Chapter 749 Samurai road, young heart

The No. 4 army who is fighting on the court does not know that his current plastic flower love teammates are discussing him.

Although Echizen Ryoga is not in a “seamless” state, his happy mood is not weaker than that in that state.

– The more powerful the tennis ball from the opposite side of the net, the more it can explain that Xiao Budian missed his brother!

As a result, Echizen Ryoga played harder and harder, and at the same time, he became happier as he played.


The tennis ball hit the ground, so that the originally good quality of the court became “inferior.”

The dust is flying, flying away in the power of tennis.

In the face of these, Echizen Ryoma’s movements did not stop at all, but he still failed to catch the ball.

“30:15, Echizen Ryoga scored!”

–what ‘s the truth?

The dark-green-haired boy with a hat pressed the brim of his hat annoyingly.

It seems that it’s just a lot of balls in a row, and the “dessert” is the best hit point, but this is not impossible to catch!

Although I didn’t know what “sweet-point” is until today, I have to say that Echizen Ryoma’s worst point is this impeccable click.

So, “dessert” is not a problem for him.

“Glowing Ball”, he is not incapable of hitting it

But why is it that it’s obviously a multi-ball continuous play, and it’s just a split-body-ball. Why can’t you catch the ball when you receive it?

That feeling

Seems familiar, he seems to have felt it many, many times

Seigaku’s first-year student thought so, and he was only one step away from the window paper where Kato broke his mind.

I just don’t know whether he can realize this before the end of the game.

“Although their tennis is different, they all have their own personal characteristics. But there is always the same thing.”

“The personal mark of the legendary samurai is not so easy to eliminate.”

Because of the timely “pacification” (???) of No. 2 of the First Army, Nioh also gave up on a topic that was not so good.

He turned to the tennis of “Legend Samurai-Echizen Nanjiro”.

“Coming down in one continuous line”||? ”

After Tanegashima Shuji listened, he blinked very clearly.

“Echizen Nanjiro almost formed a genre by himself.”

“Selfless State is actually just a simple thing for the general public. What his tennis really needs to pass on is his “Samurai”

Think about the one after Echizen Ryoma’s other-dimensional phantom appeared, and then think about his and Yukimura’s feelings and experiences when playing tennis with Echizen Nanjiro after the end of the national competition. Nioh really feels that the so-called “Samurai Legacy” is in some way In fact, it is also a kind of restraint that is difficult to get rid of.

Why does Echizen Ryoga play tennis while walking around the world?

Does he just want to use tennis to earn living expenses?

–Following the thoughts just now, you actually want to get rid of the influence of the “Samurai”, right?

The more powerful things, the more profound the impact on people.

The “Legend Warrior” has a very strong personal mark on the tennis path.

Following this path, of course, one can become an excellent professional tennis player and one with good tennis skills.

Because this road really has extraordinary potential, and it has been verified by the pioneer Echizen Nanjiro.

However, if you want to climb to the top of the intoxicating mountain of tennis, it is impossible to take the road with the mark of the predecessors.

Echizen Ryoma and Echizen Ryoga, no matter how they fit the “Samurai Road”, they are not as good as Echizen Nanjiro and this tennis road!

Even if you can follow this path, even if you can win the professional championship by virtue of this path, but in any case, at least one person is unbeatable at all-if you just follow the path of Echizen Nanjiro, Echizen Ryoma will never defeat that “legendary samurai”!

“Actually, with Echizen Ryoma’s current tennis level, if it can be used, it is already very rare.

Although it is to be “super Echizen”, this does not mean that you must get rid of what you have learned in front of you if you want to become stronger. “Legendary Samurai” is so powerful in the field of tennis, his path is not only broad, but also very suitable for Echizen Ryoma.

But this is too powerful result

“How old is he?”

No. 3 of the first army is a little bit dumbfounded.

Talking with these people who have been able to determine that they will represent teammates, the No. 3 of the first army is not at all prestigious.

“Guo Yisheng can achieve that level, and if it is really the legendary “Samurai” I have heard of, I can defeat most of the players in the World Cup!”

At the level of the first country, is it necessary to “introduce the old and bring forth the new” out of his own path of tennis?

No. 3 of the First Army is in a very complicated mood now. When he was in National One, he couldn’t even see the road ahead, and he couldn’t find the way down a wide road!

“Well, is Masaharu hinting at himself?”

Yukimura nodded and said suddenly.

The Minister of Rikkai has been watching Nioh for a long time. Tanegashima Shuji, a senior in the army, was able to discover where Nioh Masaharu seemed to have changed, and Seiichi Yukimura could naturally detect it.

In other words, Nioh himself is too lazy to hide his emotions and thinking changes. As long as other people are not a stick or self-persuade, they are too lazy to take care of such things, they can definitely feel that this white-haired Rikkai player suddenly seems to be “self.” “Liberation” is the same.

But as mentioned above, both Atobe and Kite belong to the “self-persuade” series. They can make up for the reason on their own. What’s more, things about Nioh Masaharu don’t need a reason in their opinion.

And Byodoin and other high school students are either unfamiliar at all, or “too lazy to take care of” things that have nothing to do with tennis-yes, here is the No. 1 in particular.

Regarding the Rikkai Taisho elections, other people don’t want to get to the bottom. As Rikkai Minister, Seiichi Yukimura really wants to know “why”!

Yukimura, who thinks he is a good minister, doesn’t actually have to “find it down.”

-One he just wants a reason, he wants to grasp the psychological and emotional changes of the players.

“The “Phantom” does have an incomparable advantage on other tennis roads. ”

Minister Rikkai said with a smile, and began to focus on his white-haired staff.

[Yukimura, your desire to control is too strong, hunger]

This idea of ​​Yukimura, Nioh had already understood many times before he was reborn.

It is precisely because he “understood” that after he was reborn, he no longer wanted to provoke the boyhood Minister Rikkai.

(Wang Zhao) Even though Seiichi Yukimura has always been a gentle and considerate minister in his bones, Nioh has too many secrets. He has a lot of things that he doesn’t want others to spy, and he can’t let others know. .

So, for Nioh Masaharu, Yukimura is really a very difficult person to deal with.

The relationship between them is actually pretty good, but sometimes, Nioh Masaharu really wants to stay away from Minister Rikkai.

–This is his mentality when he was young.

–It is also his true thoughts now, especially at this moment.

Ps, in fact, is the mentality. It is more able to wave and skin than before, but at the same time I also know how difficult it is to provoke some people I am facing. Nioh is originally very sensitive and is a person who can jump back and forth (see What did he do to Yukimura on the beach in Australia! What did he do to Oishi in the World Cup! What did he do with Atobe again!!) The current changes are probably

Knowing that there may be a “dead road” before, but the eager heart is more excited?! I didn’t think that I was honestly avoiding it before driving, and now I just want to go, I just woke up.

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