Chapter 793 Fake the real and deceive another dimension


“5:3, Nioh scored!”

Head coach Mifune and Coach Saito got such a “big surprise” as soon as they arrived at Court No. 1.

–This is really “shock and joy”!

Byōdōin Hōō has even used different dimensions. His tennis strength has already exceeded the category of yesterday’s qualifying, but he is still beaten to such a score.

“It’s really a cunning little fox, like you said, the head coach.

The mental coach Saitō Itaru watched the game and said in a gentle and surprised tone.

He is really surprised now, because the current score-if Byōdōin Hōō is in the lead, he will definitely not be surprised. But the current score is that Nioh Masaharu is leading, Byōdōin Hōō is crushed and beaten, and he is also in a certain “dilemma”!

“Huh? Can already reach this level?”

Three Mifūne Nyudō’s three head coaches ignored Coach Saito. He didn’t even pay attention to Coach Kurobe and Coach Takuchi who came over because he saw him and Saito.

Looking at the game on court, the head coach seemed to be dazzled by today’s sun. He looked at the two players on the court, squinted his eyes, and then stretched his eyebrows.

–Thank God, thanks to Byodoin and Nioh for this game, the bad mood of the head coach San Mifūne Nyudō who was about to blow up was finally calmed down.

“Has the head coach seen Nioh’s move before?”

“His” two-way phantom, probably has been exerting influence since the beginning of the game, and has now trapped Byodoin in four small games. ”

Tactical coach Kurobe Yukio gave a brief “explanation” to the two new “audiences”, and inquired about the information they didn’t understand from the head of Mifune without any concealment.

“Huh, this kid originally had a lot of talent for doubles, and his “forced homology” simply overturned other people’s cognition of doubles homology.

The head coach of Mifune didn’t mean to hide information.

Although he felt that the problem of coach Kurobe is too pediatric, his old man is in a good mood now, so he has the patience to explain it.

“Two-way Phantom?”

The head coach Mifune sneered as he said.

“How did he introduce his move?”


“What kind of trick do you think the’Two-Way Phantom’ is?”

The head coach asked.

“The derivative technique of “Nioh Phantom” probably makes the opponent enter the state of “Phantom”.

Although he was a bit hesitant because of the head coach’s words, coach Kurobe calmly said what he knew and what he understood.

Then he heard the ridicule from the three head coaches of Mifūne Nyudō.

“Hahahaha, what did Nioh Masaharu say?”

The head coach’s laughter made Coach Kurobe and others understand a problem–

He said that, do you really believe it directly?!

“Is not it..”

Coach Tuo Zhi can’t bear the current situation.

Because San Mifūne Nyudō, the third head coach, when his old man entered Court No. 1 to watch the game, he swaggered in with Coach Saito who was more than two meters tall and dressed in a white coat.

These two people got some attention from junior and high school students as soon as they came in.

In fact, it was only the attention of some people, but the head coach of Mifune laughed so loudly.

“Hey eh, isn’t this our three-ship coach on the back mountain!”

The middle school students who came back from Houshan opened their eyes wide.

“What is he laughing at?”

“Are we deceived again?”

From the very beginning, I noticed that the head coach of Mifune and Coach Saito, and the players who could hear the conversation between the coaches because of the close distance, reacted very quickly this time.

They quickly spread their thoughts by word of mouth and passed them on to others.

[Remember that Nioh Masaharu is a’fraudster’, don’t believe what he said on court! Who knows if what he said is true or false, or half true and half false at all?]

The players in the audience were entangled.

They obviously watched the game with a relaxed and happy mood. As a result, at the beginning of the game, Nioh and Byodoin’s rally hit their self-esteem, and then they began to think very brainstorming about “what exactly is Nioh going to do” and “Nioh.” “What’s going on with his moves” is a bald question.

Faced with these problems, only Rikkai players can keep smiling–

Wait, it’s not right.

It should be more precise!

–Faced with these problems, most of Rikkai juniors can keep smiling.

Because of Rikkai’s second-year ace Kirihara Akaya, his expression is so rich that he doesn’t mean to receive it at all.

And among the third graders of Rikkai University

Sanada’s expression changed from satisfied to frowning very quickly and skillfully.

Vice Minister Rikkai’s expression changes skillfully, which makes people feel a little distressed, and deeply sympathizes with his past experience.

“Is it’homology”?”

Inui Sadaharu looked at Yanagi Renji, hoping to get an explanation.


But Liu bit this statement to death. As a teammate, he unswervingly supported Nioh’s introduction of the “two-way phantom” move.

“How could it be cohomology on singles?? There is no sign of’homology’ meow!

Kikumaru Eiji opened his eyes wide and watched the game. As a doubles player, he firmly did not believe that there were signs of “homology” on the court.

“Could it be the “forced homology” hidden by the “phantom”?”

Some people started their associations.

What is going on with Nioh’s “Phantom” and how does his “homology” do it? They can’t thoroughly study and think about these problems, but after they think too much about these problems, they can’t help but start “big thinking”. “Open” association.


Marui turned his head and said helplessly to the deep-faced Minister in Higa.

“Why don’t you believe Nioh’s previous introduction?”

Rikkai’s big red hair asked inexplicably.

“Is it necessary for Nioh to lie to everyone in this regard?”

Marui Bunta felt that with the character of his white-haired pigtail teammate, he would not make a mistake on purpose at that time.

“He might just dig pits easily!

Marui knew his teammates very well. As he said, Kuwabara nodded very affirmatively on the side.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two players ran continuously on the court, swinging their rackets and hitting the tennis ball.

“Want to trap Byodoin Temple?”

“Heh, how can it be so simple!”

After the head coach Mifune laughed at the Kurobe coaches, he saved a bit of “face” for the No. 1 army on the court.

Coach Saito listened to the head coach’s appreciation of their No.1 players in the U17 training camp. He wanted to express his feeling of “flattered” by replacing Byōdōin Hōō.

–It’s not easy, the head coach didn’t even dislike it this time!

“Let’s read on.”

The head coach of Mifune really felt that “rotten wood cannot be carved”, and he didn’t bother to continue to explain.

-ーThe derivative technique “Two-way Phantom” developed from “Nioh Phantom”, is it just a derivative technique based on “Phantom”?

[Spray, it’s really a fox attribute, just wait for the end, right?]

Three Mifūne Nyudō’s three head coaches watched the game and thought so, he couldn’t help but feel sad for Byōdōin Hōō.

The “phase nature” of Nioh Masaharu and Byōdōin Hōō..

It is not intolerable, but it is definitely not so harmonious!

“This kid doesn’t (bhcj) will come straight out of his mind.”

The head coach watched the game and whispered.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Two-way Phantom” seemed to be unable to trap Byōdōin Hōō.

First Army No.1 already has its own rhythm, instead of having to endure and follow Nioh’s rhythm as before.


Byōdōin Hōō’s mental power exploded directly.

It was like setting off fireworks. As the “different dimension-world pirates” drew their swords and rushed over, the coercion of the pirate king swept over in all directions.

Nioh could feel the rage of Byodoin from his mental power and the tennis power he flew over.

Also, the No.1 army was trapped in four rounds, how could it be temperamental?

Thinking like this, he couldn’t help but pursed his lips, then gently tucked the corners of his lower lips.


“4:5, Byodoin score!”

It seems that the result of this set is still unknown?

Tanegashima Shuji announced the score, and he couldn’t see any emotional fluctuations in his expression.

[Don’t forget the Byodoin Temple, Nioh’s trick is called “Two-Way Phantom”!!]

No. 2 of the first army has already begun to laugh in my heart.

If “Two-Way Phantom” only allowed the opponent to enter the state of “Phantom”, then why did he lose so irretrievably in front of the younger generation?

Tanegashima Shuji believes that the essence of Nioh’s trick is not “phantom” at all, but “two-way”!


After “Different Dimension-World Pirates” regained their freedom of action, they became even more tyrannical.

Every one of his swords and every stabbing carried a cruel intention to kill people.


“15:0, Byodoin Temple scored!’

When the ball landed, in the eyes of the audience, the outcome of the game was still undecided.

However at the beginning of the next ball

The ending of this game was unilaterally decided by Nioh Masaharu from the beginning!


The No. 1 high school student of the First Army on the opposite side of the net only had time to hear such a word, and then broke contact with his different dimension.

The No.1 of the first army suddenly shrank at this moment, and he looked up at the opposite side of the net.

“Different dimensional world, world, sea, pirates!”

Word by word, Byōdōin Hōō gritted his teeth and said.

Cut off the connection between “Different Dimension-World Pirate” and his, and then control his “Different Dimension-World Pirate”?

–Is this the real usage of “two-way phantom”?

Byōdōin Hōō took a deep breath.

“By doing this, your own consumption will not be less

“Let me try how long you can last!”

No. 1 of the first army suppressed anger and swung his voice.

However, even though he said so, there are certain things that Byōdōin Hōō himself knows.

[This plate can’t be taken anymore. 】

Nioh’s physical strength is not as good as him, but at least he can survive this set.

In other words, he can only “recover” his “Different Dimension-World Pirate” in the next set!

And it’s worse

Although he has lost control as if he is disconnected from the different dimension, he is still responsible for the consumption of “Different Dimension-World Pirates”! And the consumption has suddenly increased!

These consume one-

Nioh Masaharu is definitely on purpose!

“Senior Byodoin, try your own different dimension!”

The white-haired junior high school student on the other side of the net curled his lips and said.

The “Different Dimension-Bellflower” behind him has been quietly “invisible”, and the only “Different Dimension-World Pirate” currently remaining in the court is the “Different Dimension-World Pirate”.


“Different Dimension-World Pirates” holding the Western sword, rushed to the past.

As early as more than a year and a half ago, he advanced to the “Nioh Phantom” of the different dimensional level. Naturally, the derivative technique will not be as simple as “let the other party reach the phantom state”.

“The fraudster on court”, his introduction to “Two-way Phantom” was really not deceiving, but only concealed some “core information”.

After all, it is a very important hole card, how can you tell your opponent casually?

Nioh thought so and happily used “Different Dimension-World Pirates”. He and the Byodoin seniors opposite the net “share” the consumption of “different dimensions. World pirates”.


“6:4, Nioh scored!”

Tanegashima Shuji’s mood at this time is also very relaxed and happy.

“At the end of the first set, 1-0, Nioh leads!,

He announced the end of the first set, and felt a little sympathy for the Byodoin player who was “cheated” in another dimension for a second.

No. 2 of the First Army, as a fair and fair referee, his performance was still very reserved, and he did not say a word that had nothing to do with the game.

But there was one in the audience-

“It’s not’homology’.” ”

On the junior high school side, someone said melancholy.

Many people were stunned, because the “rebellion” of the “different dimensions-world pirates” at that moment was really unpredictable!

“Oh I got it–”

“Senior Nioh’s target of fraud this time is the opponent’s’different dimension’!”

Except for a few cases, Kirihara Akaya, who has always been straightforward, said suddenly.

“This makes me look forward to the next two sets even more.”

On the side of the high school student, Mitsuya Akuto was silent for a while, then said slowly.

ps, are you surprised or surprised?,

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