Chapter 809 Legendary samurai, impermanence

There is no cold and harsh aura to oppress, and there is no sudden gust of wind.

The “wind sound” perceived by Byōdōin Hōō is relatively subtle.

It was like a breeze blowing over the surface of the pond, not even the ripples were lifted, but it was gently blowing over, bringing a cool breath that was a bit like an illusion.

But because of this, the No.1 high school student of the First Army has psychological pressure, and he can’t tell whether this psychological pressure is caused by himself or because of the oppression of the other party.

“Alternative Dimension-Samurai” has a calm gaze, like a silent night, so quiet that it almost makes people ignore his lethality.


Only the sound of tennis can break this “calm” for a short time.

With a sound, it knocked on the ground of the court, and it also knocked in the hearts of everyone watching the game like a drum.

All those who followed the game were staring at the tennis ball on the court.

Their heartstrings are like a tight thread, and they are in danger of breaking at any time–

They looked forward to the moment when the thread broke, and were slightly afraid of that moment. As a result, the inner tension filled their hearts.

Even if they are just sitting in the audience watching the game, many people are already sweating their noses.

In such a cold weather, sitting and sweating is enough to show that their hearts 310 are really too nervous.

[It’s time

Nioh watched the expressions of the high school players on the opposite side of the net and noticed the changes in the atmosphere on the court.

At this moment, he was finally completely satisfied–

The time is right, you can start!


Nioh’s mental power opened a fine large net at the moment his thinking changed, covering the entire court.

The mental power was vibrating weakly and swiftly, the speed was too fast, and the range was too large, so that a soft breeze appeared on the real court.

The breeze was too small and inconspicuous, and neither the players nor the coaches in the audience could notice it.

Although Byōdōin Hōō on the court could feel the breeze on the court, this “wind sound” had existed before.

Compared with the previous “breezes”, there seems to be no change in his perception–

The “changes” that took place were too small, and their speed was too rapid.

Although it was an instantaneous change, it theoretically increased the probability that Byodoin might find this “change”, but in the final analysis, even if it could be found, how could the No.1 high school student of the First Army react in an instant?

As long as Byōdōin Hōō doesn’t react in this instant, Nioh’s goal will be achieved.


His “phantom” can be completed in an instant!

The “Nioh Phantom” of the different dimensional level is very different from the previous one. For example, just before this, Nioh himself did not seem to have changed the slightest, but his other-dimensional phantom made others believe that this is the “legendary samurai” Echizen Nanjiro’s other-dimensional phantom.

–Because of this, Nioh deliberately “split” him from the other-dimensional phantom behind him.

This approach will increase his mental burden, but he is not unable to bear these burdens.

To bear more than twice the mental burden of doing so, of course, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

The illusion of different dimensions is originally the manifestation of the will of the tennis player himself, and can even be used as the “mental power projection” of the tennis player.

Therefore, Nioh has now completed the “phantom” that affects him in an instant, and the impact is naturally a huge change in the “different dimension-samurai”–

[Different Dimension-Legend-Samurai!]

This is Echizen Nanjiro’s “different phantom” that Nioh can phantom.

The difference between the previous phantom of the different dimension and the current one is very big!

–Because there can be no giant whales in the pond, only the sea can have such large creatures.

Byōdōin Hōō’s previous “doubt” is actually correct, but for Nioh, his own “deception” is even better!

–Only the current different-dimensional warrior phantom can use (bhcj) “Impermanence”!


Boom~ boom~~

In an instant, the trickles converge and become the sea.

Byōdōin Hōō hasn’t had time to react and think, it can only be the pupils shrinking from instinct.

There seemed to be countless kinds of sounds in my ears, not only the sounds of hitting tennis balls, but also the chaotic sounds of breaking through the air that made people unable to find the target, and the wind that disturbed the mood more or less.

–The sound is very small, but too much.

If you sink your heart, you can perceive these sounds, so you can’t find the tennis ball, and you can’t see the course of the ball clearly.

And if you ignore the sound, discard the intricate information that the mental power perceives, and just use your eyes to see the ball, there is no other way.

If “Impermanence” can be seen clearly with the eyes, then it is not a legendary skill that has almost been promoted to the altar!


The tennis ball hits the ground.

“Different Dimension-Legend-Samurai” closed the sword calmly.

The man in the monk’s robe formed by Nioh’s “phantom” closed his eyes slightly in the sun, as if he was enjoying the beauty of the sun.

The face is no longer as ostentatious as the man who used to play during the professional tennis tournament. Compared with the image in the memory of San Mifūne Nyudō, he has a lot more restrained aura–

To say it nicely is “introverted”, but to put it bluntly is “lazy”.

He seemed to just swipe it easily, effortlessly.

–It’s like lying on a rocking chair and enjoying the sun, relaxing and relaxing.

That wave of pat is also like picking up the magazine in hand and waving it to fan the wind!

If it is not on the Internet court, this must be a very leisurely and beautiful scene.

But this kind of casual atmosphere appears on the court today

Bathed in the sun, the unshaven man whom Nioh Masaharu “phantoms” makes people feel chilling from the bottom of their hearts!

“15:15, Nioh scores!”

After two or three seconds of silence, Tanegashima Shuji, whose reaction ability and mental endurance were not weak, took a deep breath, and then announced the score of the ball in a complex tone.

At that moment, everything happened too quickly.

Even if he was on the court side, he couldn’t see the ball clearly–

He didn’t even see the original path, and the tennis ball fell on the court ground!

ps can’t reach three thousand words, so I just wrote more than two thousand words in a chapter Entering the key point of mental training I thought I hope you will calm down after seeing mental training.)

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