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"If we don't teach them a lesson, do they really think that our Japanese team has no one left? Senior Toono, just go for it. If anything goes wrong, the head coach will take care of everything."

However, when Niou said this, his tone was that of a nonchalant one, which eased the oppressive atmosphere a little.

Toono's mouth moved, and finally he could only nod silently. He hadn't recovered from the look just now.

Mifune at the door twitched his mouth. This kid actually made him the scapegoat. But... what he said is right. If you want to fight, you have to fight hard! **These people are all from the Asian League, it's not easy to deal with, and there's no need to make enemies.

Since Russia has come to the door, it's just right!

"By the way, the move you used just now... didn't seem like that move?" Byodoin looked at Niou with a tentative tone.

"That move just now... was a mental assassination, right?"

Ochi Moonlight, who had not said a word since the beginning and had not even responded to Maori's question, suddenly raised his head.

""Psychic assassination? Ochi, are you kidding me?"

Kimijima Ikuto retorted subconsciously. He didn't know how serious the sequelae of the look in Taras' eyes just now would be. Could psychological assassination achieve that effect?

"I didn't expect that the senior would find out. There is no better way for the moment, so I can only use this."

Ryo shrugged and directly acknowledged what Yuechi Gekkou said.

His mental power plus the mental attack bonus he just launched, using mental assassination, a pure attack on the mind, and the target was someone like Taras who had weak mental defense. The effect was even a little beyond his own expectations.

Mental assassination...

Everyone was dumbfounded. It's not that no one among them had been hit by this trick before, and they had seen many of Yuechi's opponents hit by it.

But the effect of this trick is usually difficult for even the person himself to detect. It just caused a slight interference in the key place to achieve the effect of making the opponent make a wrong judgment.

But everyone saw what Taras looked like just now!

How strong is that guy's mental power? It is difficult for all of them to make an accurate judgment in their hearts.

No one asked anything anymore, and a group of people Started training silently.

The next day, the so-called training camp officially began.

Everyone knew that this was just a competition under the name of training camp. The intensive training and friendly atmosphere that should have existed did not exist here.

The Japanese team and the Russian team were divided into a corner, with various venues used for training. During the training, there were staff members blatantly collecting information without concealing it at all.

Both teams were extremely headache about this situation and could not say anything. What could they do on someone else's territory?

The Russian team has also been very honest these two days. Just look at how Taras looks now. Even with the help of Constantine, it is still difficult for him to concentrate sometimes.

Niou was also included in the list of key targets by the Russian team.

Half a month later.



A shot from Byodoin hit directly behind Niou.

"I think there is no need to be so angry, right?"

Ryo went to pick up the ball slowly. There was no one to pick up the ball, so they had to do it themselves. It was good enough that they could endure here for fifteen days.

During this period, they didn't even see the first army of the ** team.

They ate with the members of the second army of the ** team. They ate the standard meal, while the members of the second army of the ** team ate the high-configuration nutritious meal. Although they knew that it was just intentional, they couldn't suppress their anger.

"Humph, stop talking nonsense! Let's start quickly!"

Baiduin snorted and took off his coat unhappily.

They were still lucky. The head coach of the Russian team was almost unable to control himself and asked to start the game as soon as possible every day, while the Japanese team just dealt with it every time.

"You two, this training camp will end in a few days, and the competition will be held tomorrow! Make good arrangements.……"

In a certain office, a young man in a suit and glasses, dressed like an elite, handed the documents in his hand to Mifune and Yakov.

"This... you agreed right away?"

Mifune and Yakov were a little surprised, but the signature and seal on the document were real.

Originally, they were just doing routine urging, and Mifune felt that it would not be good for them to delay any longer. Needless to say, Yakov, the nature of his race made his team members almost explode!

I didn't expect that they would agree just like that...

But it's a good thing after all, and they can breathe a sigh of relief.

After a few more casual words, the two said goodbye. They were not in the mood to talk nonsense with each other now. After all, Team ** was already the winner and was sitting on the Diaoyutai... The only thing they could do was to test the other side's strength at that time.


In the room, the young man squinted his eyes, thinking about the data collected during this period.

There are still too few useful things, otherwise, there is no need to send most people to the field tomorrow. The other party wants to collect their junior high school students' information, don't they want the Japanese and Russian high school students' information?

Oh, there is also the only junior high school student!

Some of Niou Masaharu's information appeared in his mind, even the game information of the junior high school tennis league in Japan.

It seems that Japan's change of attitude is not unreasonable..._

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