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""Ahaha... Really good!"

Kirihara's bloodstained face showed a more and more crazy expression. He took a strange batting posture, holding the tennis ball between his fingers. He smiled at Kawaguchi inexplicably, and with a force on his fingertips, the tennis ball was thrown up with a special rotation.


Looking at the flying tennis ball, Kawaguchi's expression became more solemn. Not only did Kirihara's strength and speed increase, but this serve... the ball path was very strange! The tennis ball was not an arc or a straight line, but more like an irregular and random swing.


Kawaguchi took a deep breath and saw it. Right!


However, the racket that was not blocked made his face change. Before he could check what was going on, a piercing pain came from his wrist.


I screamed subconsciously, and the racket slipped from my hand.

"15 to 15! Kirihara Akaya scores!"

" looks like you're not feeling well?"

Kirihara smiled smugly at Kawaguchi's expression and took out another tennis ball."Where is it this time...the arm? The ankle?"

He scanned Kawaguchi's body with his eyes while speaking, making the witnesses feel a little cold.

Kirihara, what happened?



"30 to 15! Kirihara Akaya scores!"

Kawaguchi's legs softened, and he covered his knee that had just been hit. He glanced at Kirihara on the opposite side, but he couldn't get angry.

Is this the problem that Nioh intends to solve? His mind became clear at this time, but... it seems that he will be injured today.

"Kirihara, come again!"


Kawaguchi's performance made Kirihara stunned. The madness on his face eased for a moment, and then it was like an outburst after being provoked. The scarlet color in his eyes became even more intense.

"Good! Hehe, very good! I...will dye you red!"




"45! Kawaguchi Yushi is in the lead!"

He stood up with his aching body and served with his right hand, which was left intact by his opponent.



Although Kirihara's tennis ball had a lower speed than before, Kawaguchi's ball had dropped more!

His physical strength and injuries made him have no choice but to let Kirihara's request hit his body.

"5 to 5! Both sides are tied!"

"Cough cough... huh, huh……"

Kawaguchi lay on the ground for a while longer, enjoying the quiet moment.

"What happened to Kirihara? How did he become like this? Marui couldn't bear it any longer, and his voice was particularly abrupt in the entire training ground.

"Keep your voice down!"

The jackal pulled Marui.

"What are you whispering about! Look at what happened to the seniors after being beaten by Kirihara? Kirihara's condition is not right now, why didn't he call a timeout!"

Marui's personality determined that he could not turn a blind eye to this situation, and his status as a regular player also gave him the confidence to explore.

""Stop it!" Kawaguchi grinned and wiped the blood from his face,"I'm still okay!"

As a regular student of Rikkai University, his strength can be said to be the weakest and his presence is the least. But his love for Rikkai is no less than others! Perhaps... this is the only contribution he can make to the future of Rikkai.


Marui couldn't bear it.

"Marui! Be quiet, it's not time yet!"

Ryu suddenly said.

After observing these two games, he almost guessed what Niou wanted to do. It seemed that Niou had already known Kirihara's state and wanted to use this opportunity to control him.……

"Really, too lax!"

Sanada lowered his head, his low voice full of anger. If you were to say who is the most angry here, it would undoubtedly be Sanada!

He taught the person almost hand in hand, but he couldn't even control this state! This is simply a joke!

If Yukimura knew that the junior he had always placed his hopes on turned out to be like this, he would definitely be disappointed, right? Thinking of this, Sanada looked at Kirihara with even more anger.

Kirihara, whose mind was full of fighting, didn't know that he had now personally laid the foundation for his miserable life for a long time to come!



"30-0! Kirihara Akaya scores!"

"Come again!"

Kawaguchi staggered to his feet, his face covered in blood almost as much as Kirihara's.

Come again?!

Kirihara, who originally had little rationality, went from being angry at the provocation to an incomprehensible state.

Why? Doesn't it hurt? Doesn't it hurt?! Then I'll hurt you and stain you red!




Kawaguchi fell to the ground


"6 to 5! Kirihara Akaya is in the lead!"


Come again!


"0-40! Kirihara Akaya scores!"

"Come… Come again."

This time, it took Kawaguchi almost a minute to stand up, leaving Kirihara standing there in a daze.

Both Niou and Sanada stared at Kirihara. This was the last… the last chance!

"Kirihara! I'm going to serve!"

"Senior?!" The red eyes quickly turned black and white, and

Kirihara's tone was full of disbelief. This... all of this was done by him?

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