Chapter 927 Perfect quality, game recording

Speaking of “perfect quality” and the word “perfect”, the players of other representative teams didn’t know what they would think of. The U17 national team members watched the game and started to police Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

Shiraishi’s forehead burst into blue veins–

What does it mean for these people to look at him from time to time!

Is he really good-tempered and not angry?!

In front of his teammates, Minister Shitenhouji was indeed a good-tempered person, but his teeth were tickled with anger, but he really couldn’t help the group of U17 teammates.

If Shitenhouji’s teammates are messing around, he can suppress them with the “captain’s majesty” (Oshitari Kenya: Shiraishi, what are you talking about?), even if it’s against Kintarou Tooyama, Shiraishi can use his “bad hands” The other party quieted down.


Replaced by these U17 representative teammates who are almost fearless now, Shiraishi is really helpless.

It’s because he is so angry, he can only sit here ~ sulking.

However, Shiraishi Kuranosuke’s willingness to sit here and swallow this breath does not mean that others are willing to let him go.

“Q-P action-action is perfect~”

Fuji Syusuke, who won the first doubles for the team, smiled slightly.

“It’s worthy of being the highest masterpiece of German tennis early education!

Yanagi Renji took the conversation.

So far, the topic hasn’t gotten into what makes Shiraishi sensitive.

“Yes, yes! Germany’s talent education is really not to be underestimated!!”

Kirihaya said with an almost solemn expression.

His honest and serious look makes people wonder whether the person sitting here is Kirihara Akaya himself.

“–Don’t relax!”

Before you win, you must not relax!

Sanada, who spoke after Kirihaya, may be able to answer Kirihaya’s question of why he is so honest and quiet.

However, it is such a serious and serious Sanada Genichiro, the Rikkai Deputy Minister who has always been unrelenting. I don’t know if his personality is too straightforward or because some people who are older than Rikkai have caused a black belly or “white cut black”. Is on the way–

“I have watched some Q-P match videos. His tennis foundation is very good. Even in the U17 German team, he is in the forefront!

Sanada’s voice is very serious.

The surrounding high school student players, such as Omagari, listened to Sanada’s words and couldn’t help but nodded.

Indeed, I have to admit that the staff member of the German national team outperformed many people on the basis of tennis.

“His style of play can be described as’Bai Bi Wu Xian’!”

Sanada continued.

He seems to be here to start a big discussion meeting with his teammates on Q-P.

“A tennis player standing on the court, if he wants to win every battle, he can train his superior strength outside the court, but he must not leave himself with obvious shortcomings!”

Sanada Genichiro said vigorously.

Omagari nodded as he listened next to him. The high school student with rich experience in the game took it seriously.

However, when Sanada talked about this, Shiraishi Kuranosuke felt that something was wrong.

[Is it my heart?]

The junior high school player with Ding Zicha’s hair glanced at Deputy Minister Rikkai without a trace.

He found that Shinichiro Sanada’s face was serious and serious, and he found that the senior Daqu’s face next to him was not abnormal, so he wondered if he had been thinking too much.

【It should be because I think too much. 】

With Sanada’s integrity and solemnity, he wouldn’t have such a connotation, right?

If he hadn’t seen Nioh Masaharu with a smile from the corner of his eye, Shiraishi would almost convince himself.

“But this kind of’perfection’ is quite fragile if it encounters restrained opponents.

Nioh stared at the game on court and said.

His words made Shiraishi Kuranosuke’s scalp numb–

Hey hey, Nioh-san, I haven’t messed with you recently, right?

How is this going?

Oops, is there something happening behind the scenes that I don’t know?

In the warmth of Melbourne, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who has the title of “Perfect Bible from Osaka”, left a cold sweat behind his back sitting on the bench.

No way, Nioh Masaharu’s tone of speech really made him creepy.

His words sounded light and flirty, but Shiraishi always felt that there might be a hidden next sentence behind it.

for example–

Shiraishi, do you want to go further?

The weather today is good, so suitable for the game!

You see that Q-P is so strong, but he is also going to lose, you don’t want to be like this, right?

Let’s practice singles, how about?

Words like this echoed endlessly in Shiraishi Kuranosuke’s mind.

The intuition siren, not knowing whether it was useful or not, rang frantically, telling Shiraishi that he was in front of a rather dangerous “fork in the road” option.

–What should I choose to ensure safety?

– What’s worse is that this is not a multiple-choice question that you can choose with your eyes closed at all. This is clearly a composition question with a blank question!

What do you people of Rikkai think, can you say something straightforward?

Faced with a blank paper, who knows how to answer the question?

Melbourne is too dangerous, he wants to go back to Shitenhouji!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke wanted to vomit at this moment countless words.

But he finally turned his head stiffly to watch the game.

His thousands of words finally converged into one sentence–

Captain Yukimura, help!!



The second round of doubles had a fierce start, but the progress was actually very slow.

Whether it is Fuji’s sigh, or the analysis of Sanada, Yanagi, and Nioh, they are right.

The basic foundation of Q-P tennis has been polished perfectly, and there is almost no place to target it.

With such a perfect tennis foundation, the staff of the German team has a winning percentage of more than 20% when facing most of the opponents of high school students.

Because a solid and perfect tennis foundation means that this tennis player can play smoothly during most of the game. In other words, the possibility of interference from opponents and other factors will be reduced.


The tennis ball landed and another small round ended.

“4:3, the Japanese national team is leading!”

The score did not seem to have opened much of a gap.

At least for the time being, it doesn’t conform to Nioh’s prediction before the game, “If we go on like this, their doubles score may be better than the first doubles” prediction.

The staff of the German team responded very quickly, but after he knew the opponent’s intent to win a fierce battle, Q.P immediately reached a silent consensus with his hand Kunimitsu–

At your own pace, play slowly one ball at a time!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Play slowly” does not mean that the speed of the ball on the court has slowed down, nor does it mean that the intensity of the doubles game on the court has decreased.

Since tennis has reached a speed that dazzles the audience, it rarely comes down.

When the audience can clearly see the tennis, only the second before the serve.

Only when the tennis ball is still held in the hands of the players can spectators watching the game see the tennis ball, not the afterimage of the trailing tail.

Bang! Bang!

Nioh and the others have watched the Q-P game video. Although the German team cannot attach the same importance to the U17 Japanese national team, the U17 German players, especially Q-P, have also known about the Japanese national team players this year.

The information of Byōdōin Hōō is not well known, but it is impossible to block them all.

As for the information of Seiichi Yukimura who is still a junior high school student

After Kunimitsu joined the German team, Minister Seigaku’s biography has been entered into the U17 German team player system.

Seigaku and Rikkai did not have any notable intersection in the first two years of the junior high school summer competition, but in the last year, it was Kunimitsu’s national three-one-

The final video of this year’s national competition was found after Shoujia reported, and then it was analyzed by various studies.

Of course, their main object of analysis is still Kunimitsu.

Of course, doing intelligence analysis for your team’s players and improving your own tennis strength is of course the most important task.

But while watching the video for analysis, “by the way” analyze the opponent of Kunimitsu in the third time. The rigorous German watched the videotape of the final of the national competition. They made part of the personal evaluation report of the opponent Kunimitsu during the day, and then at night. I stayed up late watching the video several times and analyzed the opponents of the Seigaku tennis team overnight.

Youth Gakuen tennis club junior high school players can be praised as “excellent” if they are placed at the level of a country.

………Please ask for flowers……

But their opponent, what happened to the Rikkai big tennis club?

Isn’t it a special effect? ​​There is nothing wrong with the video tape, right?

Watching the video of the game, the right eyelids of the teaching assistants jumped several times.

[The last year of the first grade was’seamlessly clothed’?]

An assistant teacher opened his eyes wide, and stared at his colleagues.

【Yes, you’re not mistaken!】

His colleague looked in a trance, but nodded firmly.

[The opponent of this first-year student–this captain–]

A cold air rushed from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, and the assistant teacher felt cold all over.

He didn’t dare to imagine, he didn’t dare to say his guess.

Silent for a while

“That’s it?

Someone spoke up.

“It’s that, but it should be just a rudiment.”

“Yes, the’seamless clothes’ of the first-year students are still very young!”

After someone spoke, the discussion of the teaching assistants finally started.

But after they said a few words, they were still in a deadlock again–

“You said that the middle school captain of that team, can he complete the breakthrough before the start of the U17 World Cup?”

Even if the breakthrough is completed, it is not a big deal, the assistant teacher himself comforted himself.

Their German team has three professional players who can participate in the U17 World Cup, as well as the “big killer” of QP. Although the opponent has great potential, it is only potential before it is transformed into tennis strength. At most, it is just to redeem an ordinary high school student. Players?


The more the assistant teacher thinks about it, the more he gets more bottomless.

So he fell silent after speaking dryly.

“.. Tell me about the analysis of other players, have you seen it?”

In the end, the strong Germans still spoke with difficulty under pressure.

“That singles two–”

“I mean the second singles player of their opponents–”

The head coach of the German team training camp trained Q-P with one hand, and he holds the power of the training base. But the other assistants are not parallel imports. They are nominally “assistants”, but they actually play the same role and status as the three coaches in the U17 training camp.

And their personal professional strength is enough to match their status in the training base–

They all have the same vision as the coaching staff of the U17 training camp in Japan.

There are even two or three assistants with higher status. Their own ability and level are higher than the head coaches of U17 teams in some countries.

The assistant coach who spoke with difficulty to “the second singles player of their opponents” is one of the coaches with very high vision and status in the training base.

“Is he already breakthrough?

After gritted his teeth and watched the game video several times, the coach still chose to firmly believe in his professionalism and ability.

Although the singles two game does not seem to be as “high-level” as singles one, if you analyze it in depth

Hey, is there something wrong with that white-haired middle school student?

Think again about the order of appearance of the finalists–

Hand Kunimitsu went to singles three as the captain, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with the tennis team named “Rikkai Big” pushing their generals to singles two?

After watching the video of the game many times, the more the coach watched the singles two game, the more he felt that he was right.

[Although it has been suppressed in the play, but a closer look can see that there is an overwhelming gap between singles two. 1

[Especially at the end… that is definitely a gap in realm!]

If there is no reminder of Seiichi Yukimura’s game in the final video, the coach of the German team would not have thought so much.

But after watching the game between Yukimura and Seigaku first-year students–

Looking at the Nioh game again, the coach of the German team thought of something awkward!

At the end of the singles two game, especially during the short period of “Star Fireworks”, Nioh seemed stable, but he actually played quite passionately!

It’s not surprising to show something under the passion, it’s just that the reporters of the Japanese Tennis Monthly can’t tell. The coaches of the U17 training camp have long known that Nioh’s level is not so “fussed” by the coach of the German team.

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