"Mita, are you looking for Mori again?"

Outside the venue, Deputy Minister Ekawa Shintaro looked at Mita who was looking around, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Damn boy! He always runs so fast!"

Mita clenched his fist and exhaled viciously. This boy Maori was really infuriating. He had extraordinary strength and a heart that pursued victory, but he never cared about the affairs of the tennis club and couldn't catch anyone every time!

""Honestly, are you looking forward to it?" Shintaro looked through the wire mesh of the court at the trio who were talking over there, and said in an exclamatory tone.

Under the leadership of senior Tanedima, they entered the finals every year, but always lost to Makino Fuji. Although senior Tanedima never said anything, everyone knew that his heart was full of unwillingness. The strength of the traditional powerful schools this year has declined. This is their opportunity and the opportunity of others.

When the goal is set on the national championship, they also bear a lot of pressure, their own unwillingness, senior Tanedima's obsession, and the importance of Rikkai in the middle school tennis community.

Maybe it is the blessing of Rikkai University.

In this era of transition, three freshmen who are capable of being the main players have come.

There is also the mixed-blood, white-haired boy and the smiling red-haired boy.

Even if they graduate next year, these three will grow up again.

As the director, he doesn't have to worry about Rikkai.

By then, he can also be assured to enter the high school department and continue to play with Director Tanedima.

"Looking forward to it? Of course I am looking forward to it!"

Mita followed Shintaro's gaze and looked over there. Come on, take the position of the director from me, and let me serve Rikkai as an ordinary regular player for another year!

The next moment, Yukimura and the other two seemed to have a telepathic connection and looked over here.

Five eyes converged.

But what Mita could not have expected was that the white-haired boy's thin shoulders could already support Rikkai. So many evil freshmen are not destined to Rikkai, but the golden age of tennis has begun to emerge.


High school tennis club. Although the high school and junior high school departments of Rikkai University are separated by only a wall, it took a lot of effort for Mao Li to find the high school tennis club, as Rikkai University covers a large area.

"Senior Aoki!"


A regular player with orange hair heard someone calling him, turned around and saw that it was Maori, and ran over with some surprise.

"Shouldn't today be the main selection match? Why are you here?"

"As expected of Senior Aoki, he was selected as a regular player in the tennis club in his first year of high school! Just now, Director Mita told me that Senior Taneshima wanted to see me, so I came over."Mori first praised his senior, then asked

"You mean Minister Taneshima? How is that possible? Senior Taneshima isn't even in the tennis club right now, how could he possibly be looking for you? Did you hear wrongly?"Aoki was a little confused. Now that these important people were not here, he didn't know where Maori got the news from.

"Not here? How could that be? Minister Mita would never lie to me."

"But Senior Taneshima and several third-year seniors received an invitation yesterday, and left together. They didn't say where they were going."


A flash of inspiration flashed through Mao Li's mind, and suddenly he remembered the voice of Mita and the face of Niou that appeared when he was sleeping in the morning.

"Thank you, Senior Aoki.

Mao Li bowed politely and walked away with a dark face. He was cheated twice by the same person. It was unforgivable!


Aoki scratched the back of his head. Why did he feel that this junior had become strange after just over a month of not seeing him?

Meanwhile, Niou"relaxed" for a while and went to watch Marui's game. The intensity of the game was even stronger than Marui thought. Marui was a master of volleying at the net, while the opponent, a senior from the third year, was very good at extending the ball path and was a baseline consumption player.

In addition, the strength of the two was originally similar. You intercept me and I mobilize you, and we had a lot of fun. Although the two knew that it would be of no benefit to whoever won if they continued to play like this, they still tried their best silently. In addition to not wanting to lose, everyone was still thinking about the position that was left after being occupied by several people with superior strength.

"Wen is too dangerous."

Sangyuan said solemnly beside Renwang. Sangyuan was originally a physical player. Facing the third-year senior, he could not take advantage at all. After struggling, he could only face failure and cheer for Marui.

"As long as he trains harder, maybe he can enter the regular season next year."Puff~"

Niou didn't say there was still a chance. The last spot in this group can only be his, and no one can take it away! If this group wants to produce another regular season, they must either defeat Mori or defeat him!

"7 to 4! Watanabe wins!"

In the arena, the two also decided the winner.

"Well, we will try our best."

Kuwabara nodded, and looked at Marui who had already failed on the court, and nodded seriously. Let's work hard together, Bunta!

On court No. 3, Mita's game has also ended. Although everyone knows which groups will be the main players, the normal games still have to go on. Even ordinary members of Rikkai University are not afraid to challenge the strong! This may also help their tennis journey.

"Maori? Wow... It's really not easy to see you at the edge of the field? Can't sleep?"

Mita almost thought he had seen the wrong person, and after confirming it, he began to mock without hesitation.

"I will tell that white-haired boy what a senior is!"

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