Chapter 744 : Ryomavs Ryoga, play hard

“U17 Representative Team Qualifying, First Army VS Second Army, fifth game, singles game–”

“Best of three, Echizen RyogaVS Echizen Ryoma, the game starts now!”

The opening atmosphere of this singles game is also very strange. “”

Because both players in the game enter from the same side

“Let’s play it seriously, Ryoga!”

The amber cat-eyed boy said to the person across from the net.

“Play a game seriously”-this matter has almost become his heart knot.

At the beginning, the man finally agreed to him, but when he was delighted, he drove away directly. So that, until now, he can’t forget the feeling of powerlessness at that time!

“I miss that tone.”

“But you called my elder brother at the beginning, not a little bit.”

Although Echizen Ryoga has the same emotions as the young boy opposite, he can’t forget the feeling of powerlessness when he had to choose to leave by car.

“Two-six-three” But unlike Echizen Ryoma, Echizen Ryoga’s ability to hide emotions is much higher than Echizen Ryoma’s ability to conceal emotions in certain places in the world. Therefore, he was able to stand on court as usual.

–“You promised.

The answer to Echizen Ryoga was an unusually firm gaze, and this sentence.

The younger brother who admits to death is so persistent and difficult to deal with.

But only one-

Others don’t know what Echizen Ryoma is talking about, but Echizen Ryoga knows–

He can’t avoid it.

“It’s just seven or eight years, don’t tell you to forget, Echizen Ryoga!”

Refusing to serve, Echizen Ryoma waited for his opponent in this qualifying match to give him an affirmative answer.

“That’s it”

No. 4 of the first army smiled suddenly.

“Then let’s make another agreement!”

Although both of them have grown up, in the eyes of either of them, the other has not changed much.

So when Echizen Ryoga said “make a promise”, Echizen Ryoma couldn’t help holding racquet’s hand harder.

This tone

This look

It’s like going back to the beginning!

“Don’t look at me like that, little one.”

“I can’t run away now–”

“And as the No. 4 of the first army, I have to win this qualifying match, isn’t it?”

What Echizen Ryoga said this time is definitely his true words.

He really didn’t deceive Ryoma this time.

“I won’t leave alone.”

He looked at Echizen Ryoma and said.

Echizen Ryoga thought to himself, how can I go alone if I want to leave, of course I want to take you with me.

“So promise me one-“”

“If I win, how about calling me’brother’ and giving me a hug after a long time, just like chasing me and calling my brother before?”

In order to get close to his younger brother, Echizen Ryoga really bothered.

He wouldn’t even let go of the chance to qualify!

Probably because of his brother’s instinctive vigilance, Echizen Ryoga, who finally met his younger brother, had a very strong sense of crisis.

Seven or eight years is enough to change too many things.

Although his old man Echizen Nanjiro is still on Ryoma’s “challenge list”, it is similar to the name “Echizen Ryoga” on the Echizen Ryoma list seven or eight years ago except for “Echizen Nanjiro”. Compared to, now my brother’s “challenge list” is really too many names-words!

–In other words, Echizen Ryoga has already felt the crisis of his decline.

So without Echizen Ryoma speaking, he is ready to “let the little brother see my elder brother my tennis skills”.

However, compared to the simple brother who only wanted to “fight with that person seriously”, the scheming brother was too careless.

[I’m thinking about it in my US team~][Ralph, thank me! I will bring Ryoma here!]

Pushing all his scheming actions to Ralph Reinhardt on the other side of the ocean, Echizen Ryoga is actually very grateful for the actions of the legendary samurai who has retired.

– Junior high school on Ryoma is youth, Gakuen is so good!

–It’s great that Minister Seigaku, who made Xiaodian think about the challenge, has left!

The departure of Minister Seigaku Kunimitsu, in Echizen Ryoga’s view, the biggest “contribution” is not to give others a new idea-U17 can actually change jobs~

In Echizen Ryoga’s mind, “Minister Seigaku is gone” means “the little bondage is weakened”!

“Freedom Prodigal Son” has nothing to do with the idea that “a team must always play tennis together”. He only thinks about the question of “how to persuade the little boy to follow him”.


“This kind of thing, let’s talk about it if you beat me!”

Without knowing what kind of scheming the person across the net has, Echizen Ryoma now has only one goal.

By saying this, he has actually agreed to the agreement proposed by the First Army No. 4 by default.

But because of his personal unhappiness, he did not say yes or even offered any conditions.

–The world of tennis teenagers is so innocent…

–A small tennis ball can completely represent the thousands of words in the hearts of players.


Raise your arm, swing and serve.

The tennis ball dragged the trail left by the fast flight and opened the singles game.

Bang bang bang!

Since Echizen Ryoma wants to play a serious game with him, the current No. 4 army naturally will not bear not even playing a shiny ball.

–“The most suitable point for hitting the ball is generally the center of the racquet. Its size depends on the racquet. Only the ball from the dessert is the most comfortable and the least easy to make mistakes. It is best to control. The ball hits around the dessert will be naturally brought. There are different rotations.”

This is when Echizen Ryoma asked the current army No. 4 about “how to play the shiny ball” before, Echizen Ryoga said to him the answer.

For tennis players who have reached a certain level of strength, sweet-point is what they must master.

They may realize themselves slowly while hitting tennis again and again, or they may grasp the feeling of that moment directly-but the lucky ones are still a minority after all.

The net racquet seems not big, but the “sweet-point” on the net racquet hits a shiny ball with the right strength and speed. Without knowing what the “sweet-point” is, it is really rare.

Seigaku’s first grade is selected from young children and practice tennis with his father’s teaching, so the foundation is naturally very solid.

However, the “Legendary Samurai” will not give Echizen Ryoma all his knowledge of tennis.

Because it is not a good thing to accept something that is too advanced at the beginning. Therefore, it wasn’t until Echizen Ryoma met the No.4 of the army gnawing oranges on the 2.9 side that he learned the concept of “dessert”.


The glowing ball is not just good-looking.

If the ball is allowed to hit it, it will crack if it hits the ground, and it will crack the wall like a spider web when it hits the wall.

The tennis ball from the opposite side brought light and brought “destruction”–

Seigaku’s first-year student with amber eyes flashed many, many things in his mind at that moment.

He had never practiced playing this kind of ball before, but before today, he had seen this kind of ball.

“Destroy”-there is blood in the memory of that night!

Ps, yes, the “light ball” mentioned in the dialogue between Ryoma and his brother is the ball of Byodoin Temple. The boss of the first army finished writing the scriptures in his dormitory, and then went out with racquet, and then went to the former love, Chapter 52 of this volume ~ the romantic (crossed out) personal activities of high school students before the game~).

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