""Pu Li~"

Looking at the pair of eyes across from him that were still full of expectation, Niou was complaining in his heart that his senior was indeed abnormal and wanted to be abused both physically and mentally, while at the same time he was thinking of ways to deal with it.

Because Niou estimated Maori's current strength based on his experience in U17, and Maori's strength exceeded his expectations by a lot.

Either that or when he was beaten down by Maori and Ochi Gekko, they hadn't used their full strength, or... Maori senior really skipped training in U17!

"Yo yo, little white hair, you have no other options? How about just admitting defeat?"

Mao Li was not in a hurry to serve, and the referee did not urge him. He put the racket on his shoulder and made a face that he deserved a beating, which made Mita and others beside Yukimura and others hold their foreheads.

There was no way, Mao Li was just like this, but it was really embarrassing!


Niou used the catchphrase of a person he disliked with a dark face, and Senior Maori was really not used to this.

But you know what, no wonder that arrogant little dwarf liked to say this sentence, it was pretty cool!


Maori's face darkened when he heard what Niwang said. It turned out that no matter how powerful he was, this white-haired boy would never become cute!

"Here it comes!"


Still serving at high speed

"You are too lax!"

Ryo took a step forward, and his voice had become that of Sanada, except that he sounded more mature.

"It's as fast as the wind!"

You are fast, but I am faster!


"2-0, Niou Masaharu is leading!"

"As expected!"Mauri was not very surprised except for a little surprise. When Niou tricked him, he roughly knew that Niou would have this ability.

It's just that he didn't know the effect yet. No, now he knows the effect.

"As fast as the wind……"

Sanada didn't care what Nioh became. His already confused mind could only allow for one question... What other moves did Nioh have?


Yukimura was also a little out of control when he looked at the two"Sanada". The only difference was that the Sanada on the field seemed to have darker skin, a hat, and looked more serious.

But when he thought that Nioh was even preparing to destroy his five senses, this didn't seem to be worth his surprise.

If he guessed correctly, this so-called"Sanada" state means that Sanada's moves can be used, right?

Yukimura, who felt the fluctuations in mental power, could see that Nioh was not actually using the real Swiftness of the Wind, but the technique was very similar, and then assisted by mental power, making everyone think that this was Swiftness of the Wind.

Technical attack, psychological attack, and mental attack! It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

However, this kind of trick is also very physically demanding. What Yukimura is afraid of now is not that Nioh can transform into other people, but Nioh himself!

Phantom, plus the destruction of the five senses that are ready to go, how much mental power does Nioh have? Yukimura has no idea now

"Humph, this black-faced kid's tricks are useless!"

Maori snorted. His speed was as fast as the wind, but it could only catch him off guard. Once he entered the return phase, Fengliu was useless. And Lin Huoshan was useless if he couldn't catch the ball.

""Pfft... Of course I know it's useless." Ren Wang smiled cunningly,"I just don't want to lose this game! Just hit this ball back."

If you want to win beautifully, you certainly can't lose a game!

"Maori-senpai, let me also see the quality of last year's Rikkai super rookie……"

The"Sanada" in the venue has somehow turned into Yukimura again, with his coat blowing in the wind but not falling off his shoulders.


Maori frowned. This time... was he going to use the five senses? He was not very afraid of this kind of mental power trick. During the national competition last year, he also encountered an opponent who was good at mental power, but he relied on his high resistance to survive. He just felt very annoyed with this kind of opponent.

Unfortunately... what he didn't know was that Niou also knew this, but he still did it!


Everyone outside the venue was numb, just hoping that Maori would quickly capture this monster.

"Damn it! It's beyond expectations!"

Liu had been writing something in his notebook, but suddenly his pen stopped writing! He had calculated that the remaining refills would be enough, but he didn't expect that Ren Wang's performance today was beyond everyone's expectations. He ran out of refills and hadn't sorted out the information he had obtained.

"Liu, don't waste your energy... You might as well collect my information instead of his."

Yukimura smiled self-deprecatingly.


Sanada and Yanagi were shocked. This was not what Yukimura would say. They turned to look at Yukimura Seiichi, only to find that the boy had the same fire in his eyes as they did.

"Thank you, Niou Masaharu!"

Sanada's dark face, which was already evolving into a big devil, actually smiled.

As a close friend who grew up with Yukimura, he clearly understood that Yukimura's tennis skills were far superior to those of his peers. It was also for this reason that Yukimura was now supported by his pursuit and a little interest.

Although leading Rikkai to dominate the country was also Yukimura's future motivation, Sanada was really afraid that Yukimura would be surpassed by himself one day.

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