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Rio also lost other interests. He had tried everything he should have tried. Now that Atobe has not even completed the Ice World, it is impossible for him to play to his heart's content. It will take Atobe a long time to settle down before the Kingdom can be used... As for the Ice Emperor, it all depends on chance.

Since he has lost interest... he is too lazy to argue with Atobe, but the illusion is still not cancelled, which can be regarded as satisfying his own evil taste.

"Humph, I'll tell you!" Phantom Tsuchibu stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The whole venue fell silent at the same time, waiting to see what he was going to say.

"No matter whether it is under your control or not, if I lose a point next time, I will lose this game!"

Two pairs of eyes looked at each other, and the expression on his face froze instantly.


"If Atobe scores one point, he loses? No matter how strong he is, this won't happen, right?"

"Arrogant! Damn it!"

""Niou, that guy is really bold!"

This sentence caused a much bigger commotion than the one caused by Atobe just now. Everyone probably has an idea of how strong Atobe is.

If you say that Atobe can't win a game, many people are willing to believe it, after all, they are already leading by a big score of 3 to 0.

But to make him lose a single point... Are you sure you are not kidding?!

Unless... Some people's faces changed slightly, and they remembered something. Atobe's face was also blue and white. He wanted to say something harsh again, but he was afraid that the guy on the opposite side would be unreasonable and hit him twice. Who knows if he can bear it?

"Don't worry, okay, I... won't use that trick!" Niwang touched the teardrop mole on his face,"My phantom has dignity! The phantom's strength is what it is, and it will never be fake!"

Another meaning is... Atobe-kun, your strength is not good enough!

But now Atobe is no longer in the mood to explore these things. Niwang promised that he would not use that trick, so he doesn't have so many worries.

"In this case, let's give it a try!"

Atobe has been made expressionless by Niou, and even the usual arrogance on his face has disappeared. What's left is only calmness.

And hidden under the calmness... anger!


Atobe serves!

The ball with anger is naturally two points heavier than before. Many people are watching the game which is gradually becoming more tense.

Will Niou be able to shut out Atobe in the next game, or will Atobe make Niou's words come to nothing? It is worth looking forward to.

As for whether Atobe can win... no one really thinks about it anymore.


Atobe went to the net in one step again like before, and the phantom Atobe only maintained the most embryonic form of the ice world.


Tennis hit!

A few It was almost the same routine. Atobe saw the opportunity, and Niou... also saw the opportunity.

He slightly turned sideways and still hit a high lob, and Atobe still jumped up just in time.

Here it comes!

Many people's attention is highly focused, just looking at this ball!


The tennis ball instantly exploded from the racket and shot straight towards the handle of the tennis ball near Niou's wrist.

Suddenly, the smile on Atobe's mouth, who had not yet landed, froze, and the position of the racket in the hand of the phantom Atobe on the opposite side had changed at some point.


The tennis ball hit the racket that Niou had prepared for it, and bounced back instantly, but the direction, speed and height were completely different from what Atobe had expected at the beginning.

"15 to 30! Niou Masaharu scores!"

The Rondo of Destruction is over!

"Damn it!"

Atobe suddenly closed his eyes. He was careless with this ball and didn't even notice the changes in the opponent's preparations. Next time, he must...



"30 to 30!"


"40! Niou Masaharu takes the lead!"


Atobe's biggest physical advantage was exhausted, while the opponent seemed to have not changed at all.

"Completely crushed, Atobe……"

The feeling of powerlessness in Oshitari's heart became more obvious. Now Atobe was almost completely crushed by Nioh in all aspects. The net play style had been completely sealed. Both sides tried to take advantage of the flaws, but Nioh was always faster.




"5 to 0!"


"0 to 30! Niou Masaharu scores!"


Niou changed back to his original appearance,"It's the last ball, what do you think of Atobe-kun?"

"Humph! Come on! I will never give up!"

One ball, I must win one ball!

And then... he was out of energy.

Since when did it become a luxury for me to even score a point?!


Atobe served!


This ball took longer than Atobe expected. After seven or eight rounds, Atobe suddenly realized that it seemed that the opponent no longer had any flaws against him. Could it be because there was no illusion?


In any case, Atobe seized the opportunity and went to the net step by step. Niou saved Atobe from using the smash and just pretended that Atobe had no energy to jump up, and then waited for him to go to the net and directly hit a high ball.


A long-lost smile finally appeared on the corner of Atobe's mouth.

Bend your knees, jump, and aim!

"Can that guy still jump now?"

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