The tennis ball was wrapped in Kikumaru's racket, and then it was pushed hard and flew towards Xiangri quickly!

"No one can jump higher than me!"


Xiangri Yueren snorted coldly, looking unconvinced, and then he rolled in the air and quickly threw the tennis ball back!



"Game, 4-3, Hyotei leads!"

"Hey Yushi, this guy is Kikumaru, who is famous for his special shots, and he is just like this."

Xiangri pointed at Kikumaru with a provocative look on his face.

"Let me teach you what it means to be truly superior to someone else, hahahaha."

"Damn it!"

Kikumaru clenched his racket tightly, staring at Xiangri with his huge cat eyes, and he was also unconvinced.

He felt that his special shot was challenged.

However, how to adjust one's mentality and state is a compulsory course for a tennis player, and he quickly calmed down.

"Come again!"


The two sides exchanged courts, and then Xiangri Yueren got the tennis serve.

"Hyotei! Hyotei!"

"Must win! Must win!"


"Come over here!"

Xiangri swung his racket and swung it at the tennis ball, and then the tennis ball drew a parabola in the air and rushed towards Kikumaru again!

"Kikumaru beam!"



"It's useless!"

Xiangri jumped in the air, and then directly hit the ball back in mid-air.




“30-0! Mukai Gakuto…”

“Jump higher and see, Kikumaru.”



“15-40, Kikumaru Oishi…”


The game on the court became increasingly intense, and as time went on, Kikumaru’s special tennis was gradually completely blocked by Mukai.

No matter what special shots, Mukai Gakuto hit them back one by one with superb acrobatic volleys.

“So sharp, so amazing! Their tennis styles are so flexible, just like birds…”

Shiba Saori leaned over to seize the opportunity and took a few photos, looking a little excited.

Firmly suppress Kikumaru’s special shots?

Hyotei is really strong.

"It's really a tough opponent. Both of them have strong body joint flexibility and balance. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Qingxue this time."

Inoue Mamoru shook his head gently.

On the court, the most terrible thing is to encounter an opponent with a similar playing style to your own, but stronger than you.

Because this often means being completely restrained by the opponent.





The two figures kept jumping and rolling on the court, and then played a series of shots that exceeded their physical limits!

Gradually, it seemed to become a personal show for the two.





"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

As the ball was hit back one by one, Kikumaru became a little anxious, and his movements became more and more flustered and anxious.

Physical energy consumption was also increasing.

"Kikumaru, calm down!"

Oishi looked at Kikumaru solemnly, then smiled: "Don't worry, we still have a chance, and this is a doubles match, you still have me standing behind you!"

"... Well, don't worry, Oishi!"

Kikumaru took a deep breath to calm down, and then his cat eyes became more and more sharp.



Another volley jump, with the flip of the Xiangri racket, a horizontal hit, the tennis ball instantly fell to the edge of Kikumaru, and got the score of this game.

"Game, 5-3, Hyotei won this game!"


"Kikumaru-senpai... Oishi-senpai..."

Mizuno Katsuo looked a little worried.

"It's over, it seems that Kikumaru-senpai and Oishi-senpai are going to lose again, it's really bad..."

Katsuro clenched his fists, and his expression was also a little anxious.

"Senior Qian, Senior Fuji, is there really no chance?" Ryuzaki Sakurano couldn't help looking at Qian and Fuji.

"They both have strong instantaneous explosive power, reaction ability, flexibility, etc. They are all on par, but Xiangri jumps higher than Kikumaru, which is very difficult to deal with..."

Fuji smiled softly.

"There are still some differences. Although Kikumaru's jumping and air retention are not as good as Xiangri, Kikumaru is still better in speed and sensitivity."

Qian pushed his glasses and flipped through the small notebook.

"Then what about this

What to say..."

Tomoka's eyes widened instantly, looking at Miki expectantly.


Qian was silent for a moment and looked at the other person on the court.

That is to say, Yu Shi.

As a talented player of Hyokui, this one seemed to have a mediocre performance in this doubles match, and he really couldn't afford to live up to his reputation as the Kansai Wolf.

"Hehehe, I knew it wouldn't be that simple. Don't worry, everyone, Oishi-senpai and Kikumaru-senpai will win!"

Horio smiled with his hands on his hips, a determined look on his face.

"The game continues, Seigaku Kikumaru Eiji serves..."

Snap, snap, snap.

"When it comes to trick shots, I, Kikumaru, will never lose, hum!"

Taking a deep breath on the court, Kikumaru's body seemed to flicker, and then a double image seemed to appear.

The next moment he came behind Dashi, the two formed an "I" formation, grabbed the tennis ball and threw it out again...



Tap tap tap.

The scores kept alternating on the court, but as time passed, drops of sweat suddenly flowed out of Xiangri's cheeks.

"30-30, Qingxue!"

"This guy Renzu seems to be average except for serving."

On Hyokui's side, Shishito Ryo felt a little speechless.

Although there was a reason why Xiuhi was in high spirits, it didn't feel right.

"I also feel that this guy seems to be paddling. Although he plays well defensively, he is obviously not eye-catching." Jirou Akutagawa nodded in agreement.

"The situation is not good. Senior Xiangri seems to be spending a lot of money."

Suddenly, Feng spoke up and reminded.

"Most of the time on the court, it was Mugahi-senpai one-on-two, and Kikumaru Oishi-senpai was playing against the other two. It's really estimated that he can't hold on any longer." Miyashita Rin thought, and then looked at Ninzu.

This guy is really scheming.

But are we really going to lose this game?


"4-5, Aogakus Kikumaru Eiji, Oishi Shuichiro..."

"The game continues, Yushi Ninzu serves..."

"That's it, it's almost over." Renzu bowed and patted the tennis ball behind Xiang Ri, his expression becoming focused.

He really didn't show much strength in this game. The main reason was that the two of them worked too hard. Mukagi was rushing to catch many balls, and he couldn't stop them even if he wanted to.

However, it is not that he has done nothing. At least many tennis balls in Dashi have been blocked by him.

"Let me bring this game to a perfect end."


The tennis ball spun around in the air and was immediately photographed.

The next moment, the tennis ball slipped down the boulder court and bounced sideways on the other side.

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