Chapter 797 Wayward two sides, pirates, destruction, big score 1-1

“Living to death” is what kind of trick, Oni Jujiro is probably the one who understands it better among high school students, because he has personally experienced this trick.

When Nioh came to the U17 training camp from Houshan with Tokugawa and Maori, the ghost thought this white-haired middle school kid was a bit magical. And when he finished the game with Nioh on the court, Oni Jujiro no longer regarded Nioh Masaharu as a “childish junior high school student.”

“Living to death” is a move.. Only those who have really experienced it can feel the creepy feeling!

Therefore, when the ghost sits in the audience and sees this unforgettable move, his expression is really a little subtle and complicated.

“Did you think of anything, ghost?”

Irie Kanata can detect the emotional changes of the people around him in time. When he found some subtle changes in the mood of the colleague next to him, he thought for a few seconds, and then he asked it casually.

“It feels almost the same as that time.”

The ghost said, frowning a little.

It was because the feeling was similar to that time, so he felt that something was wrong. Because “that time” ー-It was almost two years ago, and time has passed so long, is Nioh’s moves still the same~?

If it were someone else, Oni Jujiro would not be so cautious and feel that there is a problem, but facing Nioh, a tennis player who made him feel “unusual”, Oni has intuitively decided after that match. Got my own thoughts. He believes that Nioh’s moves must have “changes” and cannot be set in stone.


Irie Kanata blinked when he heard the words.

“It looks like this, but if there is a difference, it is a difference in’control.’

Irie said, groaning.

“In two years, it is impossible for Nioh to control the different dimensions without progress. However, what his “Different Dimension-Platycodon Flower” shows now, compared with the previous memory, although it has improved, it can also be said to be’almost. . ”

The orange-brown curly high school student made the assessment very pertinently.

“From the perspective of’equivalent substitution’, giving up some “control” will get more’aggressive’-but this is just a theory.”

“Nioh’s different dimension is inherently “indulgence”

Irie Kanata said meaningfully.

Mental and technical different dimensions tend to pay much attention to the player’s ability to control. Even if it is a purely offensive different dimension, it actually requires control. Otherwise, after a few small rounds, the players will be unable to succeed. In this case, there will be no way to play a three-set match.

But Irie Kanata, an insightful person, said that Nioh’s different dimensions are “indulgence”, and his evaluation is correct.

Nioh likes the feeling that the whole game is in his hands, but he also likes the excitement of losing control.

–The two constitute a very delicate balance in Nioh’s tennis.

“Different Dimensional Profound Meaning-Living Towards Death” is Nioh’s first different dimensional move that Nioh has mastered in this life, which very prominently shows his own innermost thoughts.

Irie may not be able to fully understand this at the time, but now he is a senior in high school, and in retrospect he can fully understand this.

At that time, Nioh had a kind of “greenness” that made people unconsciously tolerate him compared with now-

Perhaps it is this kind of feeling that Nioh himself has never noticed in his actions and expressions that makes Maori, who is only one level above him, take care of him like this.

However, Irie now occasionally recalls that he felt that the “incompatible maturity” that Nioh sometimes showed at that time was very attractive to him.

If he was a senior in high school back then, as it is now, he might collude with the coaches and try to keep Nioh in this country for a lifetime.

But it’s a pity

At that time, Irie Kanata himself had only a little hazy feeling. He appreciated art and loved tennis, but he had just entered the second year of high school and he had no idea of ​​cultivating younger generations.

Tokugawa Kazuya, for him and Oni Jujiro, are more inclined to the younger generation they met by chance, not the two of them came to the door by themselves.

“”Let it be’ the end of this game–”

“If the third set is similar in style, Byodoin will probably be pissed off by himself.”

Tokugawa Kazuya wanted to watch the game without saying a word, but now he is watching the game, but he finally understands the question of “Why do some seniors always want to talk and communicate when watching the game”.

Because he is watching the game now, he also wants to find someone to talk about and talk about his own thoughts.

“He is always so condescending

Tokugawa Kazuya spoke of Byōdōin Hōō with a complicated look.

He feels that he has never been able to see what the Byodoin Anti-Phoenix is ​​like. Whenever he wants to give a definition to Byodoin Fenghuang, there will always be “obstacles” that make him hesitate. Hesitated.

But if you want him to throw away all his previous emotions nonchalantly-he can’t do this step.

“Byodoin is too arrogant.

Tokugawa Kazuya felt that after qualifying, everyone thought he had an opinion on Byodoin, and this “opinion” should not be small.

There are even a few middle school students who think he will fight Byōdōin Hōō, literally “fighting”, “fighting” without net racquet–

Although this kind of thinking makes the black-haired high school student himself a little speechless, since someone would think so after watching the qualifying match and knowing what happened before him and Byodoin, does it also show that “Those things done by Byodoin are indeed true Is it too much”?

Think of it this way, even if Byōdōin Hōō is the definitive U17 team leader, he does not need to maintain a strict and respectful attitude.

–He has never had that kind of attitude towards ghosts and Irie, making him respectful of Byōdōin Hōō, which he couldn’t do.

Therefore, Tokugawa also “released himself” smoothly.

Anyway, other people think that he has opinions about Byodo-In Temple, and he does have mixed feelings about this No.1 army, so why should he use words euphemistically instead of straightforward?

“Nioh is not like me.

The “black hole” has strict limits of use. During the period of use, the player’s body has a great burden. But Nioh’s trick, although there is a physical burden, but the biggest burden is mental power!””

Tokugawa spoke with a sarcasm in his tone.

“It’s not always certain who will bring down who first.

The black-haired high school student said with a cold expression.

“Byodoin, does he think everyone will follow his ideas?”

After qualifying yesterday, Tokugawa Kazuya himself thought for a long time in those hours in the infirmary.

He was still dissatisfied with his performance in the qualifying competition.

Not only because of Echizen Ryoma’s affairs, but also because of the last few rounds, he himself was really disturbed by his emotions and ended up in a mess.

If he was able to calm down completely at that time, at least he would be able to sustain a few more games–

This is where Tokugawa regrets.

Because if that were the case, Echizen Ryoma should not be gone

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“1:4, Nioh scored!”

Nioh’s process of chasing points, at first, made everyone feel “unexpectedly smooth”.

Many people even have a “misunderstanding” that makes them feel stunned–

First Army No.1 in this set, is it just not easy to provoke but actually good to play?

Bang! bang bang!

But in fact, Nioh played hard in every game of the second set.

Every point he got was to strive for, not as simple as others looked at.

“2:4, Nioh scored!”

However, not everyone felt that Nioh scored too smoothly.

As the referee Tanegashima Shuji, watching Nioh and Byodoin play these two games, he felt that his heartbeat was almost reaching the standard line of heart palpitations!

“Different Dimensions-Pirates of the World” was full of murderous intent, making him as a referee feel like he was threatened with his life.

“Different Dimension-Bellflower” mental power is flying around, and it induces the generation and growth of negative emotions, and it also makes people unconsciously absent-minded.

Being a good referee is so difficult, Tanegashima Shuji feels a little headache watching the game.

Although those moves were not aimed at him, but as a tennis player in the past, it is really difficult for him to relax the tension in his heart, so that although he is now acting as a referee, he is actually like a player at all times. Be vigilant and cautious.


Regardless of the consumption, the first goal of the “Different Dimensional Profound Truth-Living Towards Death” after Nioh’s decision is negligible compared to the current power.

Once pure and white things are “blackened”, they are really completely black.

Using mental energy to deceive the senses, causing the rapid consumption of physical energy like running water, Nioh has done it many times a long time ago.

The No. 1 “Yangmou” of the First Army can already be crossed after these two rounds.

Because although he succeeded in causing Nioh to consume a large amount of physical and mental energy, his own consumption has exceeded expectations too much!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“5:2, Byodoin score!”

The No.1 of the first army that scored, the fine beads of sweat on the forehead and temples are already obvious.

His breathing became faster than before.

Bang bang bang–


“3:5, Nioh scored!”

Nioh sweats more than Byodoin.

Although different-dimensional moves are the main mental power of the attack, tennis also requires him to swing his racket before he can hit it! Although each movement of catching and serving requires skill, it is also a work of energy.

………Look for flowers…

Nioh today can be considered as “deathing his life to accompany seniors” one-

Because Byōdōin Hōō was serious about this game, he also took his own serious attitude and approached the game with the idea of ​​”muscle soreness and physical exhaustion after the game”.

–Since No.1 of the First Army is so self-willed as the senior leader of high school students, why can’t he be self-willed?

The head coach and other coaches are coming, and Nioh didn’t know it.

He knew that he would fight Byōdōin Hōō in this way. After the game, he would be given a massive meal by the head coach Mifūne Nyudō.

But he knew that there would be such consequences, so he still played the game steadfastly.


There seemed to be a flash of gold and red light before my eyes, and then I heard the sound of a tennis ball landing in my ears.

“15:0, Byodoin score!”

Nioh looked at the senior high school student who was breathing a lot across the net and pursed his lips.

[Is the endurance of Byodoin’s seniors so high?]

If it is replaced by his Maori senior, it is estimated that it will be affected by this time. However, although the No.1 of the first army has a lot of breath, the level of performance in the game still steadily does not decline, and there is even a rising trend that is about to make him uncontrollable!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The scarlet flames formed the blood eyes of “Different Dimension-World Pirates”. Even if they were attacked and induced by mental power, these blood-red eyes like ghosts still made Nioh want to “keep away.”

So he used his extra-dimensional mental power to push the “world pirates” farther.


With the advent of tennis, the imposing “Egyptian Phoenix” screamed sternly, like a sign of vengeance after being reborn from the fire.

“15:15, Nioh scores!”

Bang bang bang–

Nioh felt that he was not the “willful” one in this game.

Because Byōdōin Hōō really played too hard in the second set!

“30:15, Byodoin score!”


The “pirate fleet” strikes like an overwhelming sharp arrow.

The nature of the No.1 tennis of the first army has never been the “purification” that sounds easy to praise, and the nature of his tennis has always been the “destroy” that makes people talk about it!

“40:15, Byodoin score!”

Tanegashima Shuji finally changed his face.

Because of the current situation on the court, it really made him unable to continue smiling nonchalantly.

“Different Dimension-World Pirates” went crazy and rushed in a boat regardless of the threats of their whole body-one

At this time, the “weapon” in his hand was no longer the sharp but somewhat elegant Western sword, but the “pirate fleet” that ignited the flames and rushed over!

If the ocean becomes a hindrance to progress, burning the sea as the road, arson and death


“6:3, Byodoin score!”

Tanegashima Shuji thought that it was not his own reason that he had not wanted to play against Byōdōin Hōō for so long. Their posture in the No.1 competition of the U17 training camp is really that people want to stay away after they have seen it.

Since the return of the mountain after the first high school, the “different dimension-pirate” has awakened. Byōdōin Hōō is like turning on a dangerous trigger. Holding a racquet gives people a sense of “destruction”.

He felt threatened by standing on the court.

This personal trait of Byōdōin Hōō…

After the last World Cup match, Byōdōin Hōō didn’t have any earth-shattering big-action-actions after this (although he entertained Watanabe with tennis and swung Tokugawa), but Tanegashima Shuji’s instinct told him that Byōdōin Hōō became even more. It’s dangerous.

The second set of today’s game proved his idea.

Game one of the second set-

The jade is burnt, nothing more than the same.

After the second set, Nioh leaned on his knees and gasped for breath. Although he didn’t know if he really felt that he couldn’t hold on anymore or he was a bit pretending, but it really doesn’t seem to be any better.

As for Byōdōin Hōō, although he stands upright, his breathing rate has not fallen back to what he once was. Sweat wets the forehead and the neck is shining in the sun-this amount of sweat has reached a dangerous point.

Ps, Nioh certainly had a sense of “greenness” at the beginning. There is no such thing as a “rebirth” event, not to mention that he is indeed the first time. “Incompatible maturity” is better understood. No matter how young the mentality of a person who has experienced a lifetime is young, he will not be the same as a real child. Sentimentality and maturity, the contradiction of the two gathered in one person, of course the attraction

It is not small. Compared with the beauty of order, the unintentional “incoordination” also has a unique rhythmic beauty. I usually buy clothes and so on. If you don’t want all the basic models, you can choose and try this way. Wearing your own style is really superb. earth,

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