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Tải ảnh: 1.055s Scan: 0.040sIn the eyes of everyone, the tennis ball seemed to have turned into a phoenix rising from the ground, and then passed over the head of the phantom cemetery, with the iceberg face and the fire phoenix complementing each other.

Then, when it was about to fly out of the border, the phoenix seemed to lose all its power and disappeared into the civilization of ancient Egypt. The tennis ball fell almost vertically and hit the place close to the sideline.

Everything happened in a flash.

"The serving side holds serve! 1 to 1! Both sides are tied!"

Egyptian Phoenix!"

Niou took out the tennis ball without saying a word and began to prepare. Perhaps this move was difficult for others, but for Niou, the threat was not as great as that of the American pirates just now.

This level of move, if not used in conjunction with the power of the other dimension, is not much different from other ordinary moves!

Especially for Niou, a non-world-class player who can win against players who have not yet entered the world-class level and can see the situation against world-class players, it is just a matter of one or two balls.

This guy is a bug at this special stage of strength!


The tennis ball turned into a light yellow beam from Niou's half of the court and flew to Byodoin's half of the court, but compared to the power of the swing, the speed of the ball was undoubtedly too slow!


Byodoin immediately thought of this and paid more attention. In this situation where he could not judge the direction of the tennis ball's bounce, he could only respond to the situation based on his reaction speed.


Byodoin's feet were slightly raised and he began to prepare for the move, but... there was no follow-up.

Shashasha... a strong friction sound rang out on the court. After the tennis ball landed, it did not bounce up, but rolled back along the ground.

"15-0! Niou Masaharu scores!"

"This... is this okay?"

Seeing this familiar scene, Irie could hardly keep his smile! Not to mention the other members of the First Army... even the eyelids of the ghost behind Niou twitched. There is no most talented person, only more talented people!

The ghost felt a little ashamed when he thought that he had no useful moves except for the slam and smash. This was also related to his original tennis growth environment.

In order to improve his strength when he could not participate in the competition, he could only practice with adults. The difference in strength made him develop in this direction involuntarily. Now the ball is finalized.


It's fine to return the ball like this, after all, the direct return of the Byodoin is a good way to crack it, or just make it impossible for Niou to use this kind of ball.

But serving is completely dependent on the situation, and you have to land on the ground to receive the ball, so you can only watch the opponent perform?

There are so many people in the army, but no one can think of a good way

"However, even if it cannot be cracked, the arm cannot withstand this kind of serve for two games, right?"

Irie Kanata's terrifying insight almost made him see through this weakness without thinking. But even if it can only be used for one game, if both sides already have strength, this type of serve is fatal at the match point or in the tiebreak!


Snap... rustle...

The same movements and the same serve as before. Byodoin was too lazy to move, but looked at Nioh with a casual look.

His attitude was like this, you serve, serve as much as you can! If you can, I'll let you serve more!

When his hands are not working well later, he will win more easily.

"30-0! Niou Masaharu scores!"

Phantom Tezuka threw the tennis ball high up and swung the racket hard! But when the racket and the tennis ball were about to touch, his figure twisted.

"It's as fast as the wind!"


"40 to 0! Niou Masaharu scores!"


Byodoin had never expected that Niou would suddenly do this, and was scored a point directly.

How could Niou be the way Byodoin thought? He had some accurate judgment on his own abilities, and would definitely not be greedy for almost unsolvable tricks such as Zero serve to quickly score a few points, and then personally ruin his already slim chances of winning.


Byodoin's aura suddenly began to concentrate. If his aura was just naturally emitted just now, now it was purely and consciously aimed at Niou.

Everyone in the army felt their eyelids twitching, and after looking at each other, they tacitly stepped back a little. Who knows what Byodoin's reaction will be later!

Taneshima couldn't help but slap his forehead. Was this guy deliberately provoking him? It's really troublesome to have such a troublesome back.……

"Niou Masaharu! Do you want to die?!"

Byodoin's face was dark, and he roared, the sound directly penetrated the training ground and reached the field outside.

This kind of teasing situation has not happened for a long time! Especially in U17! No one has ever dared to treat him like this!

Even Tono didn't dare to use the execution method when facing him after being hit against the wall by him once. How dare this kid on the opposite side tease him?!

"Byodoin Phoenix! I'm still here! Who do you want to die?!"

Before the substitutes could react, they heard a louder roar, and everyone looked at each other in bewilderment... Is this a competition of sonic power? Is it a new type of tennis trick?

Mifune glanced at Byodoin, snorted, and drank a sip of wine.

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