Chapter 791 Phantom object, wind critic killed


–The sixth round begins.

Byōdōin Hōō took a deep look at the referee Tanegashima Shuji who urged the start of the game, and then began to serve. The current thinking of No.1 of the First Army is very obvious. He wants to investigate the “criminal” of No.2 of the First Army after the fact.

However, when the “Two-Way Phantom” was revealed by Nioh himself, the game was no longer what it was before.

Although the pure white “Different Dimensional-Lisianthus” seems to be rooted on the court, there is no big move, but Nioh’s “killing move” that was laid out from the beginning of the game has already worked!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“15:0, Nioh scored!”

Byōdōin Hōō squinted his eyes slightly. Now he has a clearer understanding of his current “situation”.

–It’s like being deep in a swamp, it is difficult to move freely inside.

Although I can still swing, I always feel “constrained”.

[This is just the beginning, Senior Byodoin!]

Nioh now needs to win at least four small games to win this set.

This is a three-set game, not a short, quicker seven-ball matchup. Nioh used the “Two-Way Phantom”, and at least he had to win a set first. Therefore, he can’t be self-righteous, and temporarily trapping the No. 1 army can only be said to be a “beautiful beginning”.

To have a “good ending”

Nioh thought to himself, he has to work harder “Nine-Nine-Three”! Try hard to make the No. 1 army sink deeper!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tennis balls are flying around the net.

Nioh controls the rhythm of the game and prevents the high school player across the net from breaking free from the “quagmire” formed by his phantom.

The intangible and intangible spiritual power spread out, but they are closely connected.

Nioh’s mental power is like flowing water, gently invading Byodoin’s realm. But unlike the water droplets that drift with the waves, although Nioh’s mental power has shown a soft side, his inner aggressiveness has also been strengthened.

– Dealing with Byōdōin Hōō on the Internet court, just gentle “hypnosis” is not good, you must be hard!

-Both soft and hard is the best way to restrain the army No.1.


“15:15, Byodoin score!”

Listening to Tanegashima Shuji’s score report, it was obvious that he was the player who got a small score, but Byōdōin Hōō’s face turned darker.

Just looking at the “immediate gains and losses”, the score is in his favor.

But he could feel that just in the past few rounds, when he was swinging, his self-control had dropped again!

Bang bang bang!

“30:15, Nioh scored!”

Who is “Phantom”? Who is “Controlling”?

Nioh didn’t waste his mental power too much, and put on himself and the senior high school student whose face on the other side of the net became more and more unsightly.

But he has been strengthening his “phantom”–


His mental power was shaking like crazy.

With every step of his running, every swing, and stepping on the rhythm he wrote, the No. 1 high school player in the army on the opposite side of the net has a kind of “unfamiliarity” with tennis.

Bang! Bang!

“40:15, Nioh scored!”

Byōdōin Hōō has played tennis for a long time. He is familiar with his racquet and the yellow ball. If it’s normal, he doesn’t need to think about each time he swings, and he can swing like a conditioned reflex-because he is so familiar with the feeling of swinging.

Among the various exercises that tennis players do, from beginners to professional players, swing training is a subject that will never fall out of the training menu!

But now


“3:3, Nioh scored!”

It’s too awkward.

The audience members may not think so, but Byōdōin Hōō is more and more aware of the power of this seemingly insignificant derivative technique “Two-Way Phantom”.

After playing tennis for so long, how long has he not felt the “jerky” sensation of his swing?

Obviously, he was able to fight against the white-haired junior high school kid on the opposite side, and he was also able to perform smooth swing movements, but these movements were not familiar to Byōdōin Hōō.

“Two-way Phantom”

No. 1 of the first army looked at racquet, he spit out.

“Phantom’s object is yourself?”

No need for the gloating referee next to the No. 2 player of the First Army to explain and comment, the leader of the First Army guessed it himself.

“Nioh Phantom”, as Nioh Masaharu’s proud technique, has long been studied many times. Combined with some other intelligence information, as well as Byōdōin Hōō’s own personal experience, he only spent this round of time to think of the key points.

In the previous sparring, those small games were not in vain. Nioh is in the layout, but Byodoin’s anti-Phoenix during this period also really felt Nioh’s style and style of play.

[Too obvious-][Isn’t this kid a “fraudster”, why don’t you know how to cover it up?]

No.1 of the first army again disliked Nioh in my heart.

When Byōdōin Hōō was playing, and when he was not playing, he often disliked his opponents and teammates.

Had it not been for he did have the tennis strength that could suppress the U17 team, he would have been angrily invited to court.


Knowing the phantom object of “Two-way Phantom”, can this trick be solved?

Nioh just faced the question of the affirmative sentence of No.1 of the First Army, bending his lips, he smiled and said nothing.

If you know the principle and you can crack the moves, isn’t the data tennis invincible in the world? They still insist on their tennis path and do what they do, just learn data tennis!

Theories and principles need to be paid attention to, and even indispensable, but just to know these, there is still a distance of tens of thousands of miles from the victory of the game.

“15:0, Nioh scored!”

Score a goal, simply and neatly ACE.

“Mach serve?!”

In the audience, many high school students recognized it.

With Nioh’s height, of course, he doesn’t have the good conditions for high-speed serving like Tsukimitsu Ochi. But he can make up from other places and make up to make this ball look like “Mach serve”.

– “Mach serve” with Nioh Masaharu style.

This is the changeable “fraudster”.


As soon as racquet fell, he could hear the sound of a tennis ball landing.

“30:0, Nioh scored!”

It’s almost the end of this round. When it’s time to score quickly, we must hurry up and speed up the efficiency of scoring – who knows if the opponent on the opposite side of the net will have an “unexpected move” in the next second?

Nioh wants to leave himself a “cushion room”, he didn’t want to feel the feeling of “remorse and powerlessness” long ago. So, take advantage of the opportunity of the serve game, hurry up and directly ACE to end this small game!


Nioh’s left arm made a slashing motion.

This action is familiar to many middle school students–

“Zero serve!”

This move may not be able to score before, but in this case, it is another ACE.

“40:0, Nioh scored!!

Tanegashima Shuji was very happy to watch from the court.

No. 2 of the First Army has adjusted its mentality. “Accountability” What this is after the game! The most important thing is now, the game in front of you!

Therefore, No. 2 of the First Army decided to forget the previous glance that the leader of the First Army looked at him, and he continued to watch the game seriously.

“Senior Byodoin, guess what moves I will use next?

Not intentionally targeting Byōdōin Hōō. Although Nioh thinks his style is low-key, everyone else thinks that he is “aggressive” in the court game.

–No matter the style of the game or the words of the speech, it makes people feel that they can’t get used to the kind of “aggressiveness” in the heart.

[Yiu Du has admitted, and Yanu is also an offensive player][I am obviously very versatile. 】

Considering that he is almighty and therefore the “moderate”, Nioh always feels that he has been persecuted by the critics.

What he did on the court was not too much, right? He obviously worked hard to make others feel “harmless”, although in the end his “efforts” all ended in failure.

Now, the Nioh player who was “succumbed to the wind critics” finally decided to do something “in accordance with the personality”!

Now that his rumors have been spread like that (Nioh: Puff, it’s not me who pulls hatred like this! [Yagiu: It’s you, Nioh-san, accept the reality. 1), Nioh is not polite with Byōdōin Hōō That’s it! No. 1 of the first army does not need him to be polite and polite!

“Humph, nonsense

Byōdōin Hōō had a cold face and was very unhappy.


Push your waist and abdomen, this familiar movement

“It’s Tang Huaise serve!”

Someone from the middle school student who was very cooperative yelled directly.


“4:3, Nioh scored!”

A round of ACE, all succeeded.

“Nioh is “showing off his skills”?”

“Perhaps you think it is easy to be cracked by the opponent when you use one game continuously?”

“Although this statement is reasonable, I still think that Nioh Masaharu is purely because of “personal pleasure.” . ”

“So it’s “Showing Skills’?!!”

Nioh asked Byodoin to conduct a “guess and guess” activity. Although No. 1 of the first army rejected this interaction, the players in the audience participated enthusiastically.

The situation on the court is very good now, and the middle school students are particularly relieved, so in a happy mood, they started the discussion happily.

“Because of that “fraudster’s pleasure”? Isn’t that correct?”

“Did he play in the game?!

“Nioh was interacting with the boss just now. It’s amazing. 2.9 is a middle school student!”

The high school students are also talking over there.

Most of them are unfamiliar with Nioh, but they have watched Nioh’s game videos and some news reports collected by the U17 training camp in the tennis world of junior high school students, so these people can be regarded as “cloud understanding” of Nioh. .

So, in summary, combining the discussion and dialogue between junior high school students and high school students–

“This is the result of him not paying attention to his image.”

Marui Bunta said bitterly.

“Well, Nioh did sometimes give people a more impressive impression in previous games.

Kuwabara said this kindly and conscientiously.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as the result is good, the process can be appropriately artistic.”

– Seiichi Yukimura is very tolerant of his teammates.

Minister Rikkai spoke very connivingly, but his words were counterproductive.

“Too lax!”

“You must treat the game carefully and wait until you defeat the opponent before you can relax!”

Sanada watched the game and listened to Yukimura’s words. He frowned, completely unaware of Seiichi Yukimura’s curled mouth.

– First Deputy Minister Rikkai is so serious!

Ps, really didn’t paddle or play, just said a few words and commented on the murdered Masaharu:

Nioh’s words in the game are really easy to cause a wide range of mood swings. .

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