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"0 to 30! Niou Masaharu scores!"

""Pu Li~"

Niou returned to his original appearance. The burden brought by the continuous use of these moves was already too much. If he continued to use them, Niou was really afraid that he would be slaughtered later.

Seeing this, Byodoin also raised his eyebrows, and the idea of directly taking action was put to rest.

After all, they were not real enemies, and directly destroying the opponent was not the goal. In addition, in Byodoin's view, he was"kind" to destroy Niou's blind self-confidence to help him establish a true attitude towards the game.

Although his extra-dimensional level of power is still in the initial stage, after a year of tempering, it has basically been perfected, and further breakthroughs are just around the corner.

Similarly, the initial level of extra-dimensional ability is also a great burden on his body, especially his all-attack extra-dimensional skills. This is why he wants to win four games first!

His extra-dimensional skills can be used for two games without overdrawing. In these two games, facing opponents who do not have this level of power, it is equivalent to announcing his victory!

In other words, once he is defeated by Byodoin , After winning the fourth game, Nioh...can only be slaughtered...

If this is a world competition, according to Byodoin's character, he will test the opponent with a game first. If the opponent has no ability at all, he will directly use the extra-dimensional skills to beat the opponent so that he can't compete!

That's right, he can only use two games, but as long as the opponent can't compete, he will naturally win.


Byodoin serves!


Now Nioh can only return the ball honestly, or...the last trump card is about to appear.

In fact, there are many trump cards for Nioh!

What is perfect? He can even phantom Sanada's black aura plus double slash. Although it is not real, the effect is not much worse!

He can even use Shiraishi without wristbands and even Kijujiro's signature battle axe!

It's just that these consume too much energy for the body and are not cost-effective.

The most suitable for him is Atobe's Atobe Kingdom, or even the world-class Ice Emperor and Yukimura's five senses and dreams. One is based on insight, and the other is based on mental strength... so……

"Out of bounds!"

"0 to 40! Niou Masaharu scores!"

"Senior... you... seem to have lost your sense of touch?"

The light green headband seemed to echo the headband he mentioned. The legendary minister of Makinoto and the future legendary minister of Rikkai University began their first fateful encounter.

It was the same move again!

Nojima couldn't help but feel a little palpitated when he saw the phantom Yukimura. Nojima didn't want to experience that feeling again!

"What a joke!"

Byōdōin's heart sank, and then he thought of Oni and Irie. Hum... If you like helping these losers so much, then I'll give you another one!

Since we can't win the fourth round... then don't win it!


Byōdōin's momentum suddenly changed, and the phantom Yukimura's eyelids jumped. Then, seemingly relaxed, he actually fought back with all his strength.


"43! Niou Masaharu is in the lead!"

The eyes of the Byodoin Phoenix were instantly plunged into darkness~


"5 to 3! Niou Masaharu is leading!"

"Senior, you seem to be losing...?"

In the unknown space, Niou chuckled at the confused Byodoin.

"Lose? Hahahaha……"Byodoin covered his face, as if he had heard a huge joke,"You said I would lose?!"

Niou's smiling face suddenly froze, and a skeleton holding two swords was reflected in his pupils. The power of Byodoin was instantly activated, and the embodiment of the will of the tennis ball appeared uncontrollably behind him, staring at Niou with empty eyes, causing cold sweat to drip from his forehead.

"You are quite strong! But in the final analysis... it's just a child's play!"

Although he felt something was wrong, Byodoin thought that there was nothing wrong, so he didn't care! No matter what conspiracy or tricks there were, he could break them with his absolute strength!

The skeleton appeared on the left side of Niou, and two knives pierced through Niou's heart one after another. Bang~

The space suddenly shattered...

Everyone in the army suddenly saw that the phantom Yukimura, who had originally had a great advantage and won the game effortlessly, was like seeing a ghost.

"Impossible! How could you break free?"

"whispering sound……"Byodoin was too lazy to explain. Niou's ugly behavior only made him feel that he was doing the right thing.


An ordinary serve, under the blessing of Byodoin's current state, actually had an effect no less than that of the American pirates at the beginning.


Niou's face changed after receiving the ball, but he still hit it back.

"Ho……"Byodoin was a little surprised,"It seems that you have also hidden your strength, but it's useless!"

As Byodoin made a batting motion, the skeleton pirate behind him also became active.


The tennis ball instantly merged with the pirate and rushed towards Niou with a grin, but the double swords turned into a single sword, and some stars appeared on the sword, giving everyone the feeling of seeing the American flag. A true world-class move - American pirate!

Niou's body became stiff and difficult to move. He could only watch the sword pierce his chest.

"Niou!" Taneshima

's voice suddenly sounded from behind.


PS.:The four meaningless words in the first paragraph of this chapter, plus the five meaningless words at the end of this chapter are what you asked me to build... If you are interested, you can add them. I only said these two times. Please forgive me for the bad reading experience.

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