Chapter 876 Self-help seminar, the gross profit of a guilty conscience

“We can’t wait and die!

After everyone had arrived in Marui’s dormitory, Sanada raised the noise door and said loudly.

“Of course! We must be prepared to deal with’free doubles’ in advance!”

Zhonghe internal and external roads very much agree with Sanada’s words.

“But the problem now is that our training program is “free doubles”. The doubles partner cannot be fixed, but must be rotated. ”

“Let’s put it this way, the coaches arrange the “free doubles” training program. They want us to try doubles with all the players as much as possible.

“Who can guess the result of the U17 World Cup match?”

“Fixed doubles combinations are available in the U17 World Cup, but most of us are obviously not enough for that standard!”

The Date man said happily.

He is a straight-tempered man, now he is telling the truth, and he is not afraid of arousing public anger.

“Scream, what should I do?”

Tohno Atsukyo has a stinking face, and his expression is full to show that he is unhappy at this time.

“What else can I do, try harder?!”

Hakamada Izo is also a hearty high school tennis player, but facing the bad temper Tohno Atsukyo, he is also a bit embarrassed.

After entering the First Army, Hakamada Izo also heard of some rumors about Tohno Atsukyo. When he was in the Second Army, he even went to watch the doubles match between Tohno and Kimijima.

But before this year’s qualifying match, Hakamada Izo never thought he would be hit by Tohno with a tennis ball, just because he lost that qualifying match.

It turns out that the rumors are true!

When he fell to the ground by a tennis ball, Hakamada Izo flashed such a thought in his heart.

From this point of view, Hakamada Izo is indeed an honest person.

An army friend who lost the qualifying match like him, did not go to the central court to “gather”, he was the only one who “do nothing more”-even though Hakamada Izo was a wounded at the time, he was supported by Kintarou Tooyama. Yes, but his brain was not smashed at that time, he was conscious!

“No, there must be other ways, one we haven’t thought of yet.”

Atobe calmly analyzed.

The training program of “free doubles” actually belongs to the “run-in training”. Their junior high school students and high school students are now meeting together, in fact, they are also conducting so-called “run-in training.”

Therefore, the “free doubles” training program is definitely not a “dead end”!

It is impossible for the coaches to watch them have been dizzy and uncomfortable due to the sequelae side effects of “compulsory homology” | tune like tonight. Similarly, it is impossible for Nioh to make most of them mentally frustrated because of “disqualification” every night.

Blindly “punishing” will only make them increasingly nervous, which will not benefit the upcoming U17 World Cup match.

If their representative team players have been stunned as they are today, they will face their opponents in a trance at the U17 World Cup-unless the coaches and Nioh are all spies sent by other teams, otherwise “Doubles running-in training” is definitely not so bad!

There must be something they didn’t expect

“Senior Maori, can you use Senior Nioh’s’forced homology’?”

Kirihara Akaya’s voice immediately caught everyone’s attention.

Maori can also achieve “compulsory homology”? Real or fake?

Since Kirihaya said so, does he know something?

“Senior, you have been in the same tune with Senior Nioh, so Senior will definitely be’phantom’ too!”

“I remember Nioh-senpai used his’Nioh Phantom’ as an example when he talked to me about mental power.”

Kirihaya, who was stared at by a group of people, did not have stage fright, but began to recall the past.

“Forced homology’ is developed based on the’Nioh Phantom’, which can be used as a doubles ability, but also as a singles move.”

“Essentially it relies on the harmonious use of mental power, but it is also inseparable from the changeable tennis technique.

“Senior Maori, can you try to achieve “forced homology”?”

In the face of the current dilemma, Kirihara Akaya actually thinks so-if his Maori predecessors can achieve “forced homology”, then he can partner with Maori next time doubles!

Although he may only have one chance to partner with Maori, he can take advantage of the opportunity to experience some “rough, early” forced homology” feeling!

The earlier the rougher the game, the easier it is to be cracked and analyzed. This is what Kirihara Akaya played.

–This is his plan one.

And don’t forget, “Nioh Phantom” is also a game.

If you can use “Selfless State”, “Nioh Phantom” should be usable

Then, by using “Selfless State” plus “Nioh Phantom”, plus the comprehension of “compulsory homology”, can I perform “pseudo-compulsory homology” with my doubles partner?

–This is Kirihaya’s second plan, and it can also be called a backup plan or “plan-B”!

However, the above two plans are just Kirihaya’s own ideas. He himself cannot be sure of the feasibility of any of these options.

After all, when Kirihaya entered the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, his senior Nioh was already a boss-level “fraudster” who could defeat high school tennis players of different levels. At that time, Kirihaya was just a freshman who “just started to understand the middle school tennis world”.

So although Kirihaya has a certain understanding of Nioh’s tennis, he is not familiar with it, and can’t thoroughly analyze the “phantom” of his predecessor Nioh, let alone analyze it!

Analyzing the “phantom”, this is something that Yanagi Renji, who is more and more proficient in data tennis, has not done so far.

As he grows older and his tennis level improves, Kirihaya has become more and more aware of the horror of the seniors in the Rikkai tennis club who were ambitious and wanted to challenge when he first joined the club.

–Not only Minister Yukimura, Vice Minister Sanada, and Senior Yoo who defeated him at the beginning, but also Senior Nioh who was later entrusted to “instruct” him, and Senior Maori who often “helped” him as a sparring partner!

Therefore, when Kirihaya was thinking about a solution, the first person he wanted to ask was not the Vice Minister and Senior Liu, whom he always admires and respect, but his Maori seniors.

In Kirihaya’s mind, if you want to talk about the familiarity and understanding of Nioh, you must ask the Maori seniors!

“. “Little Nioh’s “homology” was not just what we think of as “homology” at the beginning, his “homology” is actually very complicated.

Maori, who was asked by younger generations, can indeed answer Kirihaya’s questions.

“It feels like doubles resonance.

“Yes, it’s the “doubles resonance you know”. ”

Maori paused in the middle of the speech, and then made a metaphor.

“Maybe it’s because the “homology” of little Nioh has this characteristic. After being in the same tone with little Nioh, I can also use’phantom’. But the trick of’forced homology’ is not just a simple’phantom’. . ”

Maori said, he shook his head.

During the period, he inadvertently met Liu’s gaze

So Maori quickly turned his attention away with some guilty conscience.


“–that’s all?!”

But Mouri didn’t wait for Ryu’s inquiry, he got Tohno Atsukyo’s sullen question first.

Tohno is obviously unwilling to believe Maori’s rhetoric. After he has identified something, it is difficult to change his mind.

“Maori, did you (good Zhao’s) forget what you didn’t say?”

Kimijima asked immediately.

Although thinking about “creating opportunities” and apologizing to Tohno, he didn’t deliberately follow Tohno’s words to ask Maori at this time.

The reason why the high school contestant asked so directly was because according to his observations, from the change in Mōri Juzaburō’s expression just now, Maori really had something to hide without telling them.

Although Kimijima is dizzy and uncomfortable, his mental state is a little bad, but he has been watching carefully just now-he saw the scene where Maori and Liu looked at each other and then dodged.

Although the matter hidden by Maori may have nothing to do with “how to solve the dizziness crisis of’free doubles'”, Kimijima is obviously unwilling to give up this “possible clue” dust.

What if the thing that the gross profit did not say is the “solution” they want to find?

The polite high school player with glasses thought so, and his expression was gentle, as if he was not the person who was chasing the Maori question just now.

Ps, this character of Junjima, no matter how handsome and good-looking he is, he can’t let me shout “little angel” against my heart. It’s a scheming boy.

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