Chapter 905 Dormitory discussion, script outline

After Sanada thought he wanted to understand the purpose of his teammates, he decided to contribute to “help Tanegashima-senpai”.

Rikkai’s deputy minister is not a person who bears grudges. Even if Tanegashima Shuji stole his sports drinks twice before, Sanada did not think of revenge.

He seriously wants to help senior high school students.


Deputy Minister Rikkai seems to be unable to recognize his own image and personality in the eyes of others~Problem!

Sanada Genichiro was so serious on the floor, holding a wooden knife, and he insisted on pushing it into Tanegashima Shuji’s hand. This seemed to be no help at all, this-it was a threat!

【What does it mean

Tanegashima Shuji was frightened.

[If I don’t want to get in the car, will Sanada cut me down?]

The actions of the junior high school students were completely well-intentioned, but the minds of the senior high school students were too “dirty”.

Coupled with the foreshadowing of Yukimura and Nioh, Tanegashima really froze in place.

He is not leaving now, nor is he retreating.

It’s impossible to actually get in the car, right?

Tanegashima Shuji once again regretted that he hadn’t left as soon as possible, so that he was stuck here now, unable to advance or retreat.

But the development of the matter is now beyond his control.

“Although there is not enough space left in this car for everyone to ride, don’t we have another car?”

The shuttle bus arranged by the coaches in Okinawa this time is a car with relatively few seats, which can accommodate more than a dozen people. Therefore, the junior high school players and the high school players were arranged in two cars.

U17 coaches are divided into two teams to follow the car, the team players in the data group will follow the U17 representative team players’ cars, and other team-following staff have other arrangements.

“Yueguangsang and I can give up our seats!”

Mōri Juzaburō has been following up the development of the matter.

He hadn’t made a sound before, except for laughing with the public high school students, he was just looking for the right “opportunity to express his attitude.”

“Sanada, come take this car–”

“I and Yueguangsang are going to another car!”

Last night, Maori and Nioh didn’t just play cards and did nothing else in the dormitory.

Although the transfer of the dormitory is their “free arrangement”, it is only a trivial matter. But “obeying the rules” is a big deal no matter what!

After confirming the “change of dormitory staff” last night, Nioh contacted Yukimura with his mobile phone to report the incident.

The middle school captain of the U17 representative team also, as Nioh expected, did not reprimand them for “slashing first and playing later”, but kindly asked them to “do a little favor”–

Give a senior white-haired high school student a “parting surprise”!

[“We set off from Okinawa to Melbourne, and it takes about twelve hours even on the fastest plane.,

“Senior Tanegashima can’t fly, but if he goes to Melbourne by boat, it will probably take him half a month on the road.

Seiichi Yukimura said worriedly over the phone.

“Ah, what do you want to do?”

Nioh turned his mobile phone into hands-free so that everyone else in the dorm could hear Yukimura’s words.

So Atobe who stayed in this dormitory this night also joined the discussion.

“What can I do?”

Yukimura heard a hint of laughter from the phone.

“I can’t force Tanegashima-senpai to go to the plane.”

“If it’s one or two hours, maybe you can let the seniors try, but twelve hours don’t want the team to reduce the number of people before the game.”

The captain of the middle school student of the U17 team said terrible things on the other end of the phone.

But on this end of the phone, Nioh followed Yukimura’s words very seriously.

“Sada can!”

Maori noticed that the eyes of his junior, Nioh, lit up.

“Yukimura, you can let Sanada try!”

Nioh seemed quite comfortable with Sanada, but he really couldn’t get along with the guy Sanada.

In fact, Nioh believes that Yukimura does not overlap Sanada’s thinking highly, but based on Yukimura’s understanding of Sanada, Seiichi Yukimura will get the result he wants.

Although the process may be different from what you imagined, reality is not a stage play. It is impossible to fully grasp every action, every line, and the emotional changes of all actors.

“Masaharu, you say that..

Yukimura seems to be really thinking about it.

“Well, I can try it tomorrow.

Minister Rikkai gave a positive response after a brief period of thought.

“It sounds interesting~, do you need help, Seiichi?”

“No, Syusuke.

Nioh is driving the speaker, and Yukimura is also using hands-free.

Therefore, Fuji Syusuke also joined the discussion on “how to play the role of teammates (tools/actors) while playing the role of senior Tanegashima.”

“Huh, so we are all background boards tomorrow?”

Atobe snorted, but he was obviously lifeless, just teasing Rikkai’s “civil unrest”.

“Tomorrow’s protagonist is Tanegashima-senpai, Sanada can only barely count as the second male number?”

Nioh thought about the “script” and said.

“But I think Senior Irie might grab the show.”

So Nioh also brought a question mark when he said “male number two”.

“My “drama” is not too much, I just said a few words in the opening, and then there is no line.”

Nioh said to Atobe.

In tomorrow’s “script”, if he doesn’t “add drama” to himself, after Sanada plays, he can really leave the game directly.

“My uncle hasn’t even a single line yet!”

Atobe gave Nioh a look.

The background board is the background board. It is close at any rate and has the advantage of “watching the repertoire”.

Minister Hyotei was a little unhappy at first, but after thinking about it, he felt that he was more willing to watch other people “acting” in the “special auditorium” than “speaking lines to others”!

–So you talked about’lines’ so naturally?

At this moment, Tsukimitsu Ochi seemed to see “Irie Kanata no smile” in the dormitory.

Hyotei’s high school player seriously reflected on it. He shouldn’t let Irie get too close to Hyotei’s juniors.

Although he has graduated and entered high school, theoretically he shouldn’t be involved in junior high school players, but emotionally and traditionally, Tsukimitsu Ochi, as a senior, still has concerns about Hyotei Junior High.

………For flowers

Although Atobe’s style is too ostentatious, in the eyes of Ochi, there is no big problem at all. A large number of supporters and cheerleaders with high momentum can improve the morale of tennis players. If Hyotei’s tennis club led by Ochi makes Hyotei famous all over the country, then the Hyotei tennis club led by Atobe has completely consolidated Hyotei in the eyes of others.

The image of a famous tennis school in China.

Although the results of this year’s Hyotei Tennis Division were not satisfactory, this did not affect Yue Zhi’s high evaluation of Atobe.

So it is necessary to stop Irie, Tsukimitsu Ochi looked down and thought.

He doesn’t want Hyotei High School to become a group of dramatists who dance wildly!

Although it can cause a certain psychological shock to the opponent if it is operated properly, the thought of Hyotei’s style of painting will “collapse” in the general direction of the Shitenhouji doubles player.

The more wisdom I can’t accept!

Although he knows that Irie Kanata just loves acting, it has nothing to do with Shitenhouji’s enthusiasm for “funny”, but he doesn’t know what is going on, Ochi always thinks of the two together involuntarily.


“The representative team players take two cars to the airport, how about we change seats?”

Yue Zhi’s mobility is still very strong, and his acuity is not low.

This tennis player with very high mental power and the title of “spiritual assassin” is always like this. After finding the right opportunity, he “kills with one hit.”

“Mori and I got in the car of the junior high school student, and let Sanada and Tanegashima ride in the car of the high school student together.

In Yue Zhi’s cold voice, he couldn’t hear his own mind.

But his words are indeed very inspiring–


Maori certainly would not reject Yue Zhi’s proposal.

“This line will belong to me tomorrow, Yueguangsang, you will change the car with me tomorrow!”

Mōri Juzaburō threw away his “last conscience.”

The softest person in this dormitory unswervingly chose to “collaborate with others” under the “realistic interests”.

From this, Tanegashima Shuji’s “end” is so determined.

“Does this solve the problem?”

Maori said, and got out of the car with Yuezhi.

“Remember Sanada and Tanegashima-senpai

“Little Nioh, don’t look at you, just get in the car.”

The two of them walked past Tanegashima and Sanada, and then followed the middle school students to another car.

Ps, the journey time comes from the network query. It takes about thirteen to fifteen days to take the boat. Even if you consider arriving early and getting repaired, Tanegashima will definitely not be able to keep up with the opening warm-up match. But flying by plane is definitely not good! I don’t know the pain of airsickness, but if it is really dizzy, how can the flight of twelve flights be tolerated!

Pps, the timeline of the U17 World Cup is still unclear, so I chose to compile it myself. Don’t go into this point carefully. The original outline is definitely going to be abolished (this small volume is proof that it discarded the tennis interaction of the U17 US team), but the last part of the new outline is still tangled. This article is also long enough, in order to finish writing quickly, I decided to shorten the U17

The length of the World Cup (there will be games, but not too many games will be detailed). Keep working hard, and finally I will write to the airport!

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