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"Yes, according to the information I got.……"


Before Liu could finish, the sound of slapping the table interrupted him.

"I don't need to draw lots!"

Sanada stood up with a serious face,"I only need to fight with that Hiro! You guys can do whatever you want with the rest!"

"No! Why is this happening, little black face? I want to fight that Hong!"Mao Li stood up and shouted

""Senior! You are too lax!"

Sanada roared at Mori without caring about his image, and the others quietly moved away from the two. Although they were all interested in this person, Mori and Sanada were already competing, so they didn't need to join in the fun. If Yukimura and Niou didn't compete, who could compete with them?

"Bubble Gum Senior, I want to fight that guy too!"Kirihara pulled Marui who was sitting next to him and whispered. He had long been eyeing the person who could be ranked with Niou as mentioned by Tennis Weekly. After all, whether it was the shock caused by Niou's ball or the information vaguely revealed by the people in the tennis club, they were all telling Kirihara that this white-haired younger brother and senior was the most powerful person in Rikkai University.

As for how powerful he was, Kirihara could only think about it now. Besides, Sanada had warned him that except for challenging him because of a bet, private competitions were strictly prohibited. In the usual practice matches... he was never abused.

So Kirihara was very eager for a normal battle. It happened that he could participate in the competition, and of course he would give priority to those he was interested in!

As powerful as Niou senior? By then, would he know the gap between his strength and Niou senior's?

Although it was a little hard to understand why any school could have someone with the same strength as the most powerful master of Rikkai University, Kirihara didn't care about this. He just wanted to see the distance between himself and the real masters.

Well... Senior Mori and the black-faced deputy minister thought so too, right? Kirihara felt that he had seen through everything.……

"I want to compete with that person!"

Receiving Marui's encouraging gaze, Kirihara straightened his chest, stood up and interrupted the dispute between Mori and Sanada.


I was just kidding! It's over... Marui closed his eyes and turned his head away, not wanting to see Kirihara's fate.

"Too lax!"

Sanada and Mori looked at each other and shouted at the same time, which frightened the little kelp so much that he fell on the chair. After Kirihara finally reacted, he immediately ran to hide behind Niou. Oh my God... It was too scary. Since then, Sanada left a shadow in Kirihara's heart for the first time, and also strengthened Kirihara's determination to take revenge on the court.

Ten minutes later...


The invasion is like fire!


It's as fast as the wind!

Sanada and Mori have been in a stalemate. Finally, according to the votes of all the regulars, they adopted the tradition of Rikkai and the winner is the king - Duel, boy!

" looks like both Mori-senpai and Sanada's strengths have increased.……"Yukimura held his hands, and the breeze blew, and the corners of his coat fluttered a few times, forming a beautiful picture.

Unfortunately, Nioh's phantom Yukimura could not phantom Yukimura's painting skills, otherwise he would have painted this scene as well.

"Senior Maori didn't try his best. Sanada was carrying a weight, but his speed was still about the same as last year. His strength increased, and it seemed that he had also increased a lot."

I don't know when Liu took out his notebook to write and draw again.

"7 to 5! Maori wins!"

Neither of the two players used their true strength, but the winner had to be decided in the end. Sanada knew that there was no need to use his full strength in this situation. Even if he did, he would not win.

Everyone was not very interested in watching, except Yanagi, who was obsessed with data, and Kirihara, who was staring at him.……

"Hehe, Buchou, I won this time! Let me play in the competition, I want to see if there are really so many super geniuses now!"

Mauri patted Sanada's shoulder proudly, boy, you are still naive.……

"So does Mori-senpai want to play doubles two, singles three, singles two, or singles one?"

Without waiting for Yukimura to speak, Yanagi closed his notebook and said,"Please tell me, so that we can take out the lot when we draw lots later.""

"Um...of course I want to be with that……"

Mao Li suddenly froze there, the rest of the words stuck in his throat and he couldn't say them.

Which position is he hitting? How the hell do I know which position the other party is hitting?


The others also reacted and couldn't help laughing. Sanada turned his head, pushed his hat down a little, and lowered his head a little, trying to hide the curve of his mouth.

In the end, everyone's list was decided by drawing lots. Niou and Kawaguchi Yushi were doubles two. Sanada was singles three, Mori was singles two, Yanagi was singles one, and Kirihara was on the bench...

In the end, Mori could only say that he had no opinion. Singles two? Singles two probably didn't have to play at all, which saved him a lot of trouble. As long as he didn't miss that Wakato Hiroshi in the finals, Mori felt that he had no regrets...

As Yukimura boarded the school's overseas training plane, everyone in Rikkai also embarked on the journey to the county competition..._

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