"Maori Jusaburo vs. Sasaki! One set decides the outcome, Maori serves!"

When the three of Niou arrived at the competition venue, the game had just begun. Glancing outside the venue, Niou really saw quite a few people. Minister Santen Hiroki, Deputy Minister Egawa Shintaro, and a regular senior named Yamauchi Makoto, and... the trio who just stood next to him!

Puff~ They're all here, worthy of being Senior Maori.

"Niou-kun, who do you think will be the last selected?"Yukimura suddenly spoke, and Kuwabara and Marui's attention was immediately attracted. Sanada and Yanagi were also a little surprised.

"The last starter?" Niou watched Maori in the field get a point with a simple quick serve, and smiled,"Please take care of Yukimura in the future." The last starter? Yukimura is Yukimura, even if he is only in the first grade, this confidence is unique. Rikkai's hegemony is inseparable from this thin and delicate boy.

However, Niou couldn't tell whether it was Rikkai that made Yukimura or Yukimura made the future Rikkai. Take Tezuka for example, his current strength is definitely not inferior to Yukimura Seiichi, but in the few years in Qingxue, due to injuries and other reasons, his strength improvement has been very weak, otherwise Tezuka's achievements would be higher.

Although Yukimura's strength was affected by the surgery later, with the help of Sanada and Yanagi, and the strong foundation of Rikkai, although he still lost the championship, it gave Yukimura a relatively good recovery condition.

It can only be said that everyone has gained something.


Yukimura and the other two looked fixed when they heard Niou's words. This confidence... is not weak at all!

""It's inexplicable."

Marui looked at the two men smiling and making witty remarks, muttered in distress, and then turned his attention back to the field. I don't know if it was because the three of them had such a strong aura, but he, who was usually lively, seemed very quiet.

"3 to 0! The two sides exchanged places!"

Facing Mao Li, the opponent had no power to resist at all, and smiled bitterly as he was suppressed by this super rookie of Rikkai University last year.

"What? The gap is too big. It's useless to look at it. I can't get any information at all.

Marui frowned and looked at the relaxed Maori in the field.

"No!" Liu kept writing and drawing on his notebook. When he heard Marui's words, he whispered,"Although Senior Maori did not use his true strength, this state of relaxing and enjoying tennis can better reflect his batting habits, and there are a lot of useful data."

"Although I can't fully understand Maori's strength, I can already make a character template."

"What? What...what does that mean?"

Marui widened his eyes. Although he didn't know what the squinting eyes were saying, he looked very impressive.

"This ball will land on the left corner line!"

Liu opened his eyes and did not explain, but looked at the court.

"Puff~, three centimeters!"

Ren Wang suddenly said something inexplicably.


"15-0, the serving team is ahead!"

After two exchanges of balls between Mao Li and his opponent, he made a clean drive, the tennis ball hit the opponent's left corner, and then quickly bounced out of the court.

"As expected of Yanagi."

Yukimura smiled and praised. He was naturally not weak in terms of insight, but Yanagi was the only person he knew who could make an accurate judgment based on this little information so quickly. This was also one of the reasons why Yukimura valued Yanagi so much. After all, this person was also an important piece of the puzzle for his future.

"It's a lie... It's a lie, right?"

Marui and Kuwabara were incredulous. Can tennis be played like this? Wouldn't it mean that everyone knows what kind of balls they play in the future? How can they play like this? When Marui thought that no matter what ball he played on the court, this person could receive it one step in advance, he felt that his life on the court suddenly became dark.

While secretly putting this person on the extremely dangerous list, Marui was still thinking, are there many people who play tennis like this? Will he have no fun in the future?


Yukimura felt that Liu had no reaction, so he turned his head to take a look, but found that he was staring at Niou Masaharu with his eyes wide open.

"What's wrong?"

"Three... three centimeters!"

Yanagi Renji turned around and swallowed his saliva at Yukimura and Sanada, with a tone of disbelief. Even the big brother who taught him data tennis couldn't be so good, right? But Yanagi Renji really couldn't imagine that a junior high school student could reach this level. He always thought that he and his friends were the pioneers in data tennis in Japan.

But he didn't expect that there was a real person standing in front of him, and his strength... looked even better than his.

"Three centimeters?"

Yukimura and Sanada immediately remembered Niou's seemingly meaningless words, and quickly turned their heads to look at the shallow mark left by Maori's hit on the field.

With their eyesight, they could see that even if the mark was not three centimeters, it was very small!

"You're saying something incomprehensible again."

Marui put a bubble gum in his mouth and began to doubt his IQ.

"Yukimura Seiichi!

Yukimura held out his hand to Nioh.

"Niou Masaharu!"

Niou smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Yukimura Seiichi.

"Genichir� Sanada!"

""Yanagi Renji!"

Sanada and Yanagi formally introduced themselves.

As the strongest students in junior high school, they have their own pride, but at the same time, they also recognize the strong. There is no doubt that the tip of the iceberg that Nioh has shown now is worthy of their attention.

"Please take care of me in the future!"

"Please take care!"

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