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"He had mastered two doors before the first year of college?!"

Morri's face changed. If that was the case, how strong was Tezuka?……

"That's right." Yukimura nodded,"In terms of basics, we are almost equal. I can only rely on the special nature of my mental power to slightly surpass Tezuka."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent. After all, there are always people who are better than you.……

"So what is the purpose of this burst of talent?"

The Jackal's question put the atmosphere back on track.

"Through a special kind of Qi, the brain's information processing capacity is multiplied, so as to achieve the trick of predicting the next ball path. It can be said that this is the realm that Liu wants to achieve the most... But just like the ordinary selflessness, the state will decline faster than usual."

Yukimura was not vague about this matter, and patiently explained it to everyone. The more they understand, the better it will be for them. As for Yukimura himself, although he also has the opportunity to develop these abilities, for him who has already taken an important step on the road of mental power, doing so is undoubtedly a step backwards.

He knew that Sanada had entered the selflessness after the last match with the enhanced version of Sanada of Nioh Phantom, but he didn't see Sanada use it. Because Sanada, like him, already has another path...

As for what the last door of the three doors mentioned by Yukimura is, no one cares anymore.

"15 to 40!"

Phantom Tezuka scored another point!

"Tezuka, I won't lose to you again……"Sanada pulled his hat and looked at Tezuka's figure opposite him. Suddenly, he and the figure on the JR League overlapped. His originally excited emotions suddenly became unusually calm.



When Niou wanted to use his talent again, he found a layer of darkness shrouding Sanada.

It's hard to know, like the shadow... Phantom Tezuka's icy face almost didn't hold back. What a nostalgic move. In that final, the fight between Sanada and Tezuka...


But as the fight went on, Niou began to smile bitterly in his heart. Why did he feel so tired! It was even more tiring than fighting with Senior Mori who was trying his best!

Sanada's Unknowable Shadow was born to specifically restrain Tezuka's talent. In essence, it was a move made up of some deceptive moves and weak mental support.

Although Niou's talent was also fake, he had realized the selflessness in this life after all. Although it was a special selflessness, the phantom's talent and tempering were at least more than before.

In addition, his increasingly powerful insight came from so many years of tennis. Sanada's Yin... had no effect on him at all! At least the Yin was like in front of him now.

But in order to achieve the goal of the game, he could only watch Sanada's movements and analyze quickly how to return the ball when he couldn't use his talent to see through the shadow.

Tired, really tired!

At this time, Yukimura, who was always there, began to serve as both referee and commentator, paying attention to the game while explaining the two's moves to everyone.


"30 to 40!"


Something is wrong!

After a few minutes, everyone noticed this. Even though Sanada's Yin suppressed Phantom Tezuka's talent, Phantom Tezuka was evenly matched with Sanada before he used his talent. Even if Thunder wanted to break through Tezuka's domain, it would take several consecutive attacks. Although the accuracy of the domain is decreasing, Sanada's strength is also decreasing, so the situation should not be much different.

Now both sides are using Thunder Yin while using domain and talent, but Sanada has obviously suppressed Phantom Tezuka.


Yukimura, who was frowning, suddenly had an idea and finally found out what was wrong.

That's right, it's incoordination! Phantom Tezuka's performance overlapped with the scene where Yukimura saw Tezuka's competition at the venue today. Could it be... something happened that they don't know about?



"44 Both sides are tied!"


Phantom Tezuka's domain was gradually unable to maintain, and the Zero-type, which was still unstoppable for Sanada, was not used again. However, except for a limited number of two or three people, no one else paid attention to this. Even if the quality of the game had declined, it was enough to attract them.

Fifteen minutes later

"6 to 0! Sanada wins."

With Yukimura's announcement, the game on the field ended.

The people who wanted to speak saw that Nioh still maintained the phantom and looked at Sanada with his eyes without saying a word. Sanada stared at his racket blankly and did not react for a while.

With the temporary end of the battle, the tense atmosphere disappeared, but what followed was not relief, but a kind of depression, the depression before the storm.

Sanada suddenly raised his head and looked at the phantom Tezuka opposite with an unchanged expression, feeling that he had been greatly insulted.

""Tezuka Kunimitsu! Why! Why!" An angry roar resounded in the vicinity, startling many birds. Kirihara was frightened and quickly covered his mouth to avoid getting into trouble.

What on earth is going on?

The others were puzzled. Why did this matter develop in an incomprehensible direction again? Does playing tennis also require a limit on IQ?

Only Yukimura was waiting, waiting for the explanation about"inconsistency"..._

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