Chapter 829 Good memory seniors, “kindly reminder”

“I lost ”

In front of the net, Duke and Watanabe glanced at the back of Byōdōin Hōō leaving the court. He smiled bitterly and said to Nioh on the other side of the net.

“I am too relaxed.”

For their defeat in this seven-ball matchup, the high school player used the word “relaxation” to summarize.

“Too relaxed” in the seven-ball matchup-this refers to the mentality that he got caught in the game because of his carelessness, and it is also Duke Watanabe’s mockery of himself.

The high school player knows very well that in this seven-ball matchup, he has a great advantage from the very beginning.

Although Nioh Masaharu is strong, he will be very tired after playing three full sets with Byōdōin Hōō. No matter how good a tennis player is, he is still a human–

Their body will be sore and tired, and their spirits will be tired and groggy.

“Senior doesn’t “relax”, then I will lose.”

Nioh cast the phantom after he scored the last point.

His face was pale before the seven-ball matchup, and his face now looks scary.

Moreover, after playing the seven-ball matchup that was not easy, he was soaked with sweat all over, and the whole person was as if he had been fished out of the water.

In the weather like now-if you take off your outer jacket, you will feel cold. Nioh sweats so much. After he stops running now, he can’t help but feel the feeling of “hot and cold”.

Running and swinging during the game, his body is hot.

After the game, he stopped running and relaxed mentally. Nioh was blown by the breeze. He felt like he was blown by a cold current, and he almost shivered.

“Even if I didn’t follow your plan in the game, you still have other tricks waiting for me.”

Duke Watanabe shook his head.

He didn’t think that Nioh was desperate, and put all his chances of winning on him to finish the seven-ball matchup in a “step-by-step” manner.

The high school student thought to himself, if he didn’t follow Nioh’s intention to let go and smash the ground of Court No. 1 in the seven-ball matchup, then what is waiting for him is “another trick of the fraudster”!

“Although as the loser of the game, I shouldn’t preach to you.

“But as a senior high school student, being able to meet a junior like you in the U17 training camp, I still have something to say while sighing–”

“This should also be a tradition here in Japan, right?”

“The handover after the upper gram.”

The tall senior high school student exclaimed.

He said so thoroughly that Nioh, who wanted to leave the abandoned No. 1 court as soon as possible, couldn’t bear to turn around and left.


Nioh, as a junior high school student, after beating the senior, if he interrupts the senior and then turns away, then he disrespects the senior high school student too much.

It is okay to be merciless and try hard to beat the opponent in the game.

After the game, tennis players should maintain basic etiquette and respect for their opponents.

So Nioh is very well-behaved standing in front of the net, ready to listen to Duke Watanabe’s predecessor’s “handover” words.

“Although the game between the two of us was a seven-ball matchup,

“Strictly speaking, it is not an official competition.”

“But both of us recognized this seven-ball matchup, and we bet our own “bargaining chips” for it.”

Duke Watanabe said, returning to his previous smile.

He is not at all as terrifying as in the previous games, but looks very friendly.

– Nioh was negligent because of this.

After playing three full sets, he played the seven-ball matchup without much rest, so after the game, he relaxed physically and mentally.

His “relaxation” was much more relaxed than Duke and Watanabe laughed at themselves.

Especially because of mental fatigue, Nioh didn’t realize in time what the high school student called “handover” that he avoided.

“Originally, Nioh, you defeated me in order to get this NO.3 micro-chapter.”

The senior high school student who looked very kind with a smile, raised his hand and pointed at his first army badge and said.

-His words are really refreshing for Nioh!


Nioh has always been ignorant of the No. 3 high school student in the first army.

In fact, his understanding of most of the high school students in the U17 training camp began gradually after coming to the U17 training camp this year.

Although he had impressions of these senior high school students before, these impressions were very shallow, even stereotyped, as thin as “paper-faced people.”

So Nioh didn’t expect that Duke and Watanabe, senior high school students, would say this in public after the game!

He thought that this senior Watanabe kept him in the court to speak, because he wanted to motivate him to keep working hard!

Nioh Masaharu didn’t expect that Duke Watanabe, a senior, would actually “hold grudges” like this.

“Speaking of badges–”

The senior Japanese-French mixed-race high school student who laughed kindly, when he finished saying this, he was “abominable” in Nioh’s eyes.

“Boss, have you forgotten something?”

Duke Watanabe turned to the direction where Byōdōin Hōō had left and said, he seemed hesitant to speak.

However, everyone in the room knew what the high school student didn’t say!

–The NO.1 micro-chapter is still in the hands of Byōdōin Hōō!

After Byodoin finished his “referee” duties, he had forgotten the “betting contract” before the game due to too much emphasis on thinking about Nioh’s performance in the seven-ball matchup.

After announcing the result of the seven-ball matchup, the Byodoin referee turned and left, forgetting that he still had a badge in his pocket!

Before the seven-ball matchup, Nioh deliberately “excessively” said that he would use the NO. badge as a “bargaining chip” in the match between him and Duke Watanabe, a senior high school student.

Although he said this, he wanted to anger Duke Watanabe, so that his “No. 1 court scrap plan” could proceed smoothly, and the high school players could concentrate on playing tennis against him.

But in this situation, who doesn’t think much about Nioh’s words before the seven-ball matchup?

– Nioh Masaharu did this to deliberately divert the attention of all of them, especially Byōdōin Hōō, and let him “get rid of the “big trouble” of the “NO.1 badge” logically!

–When did their most precious NO.1 micro chapter of U17 training camp become a trouble that others can’t avoid?

The middle school students fell silent as the players watched the game.

And on the side of the high school students

“He actually hates it!”

Kaji Kazena stared angrily.

This high school player who lost to Oni Jujiro before the official qualifying match, if the No.5 badge is still in his hands, then he is probably going to end directly now!

–Isn’t it the “seven ball showdown”? Watanabe can’t, he can go on!

In short, after Kaji Kazena listened to Duke-Watanabe’s hesitant words, he was angry and anxious, and his face was quite ugly.

“Ghost! Or you go directly!”

Don’t even say that they bullied junior high school students. This is not a question of morality, but a question of three outlooks!

Kaji Kazena is angry now, he really wants to teach middle school students. For this reason, he did not hesitate to talk to Oni Jujiro like this.

“I can’t deal with Nioh, Kaji.

Irie Kanata was cheerful.

But the sentence he was interrupting now sounds very problematic in other people’s ears.

Tokugawa Kazuya, a black-haired high school student sitting next to the Irie contestant, has a growing desire to leave the seat (to focus, stay away from Irie Kanata).

–Facts have proved that Tokugawa Kazuya’s consideration is correct.

“The ghost lost to Nioh a long time ago.”

Therefore, the owner of the No.5 badge of their first army high school students has already lost.

“Just when Tokugawa came back from the back mountain!”

When Irie mentioned his name, Tokugawa had a bad feeling.

“Hey, having said this, I suddenly remembered–”

“Tokugawa also lost to Nioh at that time. By the way, there is also Shujun!”

“Xiu Jun also lost.”

When Irie Kanata said these few words, he mentioned Nioh, deliberately using Tanegashima and Maori’s common names for younger generations.

However, most of the high school students present obviously didn’t care about the change of Irie Kanata’s name to Nioh Masaharu.

They only noticed one point–

“. “Ghost, Tokugawa, and Tanegashima, all have lost!!”

Kaji Kazena couldn’t believe it.

“Although it’s been a long time, but it was a formal game at that time.”

“–It’s a serious game!”

Player Irie was afraid that everyone would have doubts, he added this point deliberately.

“So the current top five of our high school students have been wiped out.”

Which high school student is so bold–

Although he was telling the truth, the truth is not suitable for speaking at this time!

NO.1 Byōdōin Hōō, NO.2 Tanegashima Shuji, NO.3 Duke, Watanabe, NO.4 Tokugawa Kazuya (Echizen Ryoga went with his brother, Tokugawa’s badge was given by Byodoin), NO.5 Oni Jujiro .

Which of these people is annoying?

“As expected to be little Nioh, Moonlight Sang.

Tsukimitsu Ochi, who was not lucky enough to be involved, didn’t want to deal with his doubles partner at all at this time.

“We have already lost the doubles match in yesterday’s qualifying.”

“Now the No.7 and No.8 of the First Army have been replaced by Yukimura and his doubles partner.

Although it was a lifetime high, Mōri Juzaburō had great courage.

Regardless of other people’s stare at him, he sat with a big heart in the place where high school students gathered, and told Yuezhi the fact that it was painful for the high school students.

“So to speak–”

The high school student with brown-red little curly hair is full of interest.

“Only Ryuuji is left!

Tanegashima Shuji, who has a (good) NO.2 badge, is still kept, and he has the Maori words smoothly.

“Ryuuji, how is it?”

“Are you going to end the game with little Nioh?”

Tanegashima Shuji suggested to Omagari.

He said “coming a game”, like persuading Daqu to try to jump off the cliff to get the treasure of the master’s relics.

It’s unreliable at first.

“No, I refuse!”

Omagari quickly expressed his wishes. He was afraid that Tanegashima Shuji would give him court court after he was too slow to answer.

– Tanegashima Shuji, you forgive me!

– For the sake of my hard work with your doubles, can’t you pretend that I don’t exist at this time! Ear!

Omagari, the No. 6 high school student of the First Army, refused to participate in this “How many opponents of the first high school students defeated by Nioh. Stamp collecting feast”.

Ps, don’t forget the “fuse” of the seven-ball match-the NO.1 badge!

Senior O Watanabe: Kindly remind, I remember that the boss’s badge is not yet

Nioh: Reject! No-need. Want!

Senior O Tanegashima: Kindly remind, Ryuuji, would you like

Omagari: Forgive me! I refuse to play!!

Nioh: No! I’m almost exhausted, seniors!!

ps, there is no mention of Kimishima and Tohno, it was Maori and Tanegashima who worked together to avoid them (mainly avoiding Tohno). Because of Tohno-senpai’s straight brains, if he is provoked, he will definitely go straight! (So Junjima was stained, and he was not ridiculed by the plastic love high school students),

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