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"Wait a minute!"

Niou suddenly interrupted Yukimura's words, causing Sanada on the opposite side to frown.

"What's wrong?"

Yukimura asked in surprise.

"We have to play two sets this time!" Niou curled his lips. Since he wanted to help Sanada turn his obsession into the right motivation instead of self-harming training, how could one set be enough?

He hoped that everyone who had fought together at Rikkai University could happily and freely show their best selves on a larger platform, instead of showing off their prestige on the court with pain and suffering behind their backs.

Sanada, Yukimura, Kirihara... the three people with the highest achievements in tennis at Rikkai University in the future cannot be the same as in their previous lives after he joins in this life!

Rikkai University is not the Rikkai University of one person!

"Two games?"

Ren Wang's words made everyone feel a little strange. They understood three and five games, but what if there was one win and one loss in the two games?

"Sanada, you can't last two rounds, right?" Niou said to Sanada with a smile without any explanation.

"Humph! Come on!"

Sanada doesn't care about that, he can't wait!

"Genichirō Sanada vs. Masaharu Nioh! Two sets!"Since neither of them had any objections, Yukimura said nothing more. He believed that Nioh must have his own reasons for doing this.

"I'll give you the serve, Sanada.……"As he spoke, Niou had already transformed into Tezuka's appearance. With the racket already in his left hand, he looked exactly like Tezuka. Even his tone became the same:"Don't be careless, Sanada!"


Although Yukimura had guessed it a long time ago, his expression still changed slightly. The others had known about the feud between Sanada and the director of Seigaku for a long time, and their expressions began to become interesting. Is Niou going to do something big today? Is he deliberately provoking Sanada? Or did Sanada ask for it himself?

How did this come about?

While the others were thinking about the reason, Kirihara was still struggling with Niou's phantom. He had not seen this trick many times, let alone the phantom becoming a stranger to him.


Seeing Niou's phantom, Sanada almost forgot that his opponent was still Niou. The emotions that he had just suppressed suddenly burst out, bang!

"Serve error!"

Sanada, who would never make such an error, actually sent the tennis ball onto the net. This is not Nioh using the five senses. Not to mention that he would not use it in this game, even if he wanted to use it, it would be impossible for the five senses to be directly effective without contact with the tennis ball. It's more like mental assassination.


Sanada closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes. Bang!


The game was almost in full swing as soon as it started. The tennis ball kept going back and forth, making everyone feel a little dazzled. Kirihara couldn't help but hold on to the wire mesh tightly, his eyes wide open.

"15 to 0!"


"40 to 30!"


"2 to 2!"

"Enough Tezuka! Show your true strength!"

Sanada roared, and even called Nioh Tezuka directly.

"Then go ahead."

Niou lowered his waist and held the racket with both hands.

Jackal and Marui looked at each other. It seems that they are still warming up?

""As fast as the wind!"


The tennis ball passed by Niou's ear, and it seemed that he had no time to react.

"15-0! Sanada is leading!"

That's... as fast as the wind?! How could this be Sanada's style!

Everyone watching the game widened their eyes, and Yanagi kept writing! They didn't even notice when Sanada swung the racket! For the first time, the real sense of as fast as the wind was presented to everyone as a serve!


"30 to 0!"


"3 to 2! Sanada is leading!"

"This trick is useless!"

"Tezuka's voice was flat. Next, it was his serve.




A slice, the tennis ball fell to the ground and rolled back.

"15 to 0! Nioh is leading!"

Everyone knew this move, and except for Kirihara who kept swallowing his saliva, the others were not very surprised.



"3 to 3! Both sides are tied!"

At this point in the game, everyone in Rikkai has a deep impression of Tezuka. He can fight Sanada on equal terms, which shows his strength. They all know Nioh's phantom, and his strength is almost the original.

Sanada serves.

"Fast as the wind!"


"Tezuka" took a step forward and came to the tennis ball, bang!

"I told you, this trick is useless! Sanada, is this all you have to defeat me?"

"Aggression is like fire!"


"0 to 15! Nioh is leading!"

A perfect zero-style slice scored a point.

Zero-style? Sanada looked uncomfortable and snorted in his heart. How many balls can you use? Not to mention taking his smash? In this game, the victory will only belong to him!

Now Sanada almost didn't consider that the opponent was not Tezuka himself.



The phantom Tezuka's body gradually reduced the range of movement and finally stopped in the middle.

"The tennis ball seemed to be flying towards Nioh by itself?"

Mauri gradually realized that something was wrong. What kind of trick was this?


Yukimura opened his mouth and uttered two words. He also knew this move! Moreover, it came from Tezuka!

"Field?" Others were puzzled.

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