Chapter 860 Feel the atmosphere, test the goal

After Mōri Juzaburō arranged a “training mission” for Mōri Juzaburō’s coach, Nioh did not let Nioh remain idle.

“There are now 13 doubles combinations, Nioh, you don’t need to play doubles for the time being–”

“Try to be able to’synchronize’ them on the court side!”

“This is your mission!!”

This sounds like a “whisper” idea, but for Nioh Masaharu, it doesn’t seem impossible to realize it.

The reason why “homology” is called the doubles magical skill is precisely because “homology” is supernatural and similar to a miracle in the eyes of others. The “forced homology” that Nioh realized on the basis of “Phantom” is also a miracle in the eyes of others–

Of course, the “phantom” referred to here is the “Nioh Phantom”, a miracle that only Nioh Masaharu can use.

Even if other people learn the skill of “Phantom”, they can’t use the effect of “Miracle”.

Although U17 training camp seems to be a simple structured training base, the composition of this “base” is not as simple as what tennis players are exposed to on the surface. U17 has a dedicated intelligence team, which has strength analysis reports for outstanding players from all over the world, and naturally there are intelligence investigations for players in the division.

What kind of game is “Nioh Phantom” and what kind of ability can it show on the court?

These, as early as when Nioh came into contact with the U17 training camp in the second half of the country, they were already included in the “survey list.”

Information is time-sensitive and will be out of date.

But some information will never be out of date–

If you look up Nioh’s tennis data a long time ago, you will probably only get fragmented and uncertain information. But that information is what the coaches of U17 training camp need most!

Because it is about the essence of “Nioh Phantom”!

The coaches are very fortunate that they found him in Nioh’s second year. Since then, they began to collect information about “Nioh Masaharu”, and the U17 training camp got the information they wanted.

“Can you do this, Nioh Masaharu?,

In the monitoring room, the three boat coach spoke into the microphone.

His voice reached the ears of all the players inside and outside the court as well as the coaches through the radio, which changed the expressions of many players and made some insiders who had long been guessed.

“It seems that some of our country’s temporary conjectures are correct.”

Yanagi Renji lowered his eyes and said.

Shiraishi, who was opposite him, looked a little curiously at Liu who suddenly said this, but he did not get Liu’s explanation.

It’s about “Phantom” one-

It should be called “Nioh Phantom”–

Yanagi Renji was half joking and half guessing when he first joined the Rikkai Tennis Club.

Only with the growth of his own knowledge and more and more understanding of tennis, Yanagi Renji was still not sure about his guess.

Because that is ridiculous…

Even if he learned of the “different dimension” tennis realm, even if he saw so many strange “different dimension” moves, Yanagi Renji was still hesitant on the “Nioh Phantom”.

Now that the three boat coaches say so, he actually feels “the dust has settled.”

“Is this a’three-person doubles'”?”

Fuji Syusuke opened his eyes wide.

He doesn’t doubt whether Nioh can be a “doubles player standing on the sidelines of the’coherent’ field”, because the three boat coaches have set Nioh’s tasks through the broadcast, so Nioh is absolutely capable of doing this.

Fuji’s personality is actually very gentle, and it’s hard to be really offended under normal circumstances.

He does not reject being “coordinated by Nioh.”

However, the problem is–

“If Nioh can “same” the two doubles players on the court side, can the U17 World Cup World Cup also do the same?”

If Nioh is regarded as a “coach”, can it be like a “court coach”, taking advantage of the break between the change of courts, and adding a layer of guarantee called “homology” to the doubles?

More than one person has thought about this issue just now.

Kite Eishirou was the first player to directly mention it.

“”Coherence” is too exhausting, it’s impossible unless Nioh doesn’t play. ”

“Even if we can do it, we will be complained, Qi Tianlie!”

So don’t think about opening the plug-in, let’s do doubles running-in training honestly.

Marui Bunta relentlessly rejected Kite’s imagination.

Although the U17 World Cup that they are going to participate in is a youth tournament with age restrictions, it is also a world-class tennis tournament with some professional players participating. This year, the competition rules have been changed deliberately, compulsorily allowing middle school students to participate in the competition.

The U17 World Cup, whose commercial value has increased year by year, is now receiving more and more attention.

The attention must be followed by “finding”-the U17 World Cup is not as strict in details as in professional competitions, but it will not give them the opportunity to exploit loopholes.

Marui Bunta believes that the coaches of their U17 representative team definitely do not want to receive repeated complaints from other teams. So let Nioh “open plug-ins” for all doubles

The idea is great, but it is limited to thinking in private.

“Thirteen groups of doubles, all need to be’homology’?’

The coach of Micune doesn’t think he is “whispering”, but Nioh thinks that the head coach definitely drank too much when he said this!

“Three ships coach, how can this be done!”

If he is standing on the court with a good-looking and strong doubles partner next to him, then he can try to “unilaterally’ homophonic” with the other party.

But standing by the court

“Head coach, you should give me another “task”.”

For the task of “forced coherence” of 13 doubles, Nioh refused.

“It’s not really making you’in tune’ with them, just give it a try.”

Byōdōin Hōō, who was successfully replaced and now walked to the court, didn’t care about “Nioh’s rejection”.

The captain of the U17 high school student representative team, when explaining the so-called “task” on behalf of the head coach, was rare and cheerful.

“If you need to cooperate, I can also give it a try.”

Byōdōin Hōō is even willing to act as a “tool man” himself.

His good and friendly attitude made Tokugawa Kazuya on a court over there couldn’t help but look twice.

Because of his performance, it’s not like “Byōdōin Hōō” anymore.

So kind

For a while, Tokugawa felt that he had mistaken the person who was talking to, or that Byodoin was hit by the evil after he finished playing doubles.

“Senior mean, let them experience the atmosphere of’homology’?”

Nioh understood the mind of the three ships coach.

–At this time, the broadcasts around the court no longer sound.

–Mitsune Coach has already acquiesced by Byōdōin Hōō’s words and acquiesced in Byōdōin Hōō’s identity as the “representative of exchanges between the two parties”.

No matter how strong Nioh’s own “Phantom” is, he can’t let “forced coherence” have his ability to “coordinate” other players on the field without limit.

Although “forced homology” is not inferior to “true homology” in terms of effect, it is essentially “unilateral “homology” led by Nioh alone.

Therefore, Nioh cannot completely let other human bodies experience the true feeling of “homology”. Unless their tacit understanding is enough to enter the field of “true homology”.

But if you want other players to feel a little “homological atmosphere”, Nioh Masaharu, who is already at the end of the third grade, can do this!

“Then let’s start now, puff~”

Nioh curled his lips and smiled slyly

[‘Forced homology’ is not a free lunch..)

“Unilaterally co-tuned” other people, and most of the mental pressure is on him. Although the “coordinated party” does not dominate, it does not require much effort.

–How can there be such good things in the world?

–The more “something you can get without effort”, the more expensive it is.

Players who are compulsorily co-tuned by Nioh have to pay a price!

[Where do I start?]

Nioh’s gaze swept across these courts.

For the big Rikkai players who have had the similar experience of “forced homology” or “Phantom series skills used by Nioh”, they stiffened collectively when Nioh looked over with a smile, even Mōri Juzaburō. And Tanegashima Shuji is no exception.

The expression of “rejection” on Sanada’s face was very obvious, leaving other players who didn’t know how to know it, but at the same time they were also cautious about Nioh’s “forced homology”.

Only Kintarou Tooyama, a cute and lively elementary student from Osaka, jumped and raised his hand, eager to try.

However, before Shiraishi went to “suppress”, Kintarou Tooyama was held back by the Maori players.

–It is “hold” in the literal sense.

Mōri Juzaburō, a high school student who just came on the field, has quick eyes and quick hands, and timely prevented Shitenhouji’s first-year curious behavior.

[If the tacit understanding is not enough, the taste of being forced to be coherent can be uncomfortable. 】

As a senior high school student, Maori still has a pity for the only national player in the U17 representative team.

He stopped Yuanshan’s curious behavior in time.

Then, he successfully used his eyes to signal Nioh to change his “test target”–

“Let’s continue doubles practice!”

Marui Bunta and his doubles partner Omagari had just started a new round of “doubles practice” with their opponents, and their doubles training opponents “had an accident.”


The red-haired Rikkai contestant watched the light on the opposite side that made him familiar.

Om Yu~~

Two “light belts” appeared on Kite Eishirou and the 2.9 Date man.

This is Nioh’s “forced homology”.


On the basis that Byodoin was willing to serve as a “tool man” in a court next to Nioh in a “friendly and harmonious” singles practice match, it was not considered a rally, Nioh successfully “connected” Kite and Date .



Omagari was shocked, and he couldn’t help but slow down half a step when he swung the pat.

The high school player looked at the two players on the opposite side of the net with surprise in his eyes. At this moment, he didn’t even care that the tennis ball bounced on his side and landed again.

【Unexpectedly, I can really do it!】

I couldn’t help but feel the shock in my heart. During the doubles practice, the Daqu player looked at Nioh who was not in the court.


Rikkai’s genius took a breath.

Marui Bunta seemed to be shocked by Nioh’s behavior.

-But this is just the thinking of the uninformed at this time.

In fact, Marui looked at the two players across the net with infinite pity and sympathy.

[Qitianlie, and before Date][You all go well!]

I hope these two players can have a good night’s sleep tonight, and after they wake up tomorrow, it will be a refreshing day with “no dizziness, no brain bloating”!

ps, “Qitianlie” is the name Marui gave to Kite.

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