Chapter 807 There are words in the scriptures, the origin of family learning

“Return to nature”, the word represents “the ultimate practice.”

Remove the foreign objects and return to the true–

Get rid of the oppression of the momentum, no need to work hard, use your own free and handy moves to play tennis that shocks your opponents one by one.

The current Nioh, of course, can’t do this to an opponent at the level of Byōdōin Hōō.

But he can make Byōdōin Hōō and others have this “illusion”!

“Is that one of that one’s tennis like this!”

“It really is a’legendary’!!”

“It’s so simple that it suppressed Byodoin–could this set be the fastest to end in a three-set match?”

Some of the “audience”‘s concerns have been completely crooked since the appearance of “Alternative Dimension Phantom-Samurai”.

They no longer focused on discussing the outcome of the game, but began to imagine the tennis level of the “legendary samurai”.

And some others–

“Nioh’s intention is so simple?”

Someone was as quiet as before, but now he opened his eyes, somewhat dumb.

The sea urchin third grader wearing black-rimmed glasses looked at his friend, he stopped the pen in his hand, and stopped talking.

“I know it’s not, but it still reminds me of what happened at that time.”

A certain minister with purple-blue hair said quietly, his expression and tone were as unconceited and not sincere as the owner of the “different dimension” who was in a phantom state on the court.

He was talking about things from a few months ago, but his expression seemed to be thinking back to years ago. A certain gorgeous tennis player who heard his words in the audience had brightly beating blue veins on his forehead.

“He is serious.”

But among the tennis players here, there are really some who are serious about their opinions.

– At that time, Sanada Henichiro, who had seen Echizen Nanjiro use that trick, had a great shock in his heart. And when he saw the solemn and serious look of the “fraudster” who usually made him feel unconscious in the game, the shock in his heart became even greater.

Compared with the first impression at the beginning of school, Sanada’s impression of Nioh has changed since he was in the late stage of Kuni I.

In the second year, because of Yukimura’s “unexpected illness”, without Minister Rikkai to reconcile in the team, Sanada somehow got a new view and new understanding of his teammate.

Deputy Minister Rikkai is a very stubborn person, and his thoughts are hard to be influenced and changed. So once he has identified something, he will definitely stick to his point of view.

“This is a very important game. Of course, Nioh has to go all out – just like back then, you can’t avoid the battle!”

After the day of the National 3rd National Championship, Sanada Xianichiro met his teammate Nioh Masaharu again.

He re-examined his previous views on Nioh, and then updated his evaluation and views on Nioh Masaharu–

When facing Echizen Nanjiro, Nioh Masaharu not only didn’t try to escape with cleverness, but directly attacked “Unparalleled in Ancient and Modern” and “Impermanence”, and he succeeded.

Although Sanada, who valued the results and also valued the process, had a black face after the game, he really admired Nioh at that time.

Therefore, following the mood at that time and watching the current game, the Deputy Minister Rikkai said seriously that he “feeling to watch the game.” He didn’t pay attention to what his two little friends Yanagi Renji and Seiichi Yukimura just said.

–It’s in the third year of the country, Sanada can basically understand the roundabout words of his teammates.

–But sometimes, such as now, the attention of Deputy Minister Rikkai is not on this at all!

But because of this, Sanada’s words are the “minimal” response.


Akutsu Jin’s face was as cold as usual.

If he didn’t say anything, if Sengoku Kiyosumi didn’t pay attention to him at this moment, the few emotional changes in his eyes would easily be ignored.


Sengoku Kiyosumi did not speak either, but he cheered slightly in his heart.

The game was not in vain, court No. 1 was not in vain. During the game time of Sengoku VS Byodoin, he not only saw the wonderful game, but also captured the emotional changes of many old opponents and teammates, and saw their changing faces.

“Has the elders of Byodoin Temple heard of “Impermanence”?”

Because of excessive exercise, my throat is already dry, but Nioh still curls his lips and asks unhurriedly.

His throat has begun to report his “discomfort” to his brain, and his whole body is expressing “protest” with soreness, but he still shows a leisurely posture.

The acting of the “fraudster” is not necessary to contribute to this, but Nioh just doesn’t want to show his timidity in front of any opponents, pretending except for deliberate need.

This is his stubborn idea that hasn’t changed all the time, and has nothing to do with the embarrassing experiences in his memory.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Byōdōin Hōō did not answer Nioh.

At the beginning of the third round of the game, many people soon refocused their attention on the game itself.


Simple and unpretentious, there is no dazzling skills, just a simple ball, just like Nioh’s phantom “Alternative Dimension-Samurai” gives people the same feeling when they are silent.

[The same method, do you want to use it a second time?]

The face of No.1 of the First Army grew colder.

The person on the other side of the net, there is also the “different dimension-samurai”, just by the initial feeling of Byōdōin Hōō, it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of, it is very ordinary.

– Just like the sense that Nioh’s “Different Dimension-Lisianthus” appeared, it was a naked fraud.

However, this time the “fraud” method is very unconcerned, because the “Alternative Dimension-Samurai” formed by Nioh’s Phantom is completely “exposed” in one move.


“15:0, Byodoin Temple scored!’

Byōdōin Hōō will not let his loopholes go, he should also adjust.

The loss of points in that game just now made him very unhappy.

“Birth and annihilate oneself, death is happiness”

On the court, the blonde high school student whispered in a low voice that only he could hear, answering the questions Nioh asked him earlier.

The “tips” shouted by those in the audience outside the stadium are already so obvious. Of course, Byōdōin Hōō can think of what other people think.

Although he is not an “outsider” or “bystander”, he is not so arrogant to the point of scorning other people’s thoughts and exclamations–

The sound from outside the field still affected Byōdōin Hōō’s mood.

[What this kid wants to use. Will it be “Impermanence”?]

Although it does not look like it, No. 3 of the First Army can testify that No. 1 Byōdōin Hōō is indeed a tennis player who writes scriptures every day to keep himself calm.

If there were no accidents, he would concentrate on writing the scriptures every day, allowing himself to enter a state of peace of mind.

But there is still a military No.3 Duke-Watanabe player as a witness-the effect of writing scriptures, for the first military No. 1, does not seem to be that good?

In normal times, there is not much manifestation, but the night before qualifying–

The experience of Echizen Ryoma and Tokugawa Kazuya made Duke Watanabe attribute the writing of the scriptures to the “family origin” of the leader of the army.

It seems that writing scriptures can’t resolve anger and happiness.

However, it is possible that No.1 of the First Army is a special case?

Byōdōin Hōō’s scriptures were probably written out of habit. Although Duke and Watanabe are very supportive of Byōdōin Hōō, he does have such a bad idea.

–Because Duke who thinks he has a very friendly temper-Watanabe himself has a headache just looking at the scriptures, let alone writing the scriptures day by day.

But I have to say that Byōdōin Hōō’s “Family Learning Yuanyuan” played a role at this time.

There is a saying in the scriptures: “The impermanence of all actions is the law of birth and death, the birth and death of oneself, and the death of happiness.

This sentence is very simple, but its meaning is difficult to understand. Although it is a scripture, everyone will have their own understanding and experience of this sentence.

Some people say that this is “cause and effect”, and cause and effect are continuous.

But some people say that this has the meaning of “reincarnation” and the meaning of “nirvana”.

The difference seems to be small, but “the slightest difference is a thousand miles away” is enough to cause the difference between the winner and the loser in a tennis match.

[No, they can all be grouped together!]

Although Byōdōin Hōō’s advantages are not as conspicuous as Onijujiro and Tanegashima Shuji, his ability to become No. 1 in the army and crush so many people is enough to prove that his “advantage” is really comprehensive.

It’s like now one-

If other players are faced with an obscure name such as “Impermanence”, they can’t be confused, but basically they can only defend it wholeheartedly, because they can’t find “clues” at all.

But 2.9 Byodoin’s anti-Phoenix is ​​too “advantage”.

His “Egyptian Phoenix” has subtle similarities and similarities with “Impermanence”, and he is also familiar with the scriptures because of his “family learning origin”.

【The change of birth and death, return to the basics–】

[It is’simplify the complex, and also’simplify the complex’-it is the pinnacle of skills!)

It doesn’t need a flash of inspiration, Byōdōin Hōō can think of this directly.

ps, Nioh keeps giving tips, he believes that the No. 1 army will think of it! It doesn’t matter if you don’t think of it, you can’t think of an unexpected routine. In short, it is to use all kinds of hints. Mitsuya Akuto has already guessed before. It is necessary to make full use of everything to win the beauty and protect yourself to the maximum extent by the way.

If the “Egyptian Phoenix” is not used in front of Byodo-In Temple, Nioh might show everyone “Unparalleled in Ancient and Modern”, but since he uses Nioh, he will use it (I look at it inexplicably and feel that I can write it anyway) “Impermanence” That’s it! – Only the outline I can open various branches and choose the main line freely, really doing whatever I want!

pps, in fact, when facing Echizen Nanjiro, Nioh typed out “Samsara”, which was my various scripture studies and then picked them out!.

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