The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Okay, this training project will not disappoint you! Of course... there will be corresponding punishments for those who perform poorly!" Atobe shook his head with a smile on his face, "Now everyone go to the second floor to clean up the room, and gather in front of the villa on time at 8:30!"


Everyone responded, and then went upstairs one by one.

Rin Miyashita randomly found a room and found that the villa was well decorated.

Not only that, there were many interesting games and books in the room, so she wouldn't be too bored when she was bored.

She simply placed the toiletries she used, and then Rin Miyashita went out.

After 8:30, a group of people had gathered in front of the door.

Soon, Atobe also came and announced the training plan for the whole day!

Fishing in the water competition, high-top tennis competition!

Sixteen people are divided into two teams, A and B, and each team is divided into two groups, A and B. The two teams A and B compete in the corresponding competitions.

Not only that, the rules of these two competitions are a little different.

In the high-top tennis competition, the winner gets one point, and the loser does not lose points. In the last four singles games, the team with the highest group score wins. Fishing in the water competition gets one point for catching three fish.

The deadline is noon. After noon, the total points of the two groups of team A are compared with the total points of team B, and the winner can be determined!

The winner can have a big meal at the villa for lunch, and the loser... can only eat grilled fish.

"Okay, if everyone has no questions, come and draw lots."

After explaining, Atobe waved to the maid sister in the villa, and then the maid brought a box over.

"It looks interesting. I'll go first!"

Xiangri took the lead and walked over first, then took out a note.


The second one was Oshitari. He opened the note and showed a B!

The rest of the people also came on stage one by one. Soon, the basic grouping was almost done. Miyashita Rin finally reached into the box and took out a B!

"Very good, there are eight people in Team B and seven people in Team A. Then I will be in Team A. Next, the eight people will choose two different competitions. You can choose the one that suits you best.

Of course, no matter what you choose in the morning, you will have to participate in another competition in the afternoon!"

Tetsube nodded and continued.

"Then I'll choose to slack off."

"I choose to step on the tall pole! To be honest, I've never been afraid of anyone who steps on the tall pole, hehe!"

"What do you choose, Tetsube?"

"Let's slack off."


The two teams talked separately and soon started to discuss.

Tetsube Rin thought about it and finally chose to slack off.

Anyway, if you don't fish in the morning, you can fish in the afternoon. It's only a matter of time, so you might as well fish early.

A group of people quickly divided into groups, and then led by Atobe through a path and came to a river.

The river water looked very clear, and there were a few small fish swimming around.

"This time, fishing is naturally not ordinary fishing. Watch out! I'll show you a demonstration first!"


Atobe snapped his fingers, and then he quickly pulled out a racket from his bag, and then swung it in the water at lightning speed!

The next moment, everyone's eyes widened.

A small fish was thrown out of the water, and finally drew a parabola and fell on the shore.

"Good... so amazing."

Feng's eyes widened slightly.

"This doesn't seem to be difficult, isn't it just playing tennis normally?" Shishido Ryo said thoughtfully.

"It shouldn't be that simple!"

Ogawa frowned.

"Okay, I've finished the demonstration. Touch three fish and you'll get one point. If you touch less than three, you'll get no points. Let's get started!"

Atobe smiled and looked at everyone, then locked onto a fish again and started slapping it!


A seven-star fish cut through the sky and landed on the ground again!

"My second one!"

"Let me try!"

Hiyoshi glanced at the river surface and immediately found a small fish, and swung his racket.


The sound of the water slapping was heard.

However, the next moment, Hiyoshi's face changed.

When the racket fell into the water, he immediately felt a resistance, and then the fish was frightened and ran away directly.


Shishido Ryo was stunned.

"It's the resistance of the water. A tennis racket weighs about 260 to 340 grams. The thicker the frame, the more non-streamlined the racket, and the more lines

A racket with a higher density will bring more powerful resistance in the water! The greater the resistance, the greater the swing weight, and the racket will also fall into a deceleration state when it falls into the water..."

Taki Oginosuke thought for a while and spoke.

"Not only that, the seniors probably forgot the refraction phenomenon of water...

If you want to hit the fish, you also need to consider the refractive index of water."

Miyashita Rin added with a smile.

"I see."

Hiyoshi nodded, then found a small fish and swung again!


Another drop of water splashed out.

But he thought about it, frowned, and already had some feelings.

"Let's start too. "

Shishido looked at Miyashita and spoke.

While they were chatting, Atobe had already caught four fish!

Currently, Team A is composed of Team A, Kabaji, Ogawa, and Hiyoshi. Team B is composed of Team A, Miyashita, Shishido, Takinosuke, and Houcho Taro.

Team A is strong, and he felt the pressure was extraordinary.

"Well, I'll go over there, and the other side is up to you, senior." He pointed out a location to Shishido Ryo, and then Rin Miyashita came to the upstream of Atobe...


Soon, a yellow mullet flashed before his eyes.

Rin Miyashita smiled slightly, and then saw the yellow mullet swimming slowly and slowing down before his eyes.

"My accuracy is not low, come out! "


The various principles of light refraction flashed in his mind, and all the knowledge about junior high and high school flashed through his mind. Finally, the racket landed on the left corner of Huang You!

Huang You seemed to want to escape, but Miyashita Rin predicted it. With a crisp sound, the fish flew up!

"The first one!"


The small fish landed on the shore, flopping continuously, and began to seek death.

"Success? Xiao Lin also succeeded?"

"So fast? !"

"I just found the pattern."


The other people were surprised and felt a pressure!


Tetsube looked at Miyashita Rin deeply, then quickly marked a fish in his eyes and hit it quickly!


The sixth fish landed on the side of Tetsube!

It hasn't been a few minutes, and Tetsube is now two points ahead...

"You are worthy of being the minister! "

Miyashita Rin smiled, and then looked at the river again.

But this time, a sudden flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he had some ideas.

Laozi once said.

The highest good is like water, which benefits all things without contending.

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