Chapter 802 Leverage strength, strictly pave the way

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

The continuous sound came through the air, and the wind came to Nioh’s ears.

The trajectory of the tennis ball is swaying like a snake.


Nioh swung the racket, he blocked all the tracks of the ball, resisting the attack of the mental power that was as sharp as a poison and as sharp as a sword.

Just finished the second set, Nioh still has a very deep memory of the “Egyptian Phoenix” of Byodoin. At that time, the world-class skills of Byōdōin Hōō were accompanied by a spiritual imprint that was as hot as a flame.

And now, the spiritual power of Byodoin who came with the “Indian snake charmer” also gave Nioh this kind of feeling.

– Mingming looked very cold in the first set before.

–Are you so “enthusiastic” now, senior by Byodoin?

The middle school student Rikkai on the court resisted his sudden desire to complain, because he was still very sensible. At this time, if you speak your heart, 80% will be ridiculed by the No.1 army, right?

He didn’t want to be sarcastically said by Byōdōin Hōō, “I haven’t noticed it after playing two games? You only have this weight.” Thinking about this, he already felt very upset.

[Puff, the seniors of Byodoin Temple are still very enthusiastic by nature!]

With this in mind, Nioh decided to find someone (such as his Maori seniors and his Tanegashima seniors) to discuss this topic privately and confide in his own voice when he has time after the game.


With the sound of the tennis ball breaking through the air, the dust was raised.

The momentum on the court continues to expand, and Nioh’s different dimensions continue to expand–

The power and light of “Different Dimension-Lisianthus” makes Nioh’s racquet seem to glow with silvery white light.


Byodoin’s “different dimensions-world pirates” are not to be outdone either.

The field of “Different Dimension-World Pirates” and “Different Dimension-Bellflower” collided with the position of the net, not wanting to let it go, even thinking of annexing each other.

–At this time, Byōdōin Hōō’s “Different Dimension-World Pirate”, his “pirate captain” can’t come to Nioh’s territory as easily as before.

Skeleton pupils and ghost fires resembled a red-eyed “pirate captain”, and were confined to the half court on the side of Byodoin Temple.

This is the confrontation of the “Different Dimensional Realm”!

Whoever breaks through the opponent’s domain first can seize the opportunity!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Different Dimensions-Pirates of the World”–

The “pirate captain” raised his western sword, and then stabbed him directly in front of him

Behind him, the looming and looming “pirate fleet” came with the waves, blowing the horn of offensive, setting off thousands of waves, and piercing the field of “different dimensions-bellflower”.


This is very small. It only exists in the field of mental power, and only the players on the court can hear it. Outside the court or even on the side of the court, even the nearest Tanegashima Shuji could not hear this sound.


The tennis ball hits the ground.

“15:15, Byodoin score!”

Tanegashima Shuji and some players in the audience, they only heard the sound of a tennis ball landing.

The other part of the audience outside the court could not even hear the sound of the tennis ball landing. Because there is “noise” where they are, they are still discussing and even arguing. The sound of a tennis ball falling on the court is too small for people outside the court.


Nioh raised his eyebrows and continued to serve.

A “hole” was pierced in the different-dimensional realm. This is of course a very serious crisis for many tennis players who have different-dimensional realms. But this incident did not actually have much impact on him at all.

His mental power is really an “extraordinary” “extraordinary” in a tennis match!

–Like water, it can enter any tight gap.

–Like a boulder, it can smash through solid barriers.

Bang! Bang!

The water flows in all directions, splashing little drops of water, rushing to all directions.

Nioh’s mental power is like a “flow of water”

Byōdōin Hōō’s “Alternative Dimension-World Pirate” forcibly “stabbed” Nioh’s different dimensional domain into a “small gap”, so the high school student got a chance to “break through” and scored a small point.

But just when he scored, just when that “little gap” appeared–

Did Nioh Masaharu really have no time to do anything?

–The next slap and slap is what he is going to do in the next step.


“30:15, Nioh scored!”

For Nioh’s extremely agile mental power, the tiny and imperceptible gap is like a big poster with “Open here, welcome to enter”.

His advantage is obvious at first, and it is obvious to this point–

Many tennis players simply can’t imagine how much he can do!

“Humph, this round will be followed by the performance of the “fraudster”. ”

The head coach of Mifune had a stern face and looked very uncomfortable, but the forceful momentum and heavy air pressure around him already didn’t know where he was blown away by the wind.

This made the other three coaches and Kirihara Akaya feel relieved.

–Although none of the four of them has seen the current situation on court.

–Only the insightful three-ship coach saw through Nioh’s “thinking” in that shot just now.

[‘Do you use the power of Byodo-in Temple to complete the first round?][Use the price of a small point in the unfinished round to get the score of this small round, and by the way, you can also pave the way for the following game

Nioh Masaharu’s “empty glove white wolf” ability made the U17 head coach, who has lived a “simple life” on the back mountain for a long time, praised in his heart.

A small point that is not necessary to give yourself such a big advantage

–This little fox is really “treacherous”!

Instructor Mifune thought so, almost unable to restrain the corners of his mouth that he wanted to raise.

………For flowers…

“True” is good, only smart players can win the game!

Anyway, it is to show the “treacherous (smart) deceit (wit)” side to the opponent, the coach of Mifune is very happy to see such situations appear many times in the U17 World Cup.

[Young people, although these little rascals are too noisy, they are still smarter and easy to carry!]

I don’t care about (trivial) things, and I leave some affairs of the U17 training camp headquarters to the Kurobe coach and others. The three head coaches of Mifūne Nyudō have not truly experienced the junior high school players recruited by the U17 training camp this year.” Tricky”.

Perhaps, only when it comes to the U17 World Cup match, the coach of Mifune can bring coach Kurobe and others to experience the “feeling of being burnt.”

-To be more precise, “the feeling of pain and happiness, the kind of burnt feeling that has won the game but is not very excited”.

Probably, it is the sense of anticipation of winning, most of which is offset by inner fatigue and powerlessness.


Bang! Bang!

“40:15, Nioh scored!”

What exactly is a “fraud”?

-Combine the previous scene.

Next, the fraudster on the court will answer the questions online for the players.

Bang bang bang–

“1:0, Nioh scored!”

It is definitely not that Byōdōin Hōō is not doing well enough.

In this situation in the first game, any player in the U17 training camp will be unable to recover from such a small game.

Because Nioh uses the same mental power as flowing water, it is not a simple “mental guidance and suggestion.” Nioh Masaharu is playing the current game strictly according to his “plan”. This game is a rare time when he “has no self-play”.

Although he used to play games according to his own plan, he always “self-play” very casually in the middle. But starting from the third set, he has followed his meticulous planning step by step!

– In the first two games, we tried our best to consume the hard-to-play opponent of Byodoin against Phoenix while keeping ourselves. For the last set, we must first prepare for no mistakes!

Because, the “that” Nioh is going to do next

That trick is too difficult.

Even if he has the ability to “phantom”, even if his mental power far exceeds the peak level of high school students in quality and quantity, even if his own tennis strength has already reached the level of a professional player.

To use the “power” in his mind for that trick, it is still far from enough!

That trick, that is–

[The trick of the legendary samurai

With his current strength, it is simply impossible to want a complete “phantom”.

But Nioh still tried his best to perfect it. He worked hard and worked hard to lay the foundation and pave the way for this trick.

ps: No!!! Let me go! It’s Monday, I have to go to bed early and get up early for the 8 o’clock online class, and I have to stay up until the afternoon! (I can’t do a chapter of three thousand words, I will continue to write tomorrow) ,

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