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"Niou Masaharu vs Hiranoki! Niou Masaharu serves!"

Because of his injured left hand, Niou can only use his racket to hit the tennis ball on the ground, and then use it to serve.

"Hehe, if you want to admit defeat, just say so. Why send a disabled person to the field?"

Hiranogi looked at Niou, not knowing whether it was due to his personality or because Niou's appearance was too easy to be misunderstood, but he blurted out the sarcastic words anyway.

"You said...what?"

Niou looked at Hiranoki expressionlessly, the tennis ball was pinched between two fingers of his right hand, but this image looked particularly funny, causing Hiranoki to laugh wildly.


Many people covered their foreheads, Rikkai gave up the championship? Are you kidding! Since Niou came up, there must be a reason for him to come up.

"Disabled person, are you angry? Haha……"


He finally understood why Makinoto would go out to meet a minister like Wakigo. It seemed that there was really no one left.

If it was normal, he would just beat the opponent out of the game... But now, he was in a bad mood and had to rush... Add the word"disabled", it seemed like a satire on Rikkai University in his previous life.……

"Then I, a disabled person, will start……"

He used two fingers to throw the tennis ball high up, and the best hitting point immediately appeared in Niou's mind.

An indescribable momentum pressed towards Hirano.

Bend your knees and jump!


A yellow light suddenly lit up from Niou's side, and then illuminated the entire venue, causing many spectators who were close to them to squint their eyes. At the same time, I don't know how many people subconsciously stood up and stared at the tennis ball that caused such a huge noise.

""Destruction"! This is a move that Byodoin first created when he fought against demons in the first year of high school. It has a move with the power of another dimension.

What's special is that this move does not require the cooperation of another dimension, but requires insight, analytical ability and accurate hitting ability. Use the most appropriate force to hit the most appropriate hitting point in different environments, maximize the power of the tennis ball, and even exceed Watanabe's hitting.

The rotation of the tennis ball, the wind direction of the court, etc. are all taken into consideration!

And Nioh is naturally capable of using this move, but I don't know what kind of reaction Byodoin would have if he knew...

The tennis ball in Hiranoki's pupils became bigger and bigger, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge, but found that his legs and feet were already constantly moving.



The tennis ball hit Hiranoki's chest directly. The huge force directly knocked him three or four meters away, and then he fainted, and the racket flew out.

The vibration of the air, the smoke and dust……

"This... this power……"

Maori's face showed a look of desire he had never had before, and he was suddenly filled with longing for that mysterious place.


The entire venue was filled with the sound of people swallowing their saliva. The Rikkai people behind them had stood up without knowing when, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The players from Seigaku, Yamabuki, and Kabuto were performing even worse. Everyone's eyes were almost fixed on Niou until the referee's voice sounded.

"Hiranoki is out of action! Rikkai University High School wins!"

One goal decides the outcome!"

"Phooey~Victory for the disabled……"

Ren Wang smiled, then he supported his left hand with a worried look on his face. It hurts so much...

Snap, Snap, Snap...

The whole venue was filled with strong noises. This goal alone was worth their ticket price today!

As for the loser, no one will pity him.


The players seemed very uncooperative at the award ceremony this time. As the third place winner, Natsuki didn't feel happy at all. The second place winner, Makino Fuji, had a gloomy face. The fact that Niou had just defeated them in the singles match with one goal was still deeply imprinted in their hearts.

The players from Rikkai University High School were no exception.

Even Marui and Yukimura had lost their usual smiles on their faces.

It was not because of Yukimura's physical problem, but because of Niou's very unreasonable goal just now, which made them wonder how many questions they wanted to ask.

They casually dealt with the routine interview and forced an ugly smile to the old man who was presenting the awards.

They finally got through the award ceremony.

Then, without saying a word, everyone got on the school bus and requisitioned the bus and the driver to go to Tokyo Hospital.

"Just ask if you want to ask~"

Ren Wang couldn't stand the way people looked at rare animals.

"What is that move called?"

No one was exempt from the answer.

"That move... is called destruction! Well, it's not my move, it's the move of the legendary department head Makino Fuji."

Ryooh spread his hands, trying to distance himself from the matter.

The move of the legendary department head Makino Fuji?

After Ryooh said that, everyone thought of the long-lost department head Tanejima and some of the inexplicable words Ryooh said last time. As for Maori, who knew a little bit of the inside story, he was even more excited.

The power of the ball just now left a great impression on him.……

"Don't guess randomly, just work hard to improve your strength! Just look at the injuries on my body and you will know. If it were you, you would have to come back lying down."

Ren Wang hit everyone mercilessly.


After a moment of silence, Sanada suddenly spoke up:"What happened to Yukimura?"

"I don't know, but I think it's a disease, so I'm taking it very seriously

, just in case."At this time, Ren Wang can only pretend to be innocent. Once this matter is said, there is no way to cover it up. As long as the results of the examination are found out later, it will be good for everyone.

Well... for others who have not experienced their previous lives... it is also bad news, right?

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