Chapter 694 : Worst preparation (explanation on the issue of subscription freedom)

“Akaya, watch this game well!”

I don’t know that his teammate Yanagi Renji is complaining about his red hair. Rikkai Taisho election looks overwhelmingly surprised.

It’s like a sincere fan of “Amway” idol happily giving to the younger generation.


“Wen Tai, what are you talking about?”

With both eyes confused and blank, Akutakawa Jirou didn’t wait for Rikkai’s second-year student to disdain to resist the Amway, so he leaned in.

“Chi Lang”

Marui Bunta hesitated to speak.

“Forget it, let’s concentrate on watching the game!”

Knowing that his little friend is simple but very sensitive to emotions, Marui certainly does not want to send such an “Amway” to Akutagawa.

His goal is only his own descendants. After all, although Kirihaya is not very good at cheating now, he will still accept the good descendants of “Amway” straightforwardly.

It’s a pity that his good friend Akutakawa Jirou sits next to him and doesn’t give him a chance to “try to give the younger generation an Amway” at all!

Rikkai’s third-year redhead was thinking about this and regretfully gave up his exaggerated performance.

This makes Irie Kanata, a high school student who is still paying attention to the situation here and who is in the middle school team, diverts his attention with regret.

“Eoh, Wentai!”

“I see, Wen Tai!”

Becoming friends with idols does not weaken Hyotei is choosing the “filter” that Akutakawa Jirou wears.

He repeatedly responded to the words of his tennis idol “Rikkai Daimarui-kun” and looked at the court of the game that was still preparing to start with great energy.

With his good attitude and quick response, the Hyotei junior high school students sitting next to Rikkai were hit by an unknown number of times!


Another person who suffered a mental shock was Kuwabara.

Kuwahara has always had a sense of crisis.

–Even the achievement of “homology” did not make him take care of the “fan group” and “friends” around Marui!

This point, Yagyu Hiroshi always thinks it is Nioh’s reason, because Nioh Masaharu, a tennis player, has proved himself that achieving homology is not “difficult”.

Therefore, Yagyu, who woke up to the gods, was still very willing to “comfort” Kuwabara.

“Kwabara, Yukimura will start the game soon!”

Liu Sheng pushed his glasses and said.

Even if the gentleman of Rikkai still has some potential surprises, he still sits upright.

But what he said sounds terrible!

Yukimura is about to start the game. As members, if they sighed below, do they think that Minister Rikkai will be defeated?

So, the next moment.

Liu Junshi, who kept quiet and silent on the side, had already seen everything, and he looked at his teammate silently.


Kuwabara quickly reduced his “sigh and sigh” and the “worrisome melancholy” that has been common since he came to the U17 training camp.

He quickly cheered up and prepared to watch the very exciting doubles game that the Minister will play next with a very serious attitude.

Liu Sheng’s expression remained unchanged, who “recovered his spirit” from his teammates in one sentence.

However, his approach has scared the “friendly” Higa candidates who have been watching Rikkai Taisho elections.

-Is it so scary?

Minister Rikkai is really so terrible!

Just now, the Okinawa teenagers who watched Yukimura’s end but kept quiet like everyone else became silent again. They tacitly offered “Blessings” to their minister in their hearts-I hope this doubles game can go smoothly!

I’m sorry to think so, Kite

But these Higa players really feel that their minister is the “weakest” one in the court right now!

The No.7 of the opposing army is definitely “different from the outside”!

Another high school student No. 8 is so cruel before going to court!

His teammate, Minister Rikkai, is a very special and strong mental player!

-Why can’t their minister want to open doubles?!!

The members of Higa were completely kept in the dark by Kite Eishirou. They didn’t know that this qualifying match was actually “arranged” by Kimijima.

Rikkai just accepted it.

–The Rikkai is big now, so you won’t be afraid of any calculations made by other people at all!

The “invitation” given to Kite is also the result of Kimijima’s many considerations. The character and strength of the Okinawa martial arts boy are all that Junjima needs in this game.

As for the Minister of Rikkai

King Rikkai really has no dead ends.

But Kimijima does not need to find the “big blind spot of Rikkai”, let alone defeat the Minister of Rikkai.

The calculation goal of No. 7 of the First Army is just to “change partners”.

The middle minister of Higa, Kite Eishirou, is a person who can absolutely accept “negotiations” and is the first layer of guarantee in the “arrangement” of Junshima. If possible, the use of football skills can directly violently accomplish certain things.

Minister Rikkai’s position in the game is the “last guarantee”.

In the first match of the qualifying match, Maori and Oichi must play as doubles players. Therefore, the first army No. 7 who can know the character and style of the middle school students will inevitably “guess” the Maori and the smarter middle school opponents.

Nioh Masaharu, a junior high school student’s tennis prowess, makes Byodoin look different

Kimishima doesn’t think his current partner Tohno Atsukyo is a complete fool!

–The worst result is what it is now.

Maori and Yue Zhi played the “trump cards”, but the result was still a miserable defeat.

In this case, even with his “help”, those excellent middle school students might bleed under Tohno’s racquet who went all out to execute the sentence, and then lose!

after all

In this case, if Tohno Atsukyo is still thinking about punishment, how can he listen to Junjima honestly and use 60% of his strength?

If Kimishima still insists on the practice of “sixty percent strength” in this situation, I am afraid Tohno will be the first to execute him in the doubles match!

Therefore, the appearance of Yukimura and the tennis strength of Minister Rikkai are the hole cards in the No.7 plan of the first army-it is the “worst result”, because in this case, Kimijima’s own position in the first army may not be kept!

However, for his “goal”, No. 7 of the First Army is badly prepared to lose its badge. He just carried out his “arrangement” according to the “worst result”.

Kimijima is good at negotiation and understands people’s hearts.

Rikkai’s big tennis team is so strong and confident that they will not refuse his “proposal” because of caution-after all, he just invited Seiichi Yukimura to play in this qualifying match and didn’t tell the big Rikkai player his “goal”.

He knew well that Minister Rikkai would never agree to his “deal” just because of the badge.

As for how his “objective” was achieved

Thanks to Maori, he got such a brilliant idea!

Mōri Juzaburō has been talking about Rikkai for so long during the expedition. Although Kimijima is reluctant to listen to this, he is still thinking about it after hearing it so many times.

Rikkai’s seniors have such a good relationship, Seiichi Yukimura is obviously another good minister.

However, Tohno is also a tennis player keen on executions–

Kimijima doesn’t know what kind of tennis prowess that the angry director Rikkai will explode on court!

He only talked to Yukimura for a few words in private, and did not bluntly “negotiation” or mention “transaction” to Yukimura.

Tennis on the court has no eyes, and the tennis player is meant to target the opponent’s weakness to strike.

Once you really hit Tohno in a practical sense

Kimijima felt that even if he lost this game, he was willing!

He is ready to “pay the price”!

#Appearance high cold Rikkai Taisho elections: No, you don’t know how much you will pay!#

“Kimijima turned down today’s interview by himself. It’s incredible!”

Coach Tuo Zhi has no prejudice against No. 7 of the First Army, but he feels that Kimijima will not be such a person “because qualifying is too important, so I must push the interview.”

“Because you have to pay attention to your image?”

“Everyone pays attention to this.

Coach Saito said with a smile.

When he said this, he must have deliberately ignored something. For example, Tohno Atsukyo’s ball style image, as well as Byodoin and Oni’s personal appearance.

“No, Junjima wouldn’t do that.”

Coach Kurobe shook his head and said.

He also has a good grasp of the players’ psychological thoughts-although he has yet to see the biggest problem and horrible thoughts in the mind of No. 7 of the army.

In another parallel timeline, Kan Junjima knew that he was going to play an unsightly doubles game, but he still accepted an interview before the game.

but now

“. “Our goal is to win this qualifying match for the upcoming U17 Youth World Cup.”

Before the game, Kimijima said with style.

Tohno Atsukyo looked at Yukimura and Kite and snorted without speaking.

“The number of players in the U17 World Cup is limited, so sorry.”

Kimijima said with an expression that was not sorry at all, her eyes focused very much.

– Is it possible that Kimishima is able to possess the current tennis prowess just by relying on “negotiations” in words?

This is definitely not the case.

Every tennis player has experienced hard practice before entering the U17 training camp. The high school students who can have the badge of the first army have experienced extremely hard training and left too much sweat.

If you don’t really love tennis, how could Kimijima, who became famous at a young age with his own image, insisted on playing tennis?

He can have another likable character.

Even without tennis, I believe he will have good results in other areas with his abilities.

But this is how Kimijima identified “tennis”. His star career is just a side job.

Kimijima, who has a pretty good family background, doesn’t worry about his future. He doesn’t need to suffer from the pain of practicing tennis-you know, Kimijima is a real “noble son”, and he can inherit the family business without a career and be praised by others.

The interview is just a few words. The U17 training camp will not allow interviewers to film the game. But it was such a simple few-sentence interview, but Junjima did not accept it as usual, but resolutely rejected it (Zhao).

The reason why he didn’t accept the interview as usual is actually very simple–

This doubles game will be a very exciting game worthy of preparation for him.

Deep down, Kimijima is so attached to tennis. Although he refuses to admit it directly, he is so looking forward to this “maybe lose” doubles match!

Ps (to be continued), in order to avoid controversy, let me say something. It is roughly mentioned in the formula book that Junjima’s family is very good (although I don’t know what it is, but if you compare it, you can take a look at Atobe), and he can go home and inherit his family business at any time.

Pps, although the subscription is free, I also said that I don’t want to watch the game and just look at the beginning and the end, but! Incomplete subscription and full subscription are of course different! [Subscription is free, but the result is arrogant]. When things that have been laid for many times are exposed, there will be a feeling that it is so natural, and the author is not responsible for the details again

Explain it from beginning to end, because this is unfair to readers who are fully subscribed and read carefully. The chapters outside the game are not furnishings. There are a lot of hints and foreshadowings. You can go back and have a look again! Some people have said that there are things in the chapters that dislike “water”, otherwise I will update so slowly and write about them. ? (Emotional changes,

Attitude issues, everyone’s decisions and practices, are laid out slowly for the sake of smooth writing. You can read the chapter again if you think it is “useless”) It is more clearly mentioned that it is in the small volume of the qualifying game. If you forget it, you can read it again. I’m all here, but I don’t need to explain more, and I won’t mention it in the comment area. [Subscription is free, but the result is at your own risk]


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