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Tải ảnh: 0.047s Scan: 0.107sAfter adjusting his breathing, Ren Wang served the ball.


The tennis ball turned into a shadow and hit Ren Wang's feet hard. He could even feel the air waves brought by the tennis ball through his pores.

"0 to 15! Byodoin Phoenix scores!"

"snort……"Byodoin held the racket and glanced at Niou who seemed to have not yet reacted,"Boy, keep up with the rhythm!"


Niou's ball speed was a few points faster than before, and at the same time, his mental power began to be active without any reservation.



The game directly entered the high-speed stage. There was no room for extra thinking, let alone actively creating opportunities. In this situation, all you can do is be patient, make sure you don't make mistakes, and then wait for the right opportunity to use the right tricks.

"15 to 15!"


"15 to 30!"


"30 to 30!"

Rio forced a point with a slice, and couldn't help but feel a little tricky. Whether it was speed or strength, the Byodoin Phoenix was almost impeccable, not to mention that we didn't know how much strength he had used. In this case... let's go all out!

"It's as fast as the wind!"

In a flash, Niou's phantom transformed into the appearance of Sanada, but he looked a little more mature than the current Sanada.


"40 to 30!"

This move caught Byodoin off guard. The tennis ball passed by Byodoin's feet at a faster speed than before. Some people didn't even see the shadow of the ball.

Oh? Mifune Nyudo's eyes lit up. This method of using mental power? Very creative!

Seeing that Nioh did not cancel the phantom immediately, the U17 staff quickly matched the database with similar tennis players based on the characteristics. Then a boy who was almost exactly the same as Nioh now, but a little immature, popped up on the screen - his name was, Sanada Genichirō!

"It's as fast as the wind!"


Byodoin just turned his body to the side and took a batting stance. After the net landed, it seemed as if it was equipped with navigation and directly hit Byodoin's racket.


The tennis ball was hit hard towards Ren's backhand. It seemed impossible to catch up with it at a normal speed.

If he wasn't using the phantom Sanada, he would have to use the two-sword style, because now he was using his right hand, and the so-called backhand was just his best left hand.

With a step of his left leg, the leg muscles burst out with super strength, and the phantom Sanada appeared in front of the tennis ball with a bright light.

The racket was upright, and with the kendo momentum formed by Sanada practicing kendo since he was a child, he chopped it down fiercely.


A flash of electric arc passed by, and the whole half of the court was illuminated by this ball.

"Move like thunder!"

The tennis ball passed in front of Byodoin at an extremely fast speed and in an unpredictable path.


"1 to 0! Niou Masaharu wins!"

Everyone in the army frowned. This move was much more terrifying than the one used in the match with Nojima!

Only Tono Atsuki had a different mind. He thought that if this move was used on a person, the effect would be very good!

The perfect phantom, coupled with Niou's understanding of thunder and Niou's more than ten years of experience, made him use a move that was almost world-class. In terms of moves, he was not afraid of anyone! However, such thunder naturally greatly increased the burden on the legs.

"You have intrigued me a little bit!" Byodoin glanced at the dark mark left by the tennis ball at his feet, and a twisted excitement suddenly appeared on his face,"I believe you will like hell!"


Byodoin serves!

The tennis ball hits the serving area hard with a gust of wind.

Niou moves his footsteps, and the racket tilts forward at a small angle. Snap! The speed of the tennis ball slows down instantly, and it flies towards Byodoin swayingly.

It is as slow as a forest!



"15 to 0! Byodoin scored!"

Byodoin didn't feel any excitement after scoring a point. Instead, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Every time he wanted to pick up the tempo, the phantom Sanada's Hayashi would slow it down.

The feeling of being ready to attack but having to hold it back again and again was really terrible. Bang!

"Move like thunder!"

"15 to 15! Niou Masaharu scores!"


The phantom face of Sanada Kenji instantly appeared in front of the tennis ball, crackling!

Byodoin's eyes were fixed on the trajectory of the tennis ball, and the eyes reflected by the lightning narrowed slightly and saw it!

"15 to 30! Niou Masaharu scored!"

Did you see through it?"

Niou's mouth curled up, and a meaningless sound came out of his mouth.

"Senior, don't be careless.……"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the figure of"Sanada" gradually changed into a teenager wearing glasses.

Without being urged by the coaches, the data group quickly captured Niou's current facial features and matched them in their database.

In less than a minute, a frame popped up on the screen. The person in the photo looked almost exactly like Niou now, and was also slightly immature like Sanada just now.

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