"No!"Even when Yukimura was refuting others, he always spoke in this gentle voice,"This serving method has a return version, and it is even simpler than serving! However, both methods will cause a great burden on the user's wrist. Judging from Niou-kun's body, it is not suitable to continue using this method now."


When Sanada heard Yukimura's words, he lowered his head, clenched his fists and muttered to himself. That's right, this serve is exactly the same as the slice Tezuka used. It's just that Tezuka's return needs to wait for the right opportunity, while Niou's serve depends entirely on himself.

But no matter how you look at it, the Niou in front of him is stronger.

"Then, will Niou be dragged into a tug-of-war by Mori-senpai?"Sangyuan looked at Yukimura. The explanation of the trust minister seemed to make some sense, and Niou seemed to trust this minister particularly.

Will he?

Although Sanada could not feel the mental power that Niou released recklessly and carefully arranged, and although he was also inferior to Mori's current strength, but...will Mori-senpai really win?

Just like Yukimura, whose strength seemed to have no bottom line in front of him, Sanada, who was shocked again and again, had lost his composure. He could only make a judgment based on his intuition... Niou Masaharu, who had white hair, terrifying strength, but a frivolous temperament, would definitely not lose!


Regardless of the outside of the venue... No matter what the others thought, neither of the two people in the field gave up on themselves. Niou had already started planning, so he was not in a hurry. In order to save some energy, he had even started using the trick that would make Sanada's eyes turn red.


As for Mori, he had a simple idea. If Niou could keep playing the same serve as before, he would just admit defeat, but obviously he couldn't!

And it seemed that Niou's physical strength had decreased. Now he could play one ball for ten minutes, which was exactly the ideal way he wanted.


Niou struggled to return the tennis ball that felt heavier and heavier. In fact, he knew that it was not that Mori's ball had become heavier, but that his strength was not enough.

"Boy, you are quite capable, but you are still too young!"

Mori's eyes lit up, and he seized the opportunity to hit the tennis ball directly to the other corner of Niou. He was not afraid that Niou would use the technique that suddenly appeared in front of the tennis ball just now.

In this case, as long as he was careful to prevent it, it would not only do no harm to him, but also consume Niou's physical strength.

Perhaps Maori himself could not have imagined that the game would go from being easily won as he expected to being so hard to win.


Niou suddenly put on an inexplicable smile and glanced at Sanada outside the venue.


"15 to 40! The receiving team has the upper hand!"

Mori didn't even think about catching the ball. This time it wasn't the racket that appeared on the path of the tennis ball! Instead, Niou swung the racket again, and the tennis ball appeared on the path of the racket!


The corners of Mao Li's mouth twitched, he missed Senior Taneshima a little bit, or Senior Taneshima's trick is still useful, whatever comes, it will be destroyed!

This... this white-haired boy is simply a bully!

Mao Li suddenly had this kind of thought in his mind that made him a little bit laughable, basically unsolvable serve, unexpected return, and now he just stood there and the tennis ball ran over by itself?

"Tezuka's territory?!"

Sanada's face turned darker. If he hadn't been rational, he would have wanted to rush into the venue and ask what the relationship between Nioh and Tezuka was.

"Genichirō!" Yukimura's tone became heavier when he saw Sanada's expression. He knew what Tezuka meant to Sanada now."Since Niou-kun can do that serve, he can naturally do this so-called field! Don't forget me!"

"Yes!" Sanada tightened his grip on the iron net,"Too lax!"

Yukimura was right. This so-called domain was nothing more than using a strong ball control ability to slowly apply a specific rotation when returning the ball and then hit the tennis ball to a specific position, forcing the opponent to return the ball in some way, creating this so-called domain effect.

For people with the ability to go away and those who are good at slicing the ball and applying rotation, this kind of ball is relatively easy. In the days when he was defeated by Tezuka, Yukimura used this kind of ball against him in order to make him get out of this shadow and turn it into motivation. However, compared to Yukimura's awkwardness, Tezuka's was a piece of cake.

But compared to Tezuka, how good is Nioh, who can apply rotation between the victory and defeat of a ball?

""Pu Li~ Senior, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Niou looked at Maori's indescribable expression, and suddenly became playful. He shook his pigtails and asked in a slightly pitiful tone. The tone was also a bit childish, which made many people outside the court suddenly realize that the person in the court who kept touching their hearts with tennis was just a twelve-year-old boy. He was just a junior who needed their care in life.……

"What a big surprise!

Mao Li's face darkened for a while, then suddenly brightened up.

"Bang, bang!"

He slowly took off the weights on his wrists and ankles under everyone's surprised gaze, and then took off the special team uniform with weights.

With a minister who has strength, ambition, and personality charm, as well as a qualified deputy minister and an intelligence expert. Niou Masaharu, let me test whether you can be the champion gatekeeper of the King Rikkai!


Ignoring the surprise of the crowd outside the venue, Niou was completely immersed in the atmosphere of the game, his eyes never left the tennis ball in Maori's hand.

As expected of Maori Senior... Niou remembered his U17 match, where he was beaten by Maori Senior's team and even had difficulty raising his hands. He never wanted to have that feeling again.

No matter what, come on! I, Niou Masaharu, will definitely win beautifully today!

Unconsciously, Niou, who had improved his evaluation of Maori, began a new round of mental agitation.


Outside the venue, Yukimura suddenly lost his voice.

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