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"Senior... ahem, I... have already crawled out of hell!"

Niou suddenly raised his head, and his bloodstained face suddenly had a different glow.

Byodoin's pupils suddenly shrank, and faced the gradually rising momentum on his body... very familiar!

The ghost is also familiar with this, because he also took this road. Therefore, he showed a look of shock before others.

Behind Niou, a huge figure slowly took shape, and finally, a thin-looking figure, with a fox-like cunning smile on the corner of his mouth, stared at Byodoin opposite.

Everyone could vaguely see that the face of the figure was extremely similar to Niou Masaharu himself.

The only big difference was that the huge figure was wearing a clean small suit, and holding a hat instead of a racket in his hand.

The fusion of past and present lives, the unique dimension skill of Niou - magician! Or... phantom!

"Echizen Nanjiro……"

The gourd in Mifune's hand fell to the ground at some point, and the wine kept flowing, but he didn't care about the heartache.

As far as he knew, there was only one person who used his body as the will of tennis to materialize another dimension! The legendary Japanese samurai... Echizen Nanjiro!

This kid on the court reached the level of another dimension when he was in the second grade of junior high school! And he could materialize his will very stably when he first entered this realm.……

""Hahahaha... Good! Good!"

Mifune suddenly laughed. He no longer had to think about the thing he was struggling with! If other countries wanted to cultivate junior high school geniuses, then they would add fuel to the fire!

"I am only one step away from reaching your level.……"

Taneshima, Irie, and Oni's hearts echoed with the words that Niou said that day... Now, Niou is qualified to have an equal dialogue with them!


"15 to 40! Niou Masaharu scores!"


"6 to 6! Both sides tied! Tiebreak!"

When Niou hit the ball, five tennis balls of different colors would appear from time to time in the hands of the phantom behind him, sometimes disappearing from the hat and sometimes appearing from the hand. This fancy thing attracted the attention of many people.

"Very good... very good!"

Being used as a stepping stone by Niou, Byodoin's mood became extremely complicated. First, he was pleased with the future of Japan, and second, he could not vent his anger at being used as a stepping stone.

More importantly, a heavy pressure appeared in his heart. The kid opposite could perform so stably when he first entered the other dimension, and only a few people could see that Niou's basic strength seemed to have increased a bit outrageously in the state of the other dimension.

Now Byodoin had no time to think about it. The other-dimensional skills that had been dormant appeared again!

Pirates vs. Phantoms!

""Fast as the wind!"

Niou's figure twisted and turned into Sanada's. A red and a blue tennis ball suddenly appeared in the hands of the figure behind him, and he threw them out with a smile.

This quick serve made him hit the ball at a speed comparable to Mach's serve.


Byodoin did not hold back any more, and the current situation did not allow him to be careless any more.

"0 to 1! Byodoin Phoenix scores!"


"5 to 6! Byodoin Phoenix scores!"

Tezuka, Sanada, Nojima, and Tanejima all appeared on the court, and even two Byodoin Phoenix appeared... Unfortunately, Nioh was injured and had just entered this realm. Although he had the strange bonus of the other dimension, he could only barely keep the points.


Niou kept panting, and the dimensional skills behind him began to become a little illusory.

Is it the last gasp of a dying force... Tanejima shook his head with a bit of regret. If he hadn't been so seriously injured, the outcome would still be uncertain.

""Boy, prepare to die!"

A true world-class move - American Pirate!

Byodoin gathered all its strength and attacked, flying towards Nio amidst the cold light.

Still a step too late...

Nio sighed secretly, and instantly restored his original appearance, and the figure behind him suddenly turned into mist.

When the sharp blade was about to pierce him, a similar sharp blade stretched out from the mist and blocked the pirate's knife in time.


With a crisp sound, in less than a second, the sharp blade in the mist shattered, and the tennis ball that consumed a lot of power slammed into Nio's body.



"7 to 6! Byodoin Phoenix wins!"

Just now... that was... that was...

Byodoin's eyelids kept twitching. That was clearly his pirate!

"I lost……"Niou raised his head with his last bit of strength and looked at Byodoin.

After saying that, without waiting for Byodoin's response, he looked at Tanejima who was still in a daze and said,"Senior, your protection work is too poor!"

Then his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

This battle was undoubtedly the most intense battle in his past and present life, and also the most reckless battle.

"Niou! Where are the medical team! Medical team!"

Tanjima finally reacted and ran to Niou's side.


After Niou was carried away, Mifune said to Byodoin:"Didn't you say that there were too many wastes in the training grounds? I decided to reduce four grounds, and the next challenge will be implemented. And this expedition is up to you, I have something else to do!"

When picking up the gourd and walking to the door, Mifune suddenly stopped again,"The last failure is not your fault alone! If you keep holding on to this mentality, you will only go further and further on the wrong path!"

After a long time, Byodoin put away his racket without saying a word and went out. Watanabe followed silently.

Going further and further on the wrong path? Byodoin's heart twitched... When he thought about how Niou could fight him like that just now, what if his injury healed? What if his realm was completely stabilized?

Answer���It vaguely appeared in the mind of the Equal Court.

The other troops looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Today's game would take them a long time to digest.……

"What are you standing there for? Why don't you start the training match quickly? Are you trying to be lazy?"It was not until the ghost's voice sounded that the training room began to become lively again.


"What are you thinking about?"

At the national competition venue, in the lounge of Rikkai University High School, Sanada suddenly appeared behind Yukimura.

"Hmm? I was just wondering what Niou is doing now.……"

""Humph!" Sanada pulled his hat."That guy swore us to reform, but when it came time to do it, he slipped away! He didn't even come back for the national competition!"

"Hehe... Forget it, let's go to bed early. We still have to play against Shitenhoji tomorrow!"

Yukimura smiled and didn't continue the topic. His right hand clenched into a fist where Sanada couldn't see. It seemed... it was necessary to go to the hospital.

And the Nioh they talked about was sleeping in the U17's medical room.

"Really, I can't relax at all.……"

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