Oya and Nagao's expressions froze instantly, and they turned their heads stiffly to look at the black mark left by the tennis ball in the middle.

Yamabuki was choosing the first place, and the audience was silent at first, and then... it suddenly exploded!

Two Sanada Genichirōs? Were they all hallucinating?


"Bullshit! The person standing behind me just now was clearly a white-haired person!"

"Then tell me what's going on now?"

"I...how should I know?"

""Pu Li~"

Seeing that the referee was also a little confused, in order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, Ni Wang still withdrew his mental power and turned back to his original appearance.

"Huh? It's back to normal again?"

Many people were suddenly looking forward to this game.

""Niou... Masaharu!"

Oshitari Yuushi's face was solemn. Transformation? He didn't know how this inexplicable thing came out, but the Niou Masaharu who looked like Sanada just now did use Sanada's moves. What if two Atobe appear in the future?

This thought suddenly appeared in Oshitari's mind, and he even felt a little scared... If so, the mental pressure on the enemy alone would be great.

"Hey, this kid finally doesn't plan to hide anymore?"

Maori said with a bit of resentment. When Nioh dealt with him, he used Sanada's illusion, but he only caught one ball. The rest of Yukimura was just for the occasion! Regardless of the situation, both he and Yukimura could feel that when Nioh used the five senses, he was using his real mental power.

Yukimura, in particular, understood this more thoroughly. Maori himself couldn't figure it out, did Nioh take him too seriously or look down on him? This interesting trick only gave him a glimpse!

"Scary kid……"

Mita and the others also sighed. They couldn't even estimate the future of Niou now. Could Minister Tanejima reach this level when he was a freshman? They all had a vague answer in their hearts.

Oya and Nagao in the field looked solemn. They were not afraid of Rikkai winning one or two games. As long as they could control the rhythm, everything would be fine. Similarly, they were afraid that the situation would be out of their control. They didn't know what kind of energy the two Rikkai people would burst out at that time.

"Fenglinhuoshan is not useless.……"

Niou shrugged at the surprised Sanada.


Nagao threw the tennis ball up, and the angle of the racket changed slightly when serving.

The tennis ball flew over the net in an instant.

""Don't move, I'll do it!"

Sanada couldn't help but move, but stopped abruptly after hearing Niou's voice. Niou couldn't hide Nagao's movements.

With one step, Niou accurately intercepted the tennis ball on the path it must take after it hit the ground and bounced back, and then hit it back easily.

Oh, the ball became heavier?

Niou didn't pay close attention to this, which caused the tennis ball to become a little higher when he returned the ball.


The long tail jumped high.


A simple and practical smash

""Unmovable as a mountain!"


Because the angle was not very big, the ball was still hit back by Sanada.


Unmovable as a mountain is a defensive move, and Oya can naturally hit back, but he always has a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's as fast as the wind!"


"0 to 30! The receiving team has the upper hand!"

"Appeared again?"

"Is this the move of that white-haired boy?"

Seeing two more Sanada Genichirō appear in Rikkai University's half, the crowd inside and outside the court became noisy again.

"This move is really cool.……"Yukimura tilted his head, thinking about the possibility of his mental power imitation.

But he also knew that this was probably a fantasy. Even if they were both on the path of mental power, his and Nioh's paths were the kind of paths that led to two different forks.

In other words, Nioh's phantom required more than his five senses of destruction. The phantom itself only uses mental power, but to imitate the opponent's moves, etc., in addition to a strong foundation, it also requires keen insight.

Why were there only a few people who could perfect Nioh's phantoms in his previous life? Because his mental power and his foundation were limited, he could only pick a few easy-to-use ones to specialize in. Other phantoms could only be said to be barely usable, and even he himself was embarrassed to say that they were phantoms.

This life is completely different!

Powerful mental power, understanding of the future of tennis, and deep foundation have all become the most perfect support for his phantoms.

"Fuuinzan is still useful."

Sanada pulled his hat.

"Fuurinkazan is still useful."

The other Sanada also pulled his hat.


"2 to 1! Yamabuki Junior High School is leading! The two sides exchange venues!"



"2 to 2! Both sides are tied!"

Just as Oya himself expected, the rhythm has completely fallen into the hands of the opponent's two"Sanada Genichirō"

"They caught up! The minister and his team……"Qianshi frowned, looking somewhat lacking in confidence.

"Don't worry, the ministers haven't shown their strength yet."

Muto smiled. What Oya and his team developed this year is rare among junior high school students.

At least in these few years, no one seems to have practiced it.

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