Senior still wants to win once, little Nioh!]

Mōri Juzaburō only told Tsukimitsu Ochi that he had set up a “scheming” trap against Nioh Masaharu, but did not tell him another “target”.

First Army No.10 is the person who knows the most fearful level of Nioh Masaharu’s tennis skills among U17 players. He had long known that he could not defeat Nioh alone.

So there are only doubles, it can only be “Nioh Masaharu’s best doubles game” application.


[Please, Yueguangsang, trust me more!][Please also, little Nioh, senior knows that you will be soft-hearted in this regard!]

If someone is discouraged after the game

Well, it’s “U17 training camp!”

#Rub, trash U17, trash, trash coaches!#

#Destroy my predecessor’s friendship, give me this trash-junk-responsibility-object-target! #

Ps, yes, it is the head coach of the three ships we haven’t been online for a long time! So Maori officially entered U17 and then recommended himself (not) to the back mountain once, which is also rewarding!

Pps, I was urged, I can’t finish the next chapter, good night. Compensation is to fight tomorrow night, and the sun will show you QAQ for one million.

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