""Hmm... I haven't used this move for a long time, so it's a little rusty. It might hurt a little, and there might be some side effects afterwards, but I believe you won't mind for the sake of victory, Sanada."

Niou suddenly spoke up, causing Sanada's anger to turn into doubt in an instant.

"Hmm? Little Nioh has another trick up his sleeve?"

Mori sat up straight, ready to see what else Nioh had hidden.

Haven't used it for a long time?

Yukimura suddenly had a complex emotion in his heart. Even his moves have been sealed for a long time? Is there no opponent worthy of using them? Haha...that's right.

When Yukimura thought of Nioh's terrifying strength, he felt a sense of irony. He always thought that his strength was high above others, but in the end he was just a frog in a well.

So... work hard!

If Nioh knew that his words caused Yukimura to misunderstand and triggered Yukimura's many emotions, he would definitely think it was his fault.


Niou made a meaningless sound, closed his eyes and began to look for the previous feeling, and then his body also glowed with the same white light as the other party. Then... it spread in the direction of Sanada. Sanada felt a little tingling in his brain, but it disappeared in just a moment, and then... a strange feeling came to his heart.

The two opponents are too weak! Alas, my strength is not good enough, otherwise the game would have been resolved long ago!

Eh? Sanada was shocked, why did I think so?

"How does it feel? This is synchronization~"

Niou also felt a little bit of Sanada's emotions and said

"Oh, my god!"

Oshitari's glasses accidentally fell off.


Yamabuki, Rikkai, and the contestants on both sides were all in an uproar. This was really unexpected. Could these two really synchronize?!

"Didn't they say that these two people couldn't use it? Could it be that Sanada knew Niou when he was a child and had practiced it long ago?"Yamauchi began to use his imagination and made up a bloody drama between Sanada, Yukimura and Niou, and the grudges between Yukimura and Niou's current and former lovers.

"Hmm?"Yukimura, who is sensitive to mental power, found a clue. It turns out that Nioh forced an invasion of Sanada?

"Too lax!"

Sanada is not a fool. With the fragmentary information he received from Niou, he also understood what was going on. Was he forced to synchronize with this white-haired guy? But in the meantime, Sanada's face became healthier.

Yamabuki served.


Although I don't know what happened, it is obvious that Oya and Nagao have been under pressure.

""It's as fast as the wind!"

The tennis ball bounced back quickly and hit the bottom line of the court heavily.

"0 to 15! The receiving team has the upper hand."

Faster! Stronger!"

All the people in the school have noticed the effect of this synchronization and are going to go back to study it. Including Oshina! Hyotei is now almost entirely supported by the first-year corps. Rikkai University at least still has the regular seniors who stayed.

Because of Atobe's revolution, Hyotei has cleared out a group of cancers, but it also resulted in the fact that except for a few first-year corps members, the other regulars were selected from the previous substitutes.

Atobe and Oshina also knew that they could not achieve their goals this year, but in order to become the national champion in the next two years, Atobe has arranged for people to investigate Hyotei's elementary school. In addition to Kabashi, who Atobe has cultivated since childhood, he has also initially locked in two people.

For Hyotei, the skill of synchronization is particularly important.

But... this thing can't be forced.


"It's as fast as the wind!"



"4 to 3! Yamabuki Junior High School is leading, and the two sides exchange venues!"




The status of both sides was declining, but the initiative was completely in Nioh's hands.

Relying on the state of synchronization, Sanada was able to handle many things better, and coupled with the overwhelming strength of the two, the situation changed again!

"As fast as the wind!"

"4 to 4! Both sides are tied!"



Sengoku's initial excitement had long since disappeared, and now the only thing he felt was frustration! That's right, frustration!

Same tune against same tune!

The two black-faced guys on the other side looked exactly the same, and they kept serving and returning the ball very quickly. And then... and then there was nothing else!

Senior Oya and Senior Nagao were suppressed by this move! It really made everyone in Yamabuki feel helpless.

The difference in strength... was too obvious.


Ren Wang nodded with satisfaction. That's how a competition should be played. It saves time and effort!

But you can't blame him for what Sengoku and the others thought! Anyway, he will win no matter what tricks he uses, so this trick is enough!

The tricks he knows are basically all the tricks of the golden generation in the future. It's okay to play them in his own school competition, but after playing in the formal competition, how can he let others play?

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