Chapter 824 Phantom again, glow ball-destruction

“Senior Nioh, come on, go back!!”

In the audience, Kirihara Akaya has devoted himself to cheering for the seniors in the game.

Unlike Itake Shinji, Akira Kamio and others, and different from the smart people at the beginning of the month, Kirihaya realized the purpose of this seven-ball matchup, and did not have the slightest connection to the game on court at this time~ Thought about it.

He was just very dedicated to cheer for his senior Nioh, and he was very serious and honest when he called.

Seeing Duke. Watanabe had an advantage in the score and used a tennis ball to smash a hole on the court floor.The second-year ace of Rikkai immediately amplified his voice and shouted, completely ignoring that some people looked at him slightly helpless -look.

Yanagi Renji sighed silently, resisting his impulsive reaction to hold his forehead and cover his face.

[Nioh did it on purpose. 】

[Akaya didn’t see it, or did he deliberately ignore it?]

Kirihaya seems very innocent (and deceptive) in some cases, but at critical moments, he can tell others what a “Rikkai sophomore ace” is in every minute.


Did you see it, or did you fail to see the “truth” of the game?

.Are you pretending that you haven’t figured out the truth, Akaya?]

Army Master Liu felt that he couldn’t understand Kirihara Akaya this junior anymore.

If he didn’t know Kirihaya very well, he might have mistakenly thought that Kirihaya hadn’t thought of that. But by the way, he knows how strong thinking and processing skills his juniors now have in matters related to tennis-this is what he and other teammates of Rikkai University “help” Kirihaya exercise.

Yanagi Renji can now say without exaggeration that if their current minister Seiichi Yukimura of Rikkai University immediately abdicated and quit, Kirihaya would also be able to go up quickly and handle the related affairs of the tennis club after a while.

Liu sighed silently in his heart.

The younger generation grew up one by one

Not only has he improved in tennis strength, but he has also improved in his actions.

He should have been relieved by this.

But why is he so helpless now and still want to sigh?!!

– Regarding this question from Junshi Liu, another Rikkai junior is selected for the junior year and can answer it.

Yagyu Hiroshi can answer this question for his friends with full marks.

[Affected by Nioh-san. 】

Listening to Kirihaya’s cheering for Nioh in the game, Yanagi felt helpless.

The “fraudster” is in a state of righteousness many times, even if they are deceiving people, they are all righteous and righteous.

Into the department, he practiced with the goal of doubles, and the ultimate goal is to achieve “homology”. Although he has not majored in psychology, he has also worked hard to analyze Nioh’s thinking and thoughts.

After analysis, Yagyu Hiroshi came to a conclusion–

[Nioh-san is very headstrong and calm. 】

Seemingly contradictory evaluations.

But this is the person [Nioh Masaharu].

–Listen to emotional fluctuations and do things willfully, but they are also very sensible, calm, and mindful in their layout.

Nioh taught Kirihaya a lot in tennis, and he also learned something for this junior outside of tennis.

[But this does not affect anything. 】

This is how Liu Sheng made the conclusion.

No matter what, it is not them who are “affected”.

Kirihaya’s cheering and cheering sounds so spontaneously now may cause the ground of Court No. 1 to be smashed into a pit, but Court No. 1 was originally going to be smashed depending on the situation!

In this case, Kirihaya’s current call is not an “instigation” behavior – Nioh originally wanted to break the court together with the senior high school student.

The second-year student of Rikkai University just didn’t think so much, he was too straightforward and outspoken.


The Nioh player on the court responded to the cheer of the younger generation with practical actions.

With an unstoppable attitude, the tennis ball flew to the other side of the court with a yellow afterimage in the eyes of the audience.

“It’s a’luminous ball’!”

The players in the audience recognized the ball.

In their sight, the afterimage of the tennis ball, which seemed to be bright, made them slightly startled.

– Why did Nioh hit the glowing ball at this time?

After watching the three-set match between Nioh Masaharu and Byōdōin Hōō, the luminous ball can no longer deter these middle school students.

Of course, high school students will not be scared by the glowing ball.

Their stunnedness at this time was nothing but doubt.

Nioh Masaharu is not a tennis player who relies on his tennis strength to play games, he is a type of player who plays tennis with his head–

This seven-ball match with Watanabe revealed the “hidden” from the beginning, and now Nioh seems to be “making a faint move”. Did he deliberately want to output the No.1 badge?!

I saw that Nioh was a high school student who was forced to give out the No.1 badge by the Byodoin Temple before. In a moment of dazedness, they gave full play to their imagination.

-If their idea is known by Byōdōin Hōō, then today’s U17 training camp, the net court destroyed by the game will not only be the number one court.

Fortunately, they only thought about it for a moment, instead of directly saying it “outspokenly”.


That ball was hit back by Watanabe.

Everyone thinks right–

Ordinary luminous balls are not a threat at all to Duke Watanabe, who is gradually playing the game with full firepower.

Want to be against Duke. A tennis player of Watanabe’s level poses a threat. It must be an upgraded “luminous ball”!

“Puff, the warm-up is over.

………For flowers…

The ordinary glowing ball was hit back by Duke Watanabe. Nioh was not surprised by this. He didn’t regret or frustrate it.

On the contrary, he slightly curled his lips when the ball was hit back.

With a score of three to two, the progress of the “seven ball showdown” is about one-third already –

While saying “The warm-up is over”, a slight smile appeared on his face.

[It’s the turn of “Destroy” to play.]


With his own low voice, Nioh’s image instantly changed in the eyes of the audience and his opponents.

“What “warm up”?”

“The luminous ball is physically exhausting, right now he still has strength–”

There are still people on the junior high school side who were surprised by what Nioh said just now, but they were all stuck before they finished speaking.

Because of the “change” on the court–

“Byōdōin Hōō!!’


The pale Nioh Masaharu disappeared from the court’s face, and the “Byōdōin Hōō” formed by Nioh’s phantom appeared in a flash.

Then, it was followed by a return attack by a blonde high school student in a U17 uniform against tennis.


This time the “luminous ball” carries a light that is many times brighter than before.

The best hitting point, the sweet spot hitting, the high concentration of mental energy, and the blessing of different dimensions.


So far, the largest and deepest black pothole has appeared on the ground of Court No. 1.

Not only that, the tennis ball, which contains powerful strength, bounced and jumped again, and rushed to the fence separating the court from the auditorium.


Duke Watanabe was caught off guard by this “luminous ball” that he could not stop. How could the fence and barbed wire stop it?

First, the barbed wire was torn apart by the rotating force of the tennis ball, and then the wall was collapsed.

Boom! Boom, pop–

“3:3, Nioh scored!’

Although the No. 1 court of the U17 training camp suffered major damage, Byōdōin Hōō, who was the referee of this game, had a flat expression.

It’s as if the player who hit the ball on court is not his current image.

[“Glowing Ball-Destruction”, this kid learns very quickly. 】

Just like Nioh thought, Byōdōin Hōō didn’t care about his use of the NO,1 badge as a bargaining chip at will.

Regarding Nioh Phantom becoming himself, Byodoin players obviously accepted it well. He was even in the mood to comment on Nioh’s “Glowing Ball-Destruction”.

Ps, Rikkai’s small seaweed, influenced by his senior Nioh for more than a year, is now filled with black sesame seeds. (Although in the eyes of the second-year roommates including but not limited to Kirihaya, the third-year players of his school and even the three-person coaching staff, he still has the appearance of innocence and straightforwardness…) Soil,

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