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"Kirihara Akaya! Why don't you continue practicing!"

"Maori-senpai! Hurry up and feed them the ball! Don't be lazy!"

"Jackal! Marui! You two were suppressed by Liu alone?! If you really lose later, all the buckets of Liu juice today will belong to you!"

"Yagyu, your tennis is too gentle! You want to be in the regular season at this level? Do you think being in the regular season at Rikkai University is just playing house?!"

Niou's voice came out from the tennis training ground from time to time, causing many students passing by to subconsciously avoid it. The sound was simply unbearable for people's ears!

Now that Yukimura is in the hospital, Sanada often visits him. Most of the time, Niou is the only one in the tennis club who can calm everyone down.

What makes everyone happy is that after the diagnosis, the hospital has determined that Yukimura's disease is only a little similar to Griffiths syndrome, and it will be much easier to treat.

However, whether it is Yukimura's family, teammates in the tennis club, or Yukimura himself, they all strongly request the hospital not to rush, take their time, and wait for the best time for surgery. The patient will definitely cooperate!

This made the hospital laugh and cry. They were afraid that the patient would not have patience, so this would comfort the hospital in turn. But It makes those doctors who are discussing the treatment plan feel ashamed.

At the same time, they are more dedicated to arranging the treatment plan. The patient is so cooperative. If they still can't come up with the best treatment method, they are really unworthy of this suit.

The daily operation of the tennis club is almost entirely in the hands of Yanagi, and Yanagi also helps out from time to time. The usual training matters are now in the charge of Nioh.

The more important a person is in their dynasty plan, the stricter he watches over them. This is why he yells so much.

According to previous situations, after the national competition, Rikkai would habitually relax a little. After all, everyone in Rikkai is pursuing more than just tennis. How can a king fall behind in learning?

Ahem... let's just ignore this guy Kirihara.

But this year's Nioh is not relaxing at all. Idea, the boast of winning the national championship for fourteen consecutive times was said by Niou himself, so of course he has to work hard.

Only he knows that in the first year after their graduation in the previous life, although Rikkai still did not miss the national competition, it was unable to support itself without the help of others, so it could only be a spectator. If they want to win the championship, they must face the third-year army of Hyotei and Fudoshita, as well as Echizen, Kaito and Momoshiro of Seigaku!

Since the last scientific training and body-based plan was proposed and passed, the training of Rikkai has not decreased but increased, and a large amount of funds have been invested in the nutritional supplements of the members.

There are detailed plans for when to train and how to train, and how much training should be. Yanagi's Willow Juice was also born in advance, and during the time when Niou was away, he played tennis. He left a great reputation in the department.


With such good conditions and such a powerful enemy for the younger generation, how could Nio allow them to relax?

While urging others, Nio himself did not relax, but he was more doing some recovery training, and slowly realized his own dimensional skills when he stayed at the Sanada family.

Although his previous life's foundation made him powerful as soon as he entered this realm, he still needed to slowly improve some subtle aspects before... moving on to the next step!

Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe his strength in one sentence. Before he really reached the top professional arena, his foundation was enough to support him - invincible in the same realm!

Next year's World Cup, Germany, Switzerland, the United States... and the future professional tennis! He still has a long way to go...

Echizen House... When this realm is stabilized, it is time to visit this legendary predecessor.

Unparalleled in ancient and modern times!

All things are impermanent!

The style of fighting alone in the world tennis arena is something I have longed for!

As for why he stayed at the Sanada family, it was mainly because he didn't want his parents to worry too much. All his bandages were taken off, and it was time to go back. On the road connecting the training ground and the outside of the school, no one noticed that a boy with medium-length brown hair was looking at Marui's moves from time to time in admiration.

Walking on a tightrope, holding up a pillar, these creative moves Marui can now do with ease, and he lives up to his self-proclaimed name of genius.

"Rikkai University's strength is truly terrifying! Are those few who didn't join the regular selection so strong?"

Behind the brown-haired boy, the two people who were originally following him had their attention completely attracted by the training on the field.

"Even the student council president has joined the tennis club?" Oshitari pushed his glasses in surprise,"And those guys that Mori personally fed the ball to, they look pretty good too!" Are they already training so many potential players? Rikkai University's dominance in Kanto is not for nothing!

"That is, Niou Masaharu!"

Mukaito did not think as far as Inuzaka, his eyes were all on Niou.

They were playing against Shitenhoji at the time and did not see Niou's goal, but they got the video tape afterwards. He still can't forget the shock of everyone in Hyotei in the screening room!

That kind of ball was beyond their cognition!_

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