Chapter 918 Show off your edge from the lottery ceremony

Although the people who came to the stage to draw the lottery were the tennis players of each U17 representative team, the key speakers in this opening meeting were the coaches of the representative team, in addition to the official personnel in charge.

Of course, the Mifune coach is unwilling to wear awkward formal suits and say something in front of the camera and flash, so the people who come can only choose from coach Kurobe. As a result, coach Kurobe received the task that he couldn’t refuse under the “approved” eyes of his two colleagues.

The lounge of the U17 team.

“It takes a long time to speak, how come it’s not time to draw lots.”

Kintarou Tooyama sounded like he was about to fall asleep.

But he didn’t want to just fall asleep like this. He wanted to know his opponent in the opening warm-up match tomorrow.

“–Be sure to get ahead!”

Echizen Ryoma’s name cannot be corrected here in Kintarou Tooyama

The red-haired one-year-old is looking forward to~ said.

“Our lottery will be here soon.

Coach Mifune and the other two coaches currently don’t know where they are going, so Seiichi Yukimura is in charge of the scene.

–Although Yukimura himself doesn’t know when they will be arranged to draw the lottery, this does not prevent him from coaxing the distant mountain with kind words.


Kintarou Tooyama’s super high beast intuition completely lost its effect at this time.

The red-haired one-year-old contestant instantly became energetic, staring at the live broadcast screen with wide-eyed eyes.

Half an hour has passed since this township

During this period, the coaches of the various representative teams participating in the U17 World Cup made speeches one by one. Yukimura and others saw on the live screen an official standard friendly speech about “play hard, friendship is the most important”. The Kurobe coach.

I have to say that all the coaches’ speeches that appeared on the screen were friendly and kind, and they did not see their “severe cold-blooded brutal demeanor” in their U17 training camp. But the coaches who spoke were not without expressing their expectations for the players of their respective teams-this is normal and perfectly demonstrates the sportsmanship. After all, for the game, hard work

That’s the theme.

And shortly afterwards, when the players in the lounge were about to be irritable, the lottery ceremony also began under the auspices of the host of the lottery venue.

“Please follow me”

The picture on the screen turned, and the camera was pointed at the smiling host in the venue.

The focus of the tennis players’ attention is coming-the draw!

“Xia Zhi Guan Republic VS U.S. Team!”

The order of the lottery is completely out of order, and the opponents who get the lottery are also entirely lucky.

Obviously, Kintarou Tooyama is going to be disappointed. It is impossible for him to meet Echizen Ryoma in the opening warm-up match of the U17 World Cup.

“The next one is”

Even if they don’t know if it will be their turn this time, the team players in the lounge held their breath again.

“U17 National Team!”

–Finally it’s your turn!

“It’s definitely possible, it’s definitely possible, Senior Atobe will definitely succeed!”

Kirihara Akaya closed his eyes and prayed.

After hearing the host’s words, he took out the lucky defensive he had previously asked for. Then, Kirihara Akaya put the demon who he thought would bring good luck in his palm, folded his hands together, and prayed with his eyes closed.

Before the result was announced by the host, he didn’t plan to open his eyes.

“Although it is Atobe

Oshitari Yuushi also squeezed a sweat.

He can trust his minister, but Oshitari has no way of predicting whether the “result” will tend to be good or bad when it is a complete test of luck like drawing lots!

What kind of opponent is drawn is considered a draw, which seems to be a paradox to the draw.

After seeing Kunimitsu standing next to a certain representative team leader who was being photographed, Oshitari became so nervous.

“It doesn’t matter. The opening ceremony is just a display of the various teams to the audience and sponsors. The main purpose is to enliven the atmosphere.”

Mitsuya Akuto saw Oshitari Yuushi’s nervousness, and he comforted.

However, even if this high school student with a calm personality and not an official player on the representative team asks himself, he has devoted most of his attention to the screen in front of him, and he is also nervous.

Who will the opponent be?

At this moment, the lounge was extremely quiet.

Even the grumpy Tohno Atsukyo didn’t lose his temper at this time. Kirihaya’s voice was timid and noisy.

Except for Kirihara Akaya, who closed his eyes and chanted prayers, everyone stared at the screen and watched Atobe walk up to the lottery table.


After Atobe stepped onto the lottery table, there was no hesitation.

He immediately reached into the button, and within three seconds, a small ball with a number written on it was drawn by the lottery machine.

There is a number written on the balls in the machine, and this number represents a team.

However, for the sake of fairness and fun, the teams represented by the numbers on the ball are not in the ranking order of the U17 teams.

“Ah, it’s number seven!”

The confident middle school student showed the number he had drawn to the front.

“My uncle’s luck is as dazzling as the sun!”

After getting the lottery numbers, and seeing which team is Atobe for No. 7, he stood on the lottery table and looked at the other players under the stage. He lifted his jaw with satisfaction.

“It’s the German team!!”

The fierce response from the audience also made Atobe very satisfied.

So, he stepped down in a happy mood and didn’t give the stunned host an opportunity to interview.

In the meeting room, it was still quiet.

Until Yanagi Renji speaks ー-

“reach the goal.

Didn’t Liu He know that the lottery is all luck, but he finally supported the erratic approach of “let Atobe to try the lottery”, which was also his final emotional choice by gritting his teeth.

Fortunately, their goal was achieved!

[Papa Papa Papa Papa!]

The live broadcast on the screen is still going on. What makes the players in the lounge temporarily stop what they want to say is the applause from the scene on the screen.

The camera is still following Atobe?

Duke Watanabe, who has already participated in the u17 World Cup once, is undoubtedly very surprised.

When did the U17 national team, whose ranking is so low that other teams look down upon them, have so much “camera time”?

Ordinarily, at this time, the camera should be aimed at the tennis players of other teams!

Duke Watanabe thought confused, until he saw Atobe walking slowly to the first row of seats in the venue-where his boss Byōdōin Hōō sat down.

“That is ”

Even Irie Kanata couldn’t hold back his expression and was shocked at this time-although 90% of him pretended to be like this.

“Hey, a familiar team uniform~”

Fuji Syusuke looked at the picture on the screen and smiled, with a hint of surprise in his speech.

“What are they doing!! They are all opponents, they are opponents!!!”

Tohno Atsukyo is going crazy.

The high school student player looked at the screen where the three teams were sitting together in a “happy and harmonious coexistence” picture, and he was irritable.

“So the applause just now.”

Was it the U17 American team and the 017 British team?

Shiraishi’s eyes twitched.

[It must be Nioh!]

He watched Nioh’s clapping movement that had not been fully retracted, and silently swallowed the culprit’s name.

The smell of gunpowder in the draw meeting is not strong, and even tennis players who dislike each other will not choke and quarrel on this occasion. But in such a ceremonial place, we cannot expect all the players who come to the draw to be honestly a “tool man”.

………Please ask for flowers……

They were willing to smile at the camera after the lottery, and they were very satisfied with the director in charge of the live broadcast.

Don’t you see the Borg of the U17 German team has always been expressionless?

Speaking of it, the current top four teams of the U17 World Cup only look at the degree of cooperation at this time.In comparison, the director is most satisfied with the captain of the U17 French team Leopold Camus!

Although Camus doesn’t always answer questions to reporters, at least he always smiles friendly, and his smile is not too sharp and aggressive.

At this point.. Including Nioh, Atobe and Byodoin. The players in the venue are not good.

Duke Watanabe looked around and found that only Fuji Syusuke, a middle school player, could fight Camus with a gentle smile.

Although Seiichi Yukimura’s smile is also very gentle and has a high degree of blindness, after a short training period in Okinawa, Duke-Watanabe can already automatically outline the “background” for Yukimura in his heart-once he reaches Rikkai The “realm” of the big players, they have seen the “truth”-behind Seiichi Yukimura’s smile is a large bloom of black lilies.

Although neither Camus nor Fuji Syusuke is always gentle, the aggressiveness hidden under gentleness is absolutely beyond imagination once it breaks out. But at least at this moment, Duke Watanabe still specifically marked Yukimura as “dangerous.”

“It’s great, this is probably the embodiment of sportsmanship!”

Shiraishi Kuranosuke adjusted his mind, then said with a sigh.

The so-called sportsmanship-friendship, unity, fair competition, as well as hard work, never giving up, and so on.

The reason why the camera filmed this scene was probably to prove to the audience how “unity and love” they held this U17 World Cup.

“Yes, it’s a pity that we can’t hear what they are saying.

Marui Bunta held back a smile and agreed with Shiraishi Kuranosuke in a serious manner.

What “unity and love”, this kind of thing can appear in Nioh and Byodoin seniors, it’s weird!

The red-haired third-grader swears with his dynamic vision that these people will never say any more friendly words.

In the live broadcast on the screen–

The two players of the U17 British team smiled with regret, and the other smiled to grit their teeth!

They are relatively familiar with the captain of the U17 American national team. Although he can’t see much emotion while smiling, he and Byodoin’s predecessors are at odds with each other. Probably only the audience will believe that this is the friendly face of the two captains.

Of course, what allowed Marui Bunta to confirm that the atmosphere was not very friendly was his understanding of the Byodoin Captain.

[Senior Byodoin, is this smiling?][Don’t lie to me, although I changed my clothes, Nioh tried to hide most of my personal temperament, but I can see the murderous aura through the screen!]

Marui Bunta thought so, and then he heard Kite’s voice.

“I can probably guess their conversation, it’s probably the type of “see you in the next game” and “hope to meet you in the next game”.”

Although the minister in Higa has a slightly fierce temperament, he can also speak tactfully.


Marui Bunta obviously agreed with Kite’s point of view, but at the same time, he was also surprised that Kite Eishirou could say such a thing.

“I also look forward to the next game.

After receiving Marui Bunta’s surprised gaze, Kite Eishirou held up his hand and pushed the glasses. This kind of cruel talk is the most favorite of the Okinawa teenagers!

If circumstances permit, I can speak a little more bluntly. Well, that would be even better.

You can’t shrink from winning the world. At the very least, you have to say something first, so that it fits Kite’s intentions. earth,

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