Chapter 752 Suddenly, the samurai is in another dimension, the singles is over

“And for Echizen Ryoma, what is passed to him by No. 4 Echizen Ryoga in tennis is the most important and the highest priority!”

Nioh changed the topic, and then moved the topic to the qualifying match between the Echizen brothers on court.

The “luminous ball” is of course important, and the mastery of the “dessert” can even determine the outcome at some point. But “important” also has priority.

Echizen Ryoma, who is clearly on this “Samurai Road”, has unique opportunities and advantages that far exceed others. That being the case, why give up these?

“Look, now the No. 4 luminous ball, is it different from before?”

Nioh looked at the glowing ball that Echizen Ryoga had just swung in the game and said to everyone.

–The transformation of the power of the “luminous ball” is only in an instant.

No. 4 of the army currently has such a smooth and natural transition between the forces controlled by itself, and it is absolutely “unfettered and unrestrained”.

“Now it’s “Impermanence in all actions”. ”

In Echizen Ryoga’s “Glowing Ball”, the essence and power of “Unparalleled in Ancient and Modern” is no longer poured, but replaced with “Impermanence of All Kinds”.

As a forerunner, Echizen Ryoga is clearly showing his brother the way forward.

Because as long as Echizen Ryoma can comprehend this ball, he can break through the hidden barriers and enter a new and broader realm!

Boom boom boom!

“2:4, Echizen Ryoma scored!”

Comprehending the essence of “unparalleled in ancient and modern”, Echizen Ryoma pulled back a round.

However, since his brother has such big expectations of him, and he does not intend to lose 17


“5:1, Echizen Ryoga scored!”

The luminous ball containing the power of “Impermanence” smashed Echizen Ryoma’s hope of scoring.

Nioh has seen Echizen Nanjiro’s “Impermanence”–

That ball can be described as “the pinnacle of skill”!

In an ordinary yellow ball, it seems that there are thousands of changes.

In the face of this ball, no matter how you perceive it, the result of the calculation in your brain is clearly “unreachable.”

So at the beginning, facing the “Legendary Warrior” ball, he could only do his best to go crazy once, “if he can’t catch it, he just won’t catch it”!

Then after he succeeded in getting the tennis out, he collapsed without strength.

If it is on the court, such an approach is simply a big failure for the tennis player.

But if the opponent is that Echizen Nanjiro, the ball is played on the basis that Nioh has caught the “Unparalleled”! In this case, who can say, who dares to say, he can do the same as Nioh Masaharu What about the matter?

Yukimura marveled at Nioh’s strength to such an extent, Sanada, Yanagi and others were also shocked.

But the person who made such an amazing move was not very satisfied.

In other words, Nioh Masaharu is not satisfied.

–Because the opponent is Echizen Nanjiro, because that trick is the “impermanence” of the legendary samurai in another dimension, is there an excuse to shirk it?

It’s so cool and refreshing to talk about it.

But nine out of ten people who do this in the game are stupid!

Nioh never thought of going to “play hard” casually, and he still wants to play the whole game in the future.

However, at this stage and for a period of time in the future, among the opponents Nioh faces, there is no player who can make him “strike a blow” at all.

Even professional players–

There are also differences between professional players!

–Professional players who can participate in the Youth World Cup cannot be at the level of Echizen Nanjiro.


I have seen Echizen Nanjiro’s “Impermanence” in a different-dimensional state of the samurai. Echizen Ryoga’s luminous ball containing a few traces of “Impermanence” power is very common in Nioh’s eyes.

If he is the opponent of No. 4 of the first army, he can definitely hit the ball back quickly and accurately.

But Echizen Ryoma was very difficult to face this ball-

“15:0, Echizen Ryoga scored!

–I can’t see through, how can I catch it?

At this time, Seigaku’s first-year student looked at the tennis ball falling on the ground, with unresolved confusion in his eyes.

This ball seems to change rapidly…

But since tennis has been played, how can it change anytime and anywhere?

Compared with the sharpness of “Ancient Wushuang”, the elusiveness of “Impermanence” is also a scoring weapon.

“Think about it quickly, little one.”

Echizen Ryoga said with a chuckle.

“There is one last game, it will be over soon.”

Although I was amazed by my younger brother’s tennis talent, on the surface, Echizen Ryoga still looks casual and careless.

This is actually a kind of psychological interference.

But this is also the usual posture of Echizen Ryoga–

Although he is looking forward to Ryoma’s breakthrough, he will never let go of the game because of this.

At this time, the deliberate release of water caused Echizen Ryoma to be harmed.

Echizen Ryoga thinks thoroughly!

Others only watched that this qualifying match was between him and Ryoma, but only he knew it well-

This game is actually Echizen Ryoma’s own struggle!

Since childhood, he has been receiving Echizen Nanjiro’s tennis teaching. Although Echizen Ryoma’s tennis path has been full of defeats since childhood, his path is actually very flat and smooth.

[As long as I don’t think about it, I want to understand]

Echizen Ryoga thought to himself, he himself only received a part of the teaching and then went out to travel. In this case, he can comprehend those, so what about Echizen Ryoma?

Although he is two or three years younger than him, he is actually not that young.

–The perception of “The Way of the Samurai” has been engraved in his heart by that person since childhood, just waiting to be awakened!

Bang bang!

“30:0, Echizen Ryoga scored!”

Seigaku’s first-year student pursed his lips, as if he was still confused and anxious.

He suddenly raised his hand, looked at the racquet he was holding, and then blinked.


Atobe looked at Echizen Ryoma and nodded his brow with his finger.

Minister Hyotei is obviously very concerned about Seigaku’s first-year students. Following Echizen Ryoma’s movements, he leaned forward expectantly.

“–Isn’t it just a glowing ball?”

Although that is the case, it is not difficult for everyone to hear that Echizen Ryoma has a lot of resentment for the shining ball.

However, since he said so, has he found a solution?

On the second army seat, Tokugawa Kazuya’s breathing was light.

The black-haired high school student in court No. 1 is looking forward to the progress of this national player. From Echizen Ryoma, Tokugawa felt that he saw a power called “Hope”.

–The new generation grows so fast and strong, but Tokugawa wants them to grow faster and become stronger.

Boom! Boom!

“40:0, Echizen Ryoga scored!”

Tennis out

But I was also beaten back!

The thing that flashed by–

The long hair is all tied up and tied together. The hairstyle is simple and looks wild.

However, the slender samurai sword in his hand flashed a deadly cold light.

“The Way of the Samurai-Have you finally realized it, Echizen Ryoma?”

The people in the other half of the audience were excited, and Minister Hyotei, who was next to him, also stared at him, but Nioh had already expected this.

Not only was he not surprised when he saw this scene, he felt that it was “as expected.”

– Seigaku’s first-year students can always perform miracles.

In just two games, I realized the essence of “Impermanence” that Echizen Ryoga conveyed to him in the glowing ball.

Ordinary people seem to be deliberately making things difficult.

Echizen Ryoga must be just hopeless.

But Echizen Ryoma really did–

Although it was still not stable enough, his swing directly knocked the tennis out of bounds.

But after all, the figure of “Samurai” appeared behind him!

The horizontal split with a flash of cold light just now coincides with Echizen Ryoma’s swing!


The “Samurai” figure 270 held the sword in his hand and suddenly stabbed ahead.

“At 15:40, Echizen Ryoma scored!

Echizen Ryoma didn’t understand what was behind him at this time, but he now feels that holding a racquet in his hand feels better than ever.

“But it’s over

Although it is No. 4 of the First Army, Echizen Ryoga still remembers his appointment with someone on the other side of the ocean.

Now that he has already said he wants to join there, of course he will not deliberately increase the difficulty for himself. Seeing is believing, after Echizen Ryoga entered the U17 training camp with the first army, he no longer believed in the negative comments about the Japanese teams outside.

Therefore, if you can expose your strength less now, let’s try to expose it as little as possible!

Thinking of this, Echizen Ryoga raised his hand to quickly hold the racquet, and then hit a short ball with a slicing motion.


Compared to the fierceness of the tennis ball, the ball returned by Echizen Ryoga looks light and light.

This ball is the last blow for this kind of game!


With a very small sound, the tennis ball bounced back and forth and fell to the ground.

“Game 2-0, first army, Echizen Ryoga wins!”

The sound of the tiny tennis ball bounced and landed, so that Echizen Ryoma “woke up” from the wonderful tennis feeling before.

“Remember that feeling just now, little one.”

“It’s a pity, you lost to me again!”

Echizen Ryoga said triumphantly across the net.

He is very experienced in the state of Echizen Ryoma just now, and when dealing with this state, he must not chase after him!

Because the fighting spirit of the “Samurai” is extremely powerful. Even if you put pressure on the opponent, you will bounce back like a spring and hurt yourself.

So in the face of this “samurai feeling” of the first awakening, in the situation that you can understand with only one goal just now, the best solution is to “use softness to overcome the strength”. You must not follow the opponent’s will to play, otherwise It can only make the opponent stronger and stronger!.

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