The more you practice, the more you will be able to play.

"Tai Chi is a game that is tempered by thousands of hammers and tempers, and it follows one's heart. Hardness turns to softness, and softness turns to hardness. There is no trace of hardness or softness."

Miyashita picked up a tennis ball and hit it a few times, and had a deeper understanding of Tai Chi.

The previous few lucky side balls were not accidents. It was that Rin Miyashita used the center of a tennis ball as the base point to transform the hardness of the tennis ball into softness.

That is, "entanglement force"!

Hardness turns to softness, and softness turns to hardness.

Tai Chi has four types of entanglement: forward entanglement, backward entanglement, left and right entanglement, up and down entanglement, inside and outside entanglement, large and small entanglement, and forward and reverse entanglement.

When the tennis ball hits the net and encounters resistance, the "potential soft force" in the tennis ball rolls through up and down entanglement until it flies out of the net, consuming all the entanglement force.

The whole process is invisible and natural, and it is difficult for people with weak eyesight to detect.

Of course, it is also more troublesome for Rin Miyashita to use tennis to play "entanglement force". After several attempts, he almost felt some tingling in his wrist.

It doesn't last long.


Pah pah pah!

Rin Miyashita looked at Takitenosuke, who was on guard, and smiled slightly.

In the previous serving game, he had already studied Takitenosuke's basic strength.

It's really good.

Strictly speaking, he is much better than him in terms of measuring the speed of tennis.

You can basically see the general speed of the tennis ball at a glance.

But he is a little weak in other aspects.

He didn't feel much pressure in terms of strength, and his speed and reaction were average.

Physical strength is almost a weakness.

After figuring this out, Miyashita Rin almost knew how to win the game.



The tennis ball was thrown up, and the next moment it flew towards Taki Oginosuke like a yellow lightning!

"Speed ​​163km/h, flat hit, estimated landing point... right boundary angle..."


Tap, tap, tap.

Taki Oginosuke flew into the air and then scooped it towards the backcourt.


High lob!

Miyashita Rin's eyes were unusually calm, and the speed of the high lob would be slower. A shadow quickly appeared in his eyes.

The next second, he took a few steps back, bent his waist, and jumped to press the ball hard.


The tennis ball, with an unstoppable force, pressed hard on Taki Oginosuke's left receiving area!

"Not good!"

Taki Oginosuke quickly increased his speed and tried to catch up.

But just when he finally caught up with the tennis ball, he suddenly saw Miyashita Rin jumped up again.

"This is..."


Still on the right baseline!

The tennis ball drew a parabola in the air and directly pressed on the right blind spot of Taki Oginosuke!

"15-0, Miyashita Rin leads..."


The audience outside the court saw this scene and clenched their hands slightly, feeling a little sorry.

However, Inoue Mamoru frowned, his eyes were a little complicated.

"What's wrong, senior?"

Shiba Saori was a little puzzled.

"Not good, Taki Oginosuke's rhythm has been completely controlled by Miyashita."


"Did you notice that Miyashita reacted immediately after Taki swung the racket?"

"It seems so... I didn't... I didn't pay much attention."

Shiba Saori smiled embarrassedly.


"If that's the case, then it means that Taki has been completely seen through by Miyashita?"

Shiba Saori slowed down, unable to help but be surprised.

"Yes, not only that, Miyashita Rin's reaction is too fast, which means that his observation ability is stronger. The time left for Taki to fight back will probably become shorter and shorter, and his physical strength will be quickly consumed!"

"I see!"



"15-15, Taki Oginosuke!"







"162km/h, flat shot, landing point... still the baseline... No! This time it's the left baseline..."



The tennis ball passed Taki Oginosuke's left side and slowly bounced off in Taki's stunned eyes.

"Game, 2-0, Miyashita Rin wins this round!"

"Huh... Did we lose again... No, no, it's just a first-year kid... I still have a chance!"

After one round, Taki Oginosuke was not in a good condition and was a little out of breath.

His left and right knees were numb, which were caused by abrasions from running in opposite directions.


"Completely suppressed..."

"Taki-senpai... he lost so handsomely even when he lost...


After two games, it was Takitsuginosuke’s turn to serve.

But he looked at Rin Miyashita with a smile, and suddenly felt something was wrong…

Something seemed wrong.


Hitting the ball at high speed!

Takiotsuginosuke looked determined and swung the racket.

Although Miyashita’s strength had been recognized by him, it was not that easy to defeat him!





“1-2, Takitsuginosuke won this game, halftime break! ”


Taki Oginosuke walked to a chair outside the court and wiped his face with a towel.

It’s been a long time since I felt this much pressure.

Miyashita Rin gave him the feeling… like a ball-catching machine without emotions.

Accuracy! Eyesight! Reaction! Strength!

Even the speed is fast.

It’s been a long time since he has seen such a guy without shortcomings. This guy has really only been playing tennis for three…four days?!

Although he didn’t care much about the result of the game, his mentality was also a little exploded.

“Game! 6-0! The match between Atobe Keigo and Shiraishi Ren is over, and Atobe Keigo wins!”

“Atobe! Atobe! ”


The cheers from the next court calmed Taki Ogi Nosuke down.

Then he couldn’t help rubbing his ankles.

After three games, his legs were a little injured.

But Miyashita Rin was probably not as good as him.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Miyashita Rin who was resting next to him.



“A little tired, ahem, eat something to replenish yourself… Senior, do you want it? Ginseng and eggs can keep you healthy!”

Miyashita Rin was a little embarrassed, took a bite of the egg, and then a bite of old mountain ginseng.

Taki Ogi Nosuke swallowed and felt his taste buds explode inexplicably.

The brain was blank.

Is this how you eat it?

Keep healthy?

What are you doing to keep healthy???

“Forget it, eat it yourself. "Taki Oginosuke took a deep breath and felt that he should pay more attention to Rin Miyashita in the future.

This guy is not normal!


"The game continues, the two sides exchange venues, and Rin Miyashita serves!"


The fourth game slowly began. Miyashita moved his wrist and suddenly had a special idea.

If he used the entanglement of Tai Chi, could he play the Zero Style?

If he couldn't play the Zero Style, what about Tannhäuser's serve?

Miyashita took a deep breath and recalled the serving posture of Keigo Atobe in his previous life. A force of both hardness and softness was brewing in the tennis ball in Miyashita's hand.


The tennis ball flew up.

At the same time, his body bent backwards greatly, his right hand quickly raised the racket, and then twisted his wrist, using the powerful explosive force generated by his whole body to press the tennis ball down hard!

"This move is called Tai Chi entanglement, please teach me, senior!"

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