After a long time, two weeks have passed.

Hyotei, on the third floor of the training room.

Sakaki Taro sat on a bench, listening to the music played on the record, and flipping through the tables one by one.

The table detailed the strength of the first and second teams, as well as their subsequent potential.

Among them, Feng, Miyashita Rin, Kabaji, and Oshitari all made some simple comments, especially Miyashita Rin's comments, whose strength improved so fast that Sakaki Taro couldn't help but look sideways.

After a long time, Sakaki Taro put the table down.

"The progress is not slow. According to their individual growth rate, as long as they don't meet Rikkai University in the national competition, it will be no problem for them to win the runner-up."


Atobe on the side snorted lightly, with a noncommittal look on his face: "It's just Rikkai University. The winner this year must be Hyotei! I will definitely lead them to win the national championship!"

Taro Sakaki glanced at Atobe lightly, ignoring Atobe's arrogance.

Rikkai University is not so easy to deal with. As the perennial champion of the national competition, everyone in their school team has almost national-level strength!

And Hyotei... is still far behind.

Especially in doubles, Hyotei is hard to look at now, and there is no golden doubles combination in the team.

"So, what do you think now?"

Coach Sakaki thought about it and looked at Atobe again.

"I want to prepare an exchange force them, put some pressure on them, so that they can grow faster."

"Oh, about when?"

"After the regional competition, but which specific school...I still need the coach's help to contact."

Atobe pondered slowly.

"Well, no problem!"


With the arrival of the regional competition, the tennis club suddenly had a tense atmosphere again.

Competitions, training, training...

Basically never stop.

Even in the new January team challenge, Shishido Ryo has regained the position of the first selection, squeezing out Hiyoshi Waka.

However, these two have won and lost against each other, and both are called quasi-first selections, and the difference in strength is not big.

Soon, a few days later, the regional competition arrived.

In Hyotei, the first selection and the second team, including Hyotei's huge group of cheerleaders, gathered together early that day, with four or five buses parked behind them.

The venue of the entire regional competition is in the local tennis park, which is not far from Hyotei.

When Miyashita and Yudai were running home before, they had stopped by once!

However, Hyotei has quite a few people to go. Atobe directly requisitioned more than 200 cheerleaders from the tennis club. With so many people, only a bus can accommodate them.

"It's really outrageous. It's just a regional competition. It shouldn't take so many people, right?"

Rin Miyashita was a little helpless.

"How impressive! With more than 200 cheerleaders, other schools will be scared by us?"

Yudai looked envious.


"The cheerleaders were also deployed in the past two years. In fact, they were quite useful. In several games, the opponent made several nervous mistakes in serving..." Xiangri couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"That's right. In fact, so many people also represent the momentum of our Hyotei. With so many people, no one can stop us from winning the game!"

Ryo Shishido clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

In a few days, he cut his long hair and put a band-aid on his forehead, looking much stronger.

Miyashita Rin nodded, without commenting.

In fact, he also thought that these cheerleaders were good, and the appearance of Atobe and Hyotei was really big.

"Let's go..."

Soon, Taki waved to everyone, and Miyashita Rin and others were "stuffed" into the bus and drove towards the competition venue.


Tennis Park.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright, but there were already a lot of people.

Especially the colleges and universities in various regions, they were ready to win a good place in this competition.

According to the rules, the teams that won the championship and runner-up of the regional competition will advance to the metropolitan competition.

As the host of the Kyoto region, Hyotei will have no problem winning the championship, but there is still a runner-up for them to compete for.

Now the only thing that worries the major teams is whether they will draw Hyotei in the draw.

This is completely a gamble, but there is no other way.

Hyotei... is too strong!

It's just a regional competition, and they can win without even needing a second team.

"Here they come, Hyotei's bus is coming!"


There are so many people!"

"Those are cheerleaders, right? Hyotei is so rich, I really envy him!"

"Atobe! Atobe!"


Several buses passed through the south gate and soon entered the tennis court.

After that, more than 200 cheerleaders got off the bus one by one and directly occupied a large area of ​​the audience seats.

"Taki, you go to draw lots, Ogawa you play singles three, Ken and Kaida play doubles two, Hiyoshi plays singles two... You have to play beautifully in the first game, don't let me down!"

"Got it!"

"Got it!"

The second team went to prepare nervously, with smiles on their faces.

Regional competitions, big competitions, this is their hard-earned opportunity to show their faces.

Even for some of them, this is already the last game, so everyone is full of energy and vows to play beautifully!

"How is it? This is your first time participating in this kind of competition. Are you nervous? "

Tetsube glanced at Miyashita and said with a playful smile.

After all, it was his first time to participate in the competition, and Tetsube felt that Miyashita Rin was a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay... This is indeed the first time I have encountered such a big scene."

Miyashita Rin looked around and nodded.

"This is nothing, the Kanto competition, the national competition, are more spectacular than this, that is our battlefield!"

Xianghi was a little familiar, and he laughed and hugged Miyashita's shoulders.

"Okay, you still have to get familiar with it as soon as possible, so... Next time there is a competition, I will let you try it yourself!"

Tetsube snapped his fingers.

Some people are good, but they can't play 100% of their strength at critical moments.

Now Miyashita is his trump card, and he can't let it go wrong.

"Don't worry, this kind of competition won't make me nervous." Miyashita smiled bitterly.

It's just curiosity, he is really not afraid of such a scene.


"Hyotei! Hyotei! ”

“The winner will be Hyotei!”

“Come on! Come on! Hyotei will win!”

About half an hour later, the regional competition officially kicked off.

All teams drew lots one by one, and then began to compete in various courts.

However, in comparison, Hyotei’s opponent, Qiluochuan Middle School, was frowning and cursing bad luck.

Hyotei was drawn in the first round, and this luck is unmatched.

Soon, one or two hours passed.

The court was still in full swing, and many spectators had red cheeks and shouted loudly, among which Hyotei’s cheerleaders were in the most enthusiastic state.

However, after two consecutive games, Miyashita Rin felt that Ogawa and his opponent were like "chickens pecking at each other", which was really disappointing.

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