Chapter 687 : Ideal state, carrying hope

How fast can people react?

Tennis players generally do not think about this kind of problem that should not be considered at their age. But now in this situation, in the face of gross profit, Atobe has to reflect on it!

–How can it be so fast?

–Senior, your reaction speed, and the angle at which you stretch your arms, is this still a human!~!!

Minister Hyotei shared the same impulse to complain at this moment with someone in his tennis club who has the title of “Hyotei Tianオ”.

Taking the ball from an incredible angle, in the past, it is simply “self-harm”!

However, Maori successfully changed Atobe’s concepts and ideas.

No. 10 of the First Army used his actual actions to demonstrate to the vast number of middle school students “Why can he Mōri Juzaburō sit firmly in the tenth position of the First Army”!


The tennis ball landed again, rolled a few laps and then stopped not far from Nioh.

“1:0, the smarter the score, the gross profit!”

The serve game for high school students was taken down.

Although Nioh was a little bit worried about this situation, he was not as surprised as others thought.

–Just kidding, he doesn’t understand the other seniors, Nioh Masaharu, doesn’t he still understand the Maori seniors?

Those “intelligence” that were not mentioned to Atobe are all memorized in Nioh Masaharu’s heart.

Compared with Atobe’s rare thirst for complaining after seeing this special state of Maori, Nioh calmly accepted what happened before him.

He was not surprised, but rather pleased!

– You know, the wonderful game just now has much of his credit!

It was his silent “cooperation” that allowed Maori’s intentions to progress smoothly, resulting in the current state of “Tsukimitsu Ochi’s aggressive mental power can be reconciled with Mōri Juzaburō’s mental power””, thus having the more intellectual Maori. This group of high school students doubles is a substantial breakthrough!

It is precisely because of this “substantial breakthrough in the doubles combination” that makes the coaching staff stunned that Maori can now completely release himself, peacefully “sleep” and enter the state!

–If before, it would be impossible for Maori to successfully “sleep” in the murderous “full moon” state of Tsukimitsu Ochi!

Tsukimitsu Ochi’s mental power is so aggressive that it doesn’t distinguish between enemy and us.

The more intellectual the spiritual power, Maori feels piercing when he is awake. While in the “sleeping” state, Mōri Juzaburō is conscious that he still has some mental defense resistance to the enemy, but he has no defense against the doubles partner! In this case, Yue Zhi might have to “helplessly” kill him first!

However, the above situation is only the “previous situation”.

It’s just past.

–Everything is different now!

Maori’s own particularity plus his own efforts, combined with the more intelligent spiritual power after successfully “enlightening the Tao” in the previous game

Again, this is the “match made in heaven” in the eyes of the U17 coaching staff!

“The head coach’s hard work is not in vain~”

The mental coach Saitō Itaru sighed.

Although he was shocked when he first saw it before, but now, he naturally accepted the scene he saw before him.

Maybe it’s because you have seen too much “broad world”?

Tennis always has unlimited possibilities.

The Rikkai Grand Tennis Team is also a magical young tennis team. It is not impossible to have a few tennis players outside of common sense.

“Our efforts are not enough, right?”

Just like Coach Saito’s tone was still gentle, Coach Kurobe also kept his calm.

Such a tennis player can be trained in a place like Houshan that lacks the east and the west. It is impossible for the U17 training camp headquarters with superior conditions to do it!

The 37-year-old tactical coach Kurobe Yukio was much more ambitious than his two 40-year-old colleagues. Although the U17 training camp coaching staff is composed of their three coaches, since it is a “group”, there must be “leaders” on the surface or in secret.

Someone will always dominate.

– The coaching staff is not a truly harmonious doubles combination in the sense of homology, nor is it an absolutely balanced triangle bracket relationship!

The Kurobe coach, who stands out from the many coaches in the overall situation, is as far away as the word “young and vigorous”, but he also has his own ambition.

For example, “killing” the head coach of the three ships in terms of performance!

“This is not something we can decide.”

Coach Takuchi said something very objective.

As a mixed practice coach, he has an absolutely objective perspective on this kind of thing!

– It’s impossible to look at it without an objective mentality!

If you don’t look at some things objectively, Coach Takushoku Ryuuji estimates that he has long been pissed off by Irie Kanata, who was unable to develop excellent physical fitness in the U17 training camp!

–Are there such annoying players?

Mental strength, skill, and speed are far beyond the members of U17 training camp; if it is not for strength and physical strength to hinder

[Irie-play-a lot, coach, I think you can go to the Byodo-In Temple for a good fight if it is not because of objective conditions!]

Coach Tuo Zhi’s resentment towards Irie player is quite big.

He felt that if Irie had the physical qualities of Onijujiro – stepping back, it would be okay to have the physical qualities of Tokugawa Kazuya!

As long as Irie players do the above, Coach Tuo Zhi really feels that Irie can go heads-up against the current army boss Byodoin.

Because, as a coach of mixed practice, Tuo Zhi has mentioned in the “Observation Report on Tennis Players in U17 Training Camp” more than once in the U17 training camp–

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

Don’t worry about the longboard effect, the barrel effect is an unchanging truth!

–For example, Irie Kanata (the coach Tuo Zhi felt that as long as Irie did not withdraw from the training camp, he could always use this example as a negative textbook!), because of the drag, he was unable to display his top mental power, skills, and The true strength of speed can’t even break through to a higher realm!

“Breakthrough also requires opportunities.

And opportunities are unavoidable!

If it is only necessary to play a doubles match for Maori and Otsuchi to achieve the doubles in the “ideal state” as they are now, then just tell the Byodoin Temple directly?

For the sake of the team’s strength, I think Byodoin doesn’t mind temporarily forming a doubles combination with a military No. 3 to play a doubles game!

But the facts are obvious, no way is no way.

During the expedition, except for the mysterious teenager No. 4 picked up on the road, the other people must have taught (lessons) more or less with racquet.

However, the doubles breakthrough of Yue Chi and Maori has not been completed until now.

But it’s not too late – the U17 Youth World Cup hasn’t started yet!

This three-set doubles is still in a 1-1 deuce, and the high school students still lead by one game in the third set.

Thinking this way, coach Tuo Zhi couldn’t help but turn his attention to the doubles combination of middle school students again.

–Long time no see, the different dimension of middle school student Nioh Masaharu!

Nioh was able to use Nioh, who had perfected the ability of different dimensions in the early stage of the second year. By the end of the third year now, it is naturally “not what it used to be.”

Originally, just following the racquet, it looked like a county flower. The small white flower buds that appeared when the ball was received, and the branches and leaves that looked silver and white, have become comparable at this time. “Behemoth”.

Behind Nioh, his different-dimensional phantom “bellflower” stands out.

Compared with the pure white and flawless back then, it is now dyed silver.

–This is the proof that Nioh has further deepened his control over his different dimensions and further developed his own different dimensions.

The “non-human” “plants” are different dimensions-no, it should be said that they are “wonder objects” different dimensions, which are rare in the world of tennis.

It is easier and easier to condense the will of human beings into “human beings.”

And “wonders”

All kinds of strange shapes can actually be attributed to this category.

But this kind of different-dimensional phantom–to be honest, most of them are tasteless!

The will is not pure enough, the half-failed “inferior product” in the cohesion, the talent is too bad and it is impossible to do more. Because walking to the heights of the tennis world, such a different-dimensional phantom is obviously “not qualified”.

But there is still a very small part of a person like Nioh-

The different dimensions of human form can’t satisfy the will and needs of the tennis player himself!

Whether it is a god or a ghost image, after all, it still cannot satisfy the tennis player’s own subconscious, and cannot be recognized and accepted by the tennis player.

The different-dimensional shadow is a reflection of the player’s will.

The color of the “bellflower” should not be the focus of the coach’s attention. But “silver white” is different–does this mean that Nioh Masaharu has a greater degree of control over his different dimensions?

Squeezing the tennis ball, Nioh didn’t care about the sight of the coaches from the stands, nor did he care much about the audience’s comments outside the court.

He just mobilized his mental power meticulously, made his mind and mind united, and concentrated his attention to serve!


At the moment of serving, the “bellflower” suddenly bloomed very beautifully.

Many players as spectators involuntarily turned their attention to behind Nioh.

–This is the ability to “confuse” that many different spiritual dimensions naturally possess.

But even so, Nioh’s serve failed to score a goal.

Maori who has entered a state of “deep sleep” is really a rival!

In this state, Mōri Juzaburō can naturally exert 100% of his mental resistance, and he has the ability to resist Nioh’s mental confusion.

And Tsukimitsu Ochi, a master of mental power attacking tennis, is not just standing still.

Doubles always pay attention to cooperation, you cooperate with me, and I will cover you.

Although Yue Zhi’s mental power is biased towards attack, it is not impossible to defend!

“Offense is the best defense”–isn’t there a saying?

………For flowers

Quite simply, No. 9 of the First Army directly turned its mental power into a sharp blade, and pierced the illusion of the deceptive mental power of the platycodon phantom.

After such a large offset, the mental power of Nioh suffered by Maori is actually not much confused.

At this level, there is still a long distance from the baseline that Mōri Juzaburō himself can withstand!


Nioh also didn’t plan to serve directly to score, he was ready to fight back.

Bang! Bang!

Nioh raised his arm and swung his racket, but the tennis ball missed it.

But it doesn’t matter, he still has a partner behind him now!

–Even if the cooperation between Maori and Otsuchi is really a headache, the Atobe on his side is not a mere decoration!

Minister Hyotei is not an audience in this doubles game!


The silver-white lisianthus flower seems to speed up the flow of time at this time.

It just bloomed, but now it seems that the flowering period has passed.

Sprinkling wine, the petals with silvery white brilliance seemed to be blowing in the wind, supported by the soft wind, falling slowly.

–This kind of scenery is even more eye-catching.

Many of the players in the audience outside the court saw God unconsciously, and didn’t even remember what they were supposed to do!


No. 2 of the First Army seems to be a little sad, so he sighed.

Tanegashima Shuji, who has become more talkative recently, has begun to “make” again.

Oni Jujiro sighed patiently, and decided that no matter what Tanegashima said next, he would not answer the question!

“Little Nioh did this. There are not many middle school students who can watch the game with peace of mind!”


This white-haired senior high school student speaks like a junior high school student.

-Once the black heart of No. 2 of the first army, who really understands it?

Omagari had a cold face and didn’t want to talk to Tanegashima Shuji at all.

However, No. 2 of the First Army has encountered such indifference and has not been discouraged.

“The doubles to be played next are Kimishima and Tohno?”

“Kimijima, do you want to play doubles with the minister of Nioh?”

I have to say that Tanegashima Shuji knows his likeness extremely deeply.

Under the polite inquiry of No.2 in the First Army, Kimijima, who maintains his own good personality, really can’t pretend not to hear–though he really wants to pretend to hear. No. See!

“Yes, I am also looking forward to the next game.”

Kimijima took a deep breath and told herself not to get angry about this little thing.

He very politely responded to No. 2 of the first army with a very official answer, which perfectly demonstrated his high quality as a popular star.

“What about Byodoin Temple?”

“You have to wait a long time before you can play, do you feel a little disappointed?”

–What happened during the expedition?

– Is Tanegashima Shuji stimulated by something?

Listening to Tanegashima’s voice, Duke did not dare to look at Byodoin’s face.

-No. 2 of the First Army, the recent “killing ability” is really improving rapidly.

NO.3 Duke Watanabe took a rare look at this NO.2 with real awe, and felt that the next second, the boss of their army suddenly shot Tanegashima with a tennis ball, and he would not feel this situation. Any accidents!


NO.3 heard the voice of their army boss talking after laughing.

“I will let them feel–”

“What is’despair’!”

The No. 1 tennis level of the First Army is “undetectable” under the test of the U17 training camp coaching staff!

In this written description, apart from Byodoin, there is only Oni Jujiro-or Oni Jujiro whose seal was opened.

Even Tanegashima Shuji, who claims to have “never lost” (actually, I have lost), has no such evaluation.

“But we have seen’hope’.”

Surprising Duke again, Tanegashima Shuji kept a smile, curling his lips and said to Byodoin Temple.

The two junior high school students on court, as well as the first year of Maori

They are “hope”!

“Isn’t it, Jujiro white rabbit?

No. 2 of the first army probably thinks that he even provoked the “undetectable” of Byodoin, and is he afraid of another “undetectable”?

Therefore, he used the voice that made Omagari’s eyes wide open to speak to Oni Jujiro, who is currently No. 5 in the army, and called Oni Jujiro in this way.

However, I have to say, step on the baseline and jump back and forth

Tanegashima Shuji has really cultivated this skill to the extreme!

His words really moved the ghost.

“That’s it!

I deliberately ignored the name that made me unpleasant, and the ghost replied firmly in his eyes.

He is optimistic about the junior high school students, and Tokugawa; and the group of Rikkai juniors from Tanegashima, and other junior high school students

These people are the hope of the U17 training camp, and they can definitely carry the tennis dreams of their players in this session!

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