Chapter 783 The partner’s understanding, the two sides are in different dimensions, interspersed with “Baijiu Rumor”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heavy hitting of the tennis ball made the atmosphere on the court even heavier.

The glowing ball of Byōdōin Hōō is like a “switch”. Since that ball, the power of the two swings has improved a notch.

Such two players, in the opinion of a senior player–

“Little Nioh is always able to find a’tacit understanding’ with others, and he seems to be able to reach a tacit cooperation with anyone.”

Mōri Juzaburō, a high school student who can achieve the same tune with Nioh, exclaimed.

His words filled many people with the desire to complain.

Especially Tsukimitsu Ochi who thought he had already adapted to Mōri Juzaburō.

Tsukimitsu Ochi lowered his eyes and silently simulated the steps of “spiritual assassination” into the air.

Hyotei high school students don’t understand–

What is going on with Mōri Juzaburō’s brain circuit?!

Isn’t it smooth when playing tennis?

Why is it so incomprehensible when it comes to his Rikkai junior high school students (especially the white-haired one)!

[The’tacit understanding’ between Byodoin Temple and your junior..][It’s the heart-photo-no, do you want to kill the other’s “tacit understanding”?]

The high-cold Hyotei high school student also keeps pace with the times and has learned to complain in his heart.

If his former Hyotei teammates, whom he knew when they were still in the middle of the country, knew about this change, it is estimated that they would all be frightened to a “fading” one-

Because Tsukimitsu Ochi was in the tennis club of Hyotei Junior High, which was really popular. The Minister of Hyotei, Tsukimitsu Ochi, looked cold and rarely spoke, but he was really a very reliable Minister of Tennis.

Therefore, even if he goes to school, the new minister (the one defeated by Atobe) changed his hairstyle specially to miss him.

“It’s going to start.”

After Seiichi Yukimura spoke, finally another Rikkai player was willing to reveal something.

Since Yagyu Hiroshi came to court No. 1, he didn’t plan to find a seat for himself to sit down and watch the game.

Even if he knows that he is here today to watch the first of two games-it is tiring to stand all the time, but Yanagi just doesn’t want to sit and watch the game.

He was standing at the fence in front of the first row of the auditorium, with his hands on the railing.

“What is it, Liu Sheng?”

What the other junior high school students who were in the audience did not expect was that the player who asked such words would be Rikkai’s Liu Junshi.

Yanagi Renji didn’t care about other people’s probing eyes and surprised eyes.

He was really asking this question seriously from Liu Sheng.

Because he knows that Nioh Masaharu’s usual data can still be guessed and inferred, but the data in the game

[Remove the Yukimura that may be perceptible, except for the Maori seniors, only Yanagyu can guess Nioh’s next move. 】

Although Yanagyu has not partnered with Nioh many times in official competitions, he is Nioh’s doubles partner after all-the doubles partner Nioh chose and admitted.

In the Kanto Competition, the performance of Nioh Yagyu’s doubles combination has proved to others their tacit doubles ability.

Yanagi Renji is willing to admit that he does not know Nioh Masaharu as well as Yagyu Hiroshi.

–This is not an unspeakable embarrassment. Nioh seems to be arrogant and arbitrary in the game, but in fact, it has always been very low-key.

Liu Junshi, who has been low-key to Rikkai, can’t touch his data yet, so he can’t infer the possibility of what might happen in the next game. 123.

“I guess

Liu Sheng raised his hand and pushed his glasses.

“First of all it will be’different dimensions’!”

He looked at the game and said.

Although the word used in the words is “guess”, his tone is quite positive.

After hearing these one-

The middle school students of Rikkai University nodded silently in their hearts.

Notice that the (bhcj) side of the moving and quiet corners of the Maori mouth have a higher curvature.

Just now, Atobe, who felt that “the game hasn’t officially started”, snorted with grudging satisfaction.

Because I was sitting on the side of the first army player’s seat during the qualifying, I accidentally knew that “too many” Higa’s long spectacles flashed.

Many middle-school students have taken a back seat, and they all look forward to it.

[Different dimension of Nioh? What will it be]

–Most middle school students haven’t seen the “defrauder” perform in “different dimensions” yet!


After the first ball, the No. 1 team scored another point.

“30:30, Byodoin scores!”

Then there is Nioh


The best hitting point is not the “patent” of Byōdōin Hōō alone.

At the beginning, Oni Jujiro used a cross racquet to give the junior high school students a good start. The center of his cross line is the “best hitting point”.

Mastering “sweet-point”, Nioh can certainly do this.

“40:30, Nioh scored!

Compared with the “continuity” of the first ball, their “efficiency” has been greatly improved.

And after this–


On the court, the power of mental power is blooming like petals blooming.

As Yagyu Hiroshi said, Nioh’s “next step” on court is first of all “different dimensions”!


And it’s not one side of the court, it’s both sides of the court!

As Mōri Juzaburō said, the two players on the court had a “tacit understanding”. They both “tacited” and used their own “different dimensions” at this time!

–If it is not the most important thing to watch the game now, those players who have heard what Mori and Yanagi said before will look at them with complicated eyes.

But now there is no “if”, everyone puts their minds and observations on the game in the court.


This is Nioh Masaharu’s serve game, so he is the first player to let his “different dimension” explode.

“Different dimensions-Platycodon grandiflorum” is not a common ordinary color, but a pure white with silver light. It looks pure and gives a feeling of purity and thoroughness.

But in line with the title of Rikkai’s big player “fraudster” on the court–

[Typical “fraud”, Mr. Nioh. 】

It was an undisguised “fraud”, Liu Sheng thought about it as he watched the game.

call out–

Nioh on the court didn’t know that his partner was slandering, and he didn’t know that his “different dimension-platycodon” made the middle school students a little lost in an instant.

He only felt that the “different dimension” used today was exceptionally smooth, which made him feel better again.

–The current Nioh Masaharu is in the best and most perfect state so far.

Even on the day of the national finals, he achieved the goal of “Rikkai’s three consecutive hegemony”, but he just let go of a heavy boulder in his heart, and he also has a spiritual seal and a self-blocking machine lock.

–It sounds like a combination of Kunimitsu, Onijujiro, and Byōdōin Hōō.

The responsibility of the Seigaku tennis team started from the beginning of the country. For three years, Kunimitsu has been grief-stricken.

Oni Jujiro lost his competitive game, and although he had a strong tennis strength, he sealed himself.

The U17 World Cup two years ago not only left the scars behind Byōdōin Hōō, but also the shackles dyed by blood and unwillingness.

Until now, after playing against Mori and Ochi, through the match between Tanegashima and Sanada, he realized that Nioh has been able to feel the feeling of “nothing and lightness” for a long time.

It felt so wonderful that he couldn’t help but want to do something to vent his active emotions and spiritual power.

Therefore, there is also the “different dimension-platycodon flower” that is now “blooming”!

Soft but not weak, beautiful and moving.

–Visually, it can arouse people’s inner pursuit and resonance for “beauty”.


Tennis came, and the “different dimension-pirate” greeted it.

Nioh’s different dimensions are really two styles of painting compared with Byodoin’s.

The middle school students are still attracted by Nioh’s different dimensions. They would have been unable to look away for a while, but the different dimensions of Byodoin directly forced the attention of the “audiences”.

-From the gentle beauty of the gentle breeze and drizzle, you directly enter the cruel world of rain and wind without going overboard. Middle school students feel that they feel dizzy.

–It was like riding a roller coaster, rushing down the slope from the top of the mountain, and then rushing up again and turning backwards in the air.

The murderous “Western Sword” directly greeted the “flower branch of lisianthus” with flying petals.

Byōdōin Hōō’s racquet also stopped the tennis ball.

“In a flash of fifty years, the Iraqi people have changed.”

In the audience, Irie Kanata chanted.

The middle school students felt dizzy for a moment because of “unacceptable”, but the high school students were very interested.

Or to be more specific, specific to a specific high school student player–

Irie Kanata looks very engaged now.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the sitcom he wrote, and he did not hesitate to sit next to his fellow high school students watching the game.

“Go with the old and new faces, and go between the clouds.”

He chanted this sentence affectionately, and then finished his chanting under the eyes of Onijujiro, Tokugawa Kazuya, and other high school players who could hardly stand it.

“Since I learned that Nioh’s different dimension is the form of “bellflower”, I wanted to create

However, Irie Kanata’s self-directed and self-acted performance did not end.

“But it’s a pity, I still don’t have enough talent, no talent!”

Tennis players who have performed “I’m so weak, I can’t beat my opponent” many times have begun to perform similarly.

“I have no artistic talent, nor creative talent.”

The high school player who once directly acted and turned his five-dimensional data record in the U17 training camp into a very poor “quadrangle” almost weeped.

-As soon as he plays this way, Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya next to them are unified and want to get up and leave.

Oni and Tokugawa were only a little too close to getting up.

But Irie won’t let himself fall into an awkward situation. He knows Oni and Tokugawa so much, how can he not know the other party’s acceptance of the baseline?

“That’s why I searched for a long time, and finally found “Kijiong Yao”!’

Irie Kanata said as soon as he saw it.

He said with satisfaction, still quite regretful in his heart.

Because “The Ballad of Kikyo” was originally prepared for his doubles match with Nioh.

As a result, it was useless for unspeakable reasons!

[But now that you are ready, you can’t waste it!][It’s just right to use here!]

In order not to waste “materials”, Irie, who watched the screenwriter at the game and then directed and acted by himself, really struggled.

Ps, Nioh is already very hard. This is the beginning of the first set. Byodoin is also very hard, he is No. 1 in the army, and he doesn’t have the treatment for Tokugawa to appear on the stage soon after the opening!

But at present, the most fighting person is the Irie player who added himself to the audience in the audience! Although, if he continues to perform, Tokugawa-kun may really leave with a cold face-from the standpoint of Tokugawa, Irie’s slumbering behavior is like a sudden commercial interruption when we are fascinated by a drama~.

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