Inside the venue, the game hadn’t started yet, Mao Li couldn’t help but speak when he saw Niou’s relaxed look,"Boy, I’ll tell you what a senior is!"

"Tsk tsk, Maori is really violent."

Mita and the others sighed with a little bit of gloating.

It seemed that this white-haired boy had offended Maori in some way. Even though Maori's threat was soft and without any murderous intent, it was still unbearable for the first-year students.

"Phew~ Senior… Just now Yukimura said that the beautiful person who wants to win is me."

Niou did not hide it, his back was slightly hunched, and his pigtails fluttered slowly in the breeze.

"He can beat Senior Maori? What a joke!"

"This guy is so shameless, he is not welcome in the tennis club!"

"Now these juniors are so powerful that they think they are amazing. The tennis club shouldn't let them in so easily like this!"

As soon as Ren Wang said this, the court immediately exploded. Some people who had already had a problem with his"picking up leaks" filled the entire court with a buzzing sound.


Yukimura was annoyed at how Niou really chose the right time, but he stood up without hesitation and began to exercise his rights as the captain.

The sound of the weak voice was particularly powerful in everyone's ears, and all the noise on the court temporarily disappeared.

"Won beautifully?"

Mao Li's face darkened. The younger generation nowadays is really not cute at all!

"Masaharu Niou vs. Hisaburo Mori! Masaharu Niou serves!"

"Senior, here we come."

Niou threw the ball high up, bang!


Mao Li stared blankly at the ball that landed on his court. He had already calculated the path of the ball and was waiting for it with his racket, but it missed. After the tennis ball landed, it actually rolled back and did not bounce up.

"What is that?"

"The tennis ball didn't bounce?"

Sanada's pupils shrank sharply,"Zero-style slice?!"

No, isn't Zero-style slice a receiving shot? How could it become a serve?

"It's really... very surprising!"

Yukimura Seiichi also stared at Nioh, this first goal was so extraordinary.

"Senior, here we go again, poof~"

In his previous life as a U17, he was able to transform into Tezuka's Zero, but it was still cracked. But now, Niou doesn't believe he can still crack it.


The tennis ball turned into a beam of light and fell heavily on the opponent's court, and Maori's racket missed again.

"30 to 0! The serving team takes the lead!"

""Haha." Mao Li put the racket on his shoulder and said,"I don't know how you hit it, but this kind of ball will put a lot of pressure on your wrist, right? I guess you can't play for long, right?""

"Phew~ Senior is right, but it’s enough for me to win a round."


"40 to 0!"


"1 to 0!"

After four Zero-style serves, Nioh won the game. His physical fitness was not good to begin with, and using four Zero-styles was a huge burden. If Nioh didn't want to shock everyone, he wouldn't use Tezuka's moves!

Tezuka's moves are the kind that can dominate the outcome of a game, and they are basically linked together. But if you want to use them completely, you must have a strong foundation in sliced balls.

Moreover, Tezuka's moves basically put a great burden on the body, and using them too much will be counterproductive.

"I always feel like he and that guy's tennis are similar!"Sanada lowered his head slightly to hide the fire in his eyes.

Since the JR League, Tezuka has become an obsession in his heart.

"This tennis……"

Yukimura looked at Yanagi Renji who was constantly writing and drawing on his notebook, and he was even more afraid of Niou's tennis skills.

At least for now, he had no way to deal with this kind of serve. If the two of them were competing, he could only watch Niou score. As for Marui, he was also quiet, holding the wire mesh tightly with his hands, deeply impressed by the strength shown by Niou.

"It's my turn!" Maori didn't use any fancy tricks in his serve. Maori always believed in basic tennis. No matter how good your other skills were, he would just use his own strength and speed to crush you.


The tennis ball instantly turned into a beam of light and flew to the Nioh court.

"So fast!"

The few Zero players outside the venue who were still immersed in Nioh's previous game were awakened by Maori's serve. Most of them couldn't even see the ball clearly.

""Pu Li~"

Ren Wang curled his lips, deliberately slowed down a step, and the racket caught the tennis ball just in time, and used the reaction force to hit the ball back.


Mauri's eyes lit up, and the eyes of other people outside the court also lit up when they saw this ball.

With just a few simple balls, Nioh's strength was fully demonstrated. Unconsciously, Nioh seemed to have become everyone's public enemy, and everyone was happy that Maori could find a chance to fight back.


The show is continuing!

Nioh looked at Maori who jumped high in the air and was about to give him a sure-kill spike, and began to radiate his mental power unscrupulously.

Senior, please help me this time, and I will definitely compensate you in the future~

"It will be defeated in the end."

Sanada breathed a sigh of relief. From what he saw just now, although Senior Mori couldn't break Niou's serve, Niou was also very reluctant to receive Senior Mori's ball, and the outcome was still hard to predict.

It's not that he didn't want Niou to win, but Niou's performance in the past few days put too much pressure on them, and Sanada couldn't help but think about it in a biased way.

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