I got up, packed my things, and walked out of the club under the concerned gazes of some staff members who had paid attention to the game just now.

""Pu Li~"

Feeling the soreness of his limbs, Niwang was a little speechless. Tomorrow's muscle soreness will be enough for him to bear. However... this time he did not suffer in vain. At least the gain was much greater than the effort.

As expected, Niwang returned home wearing clothes that were not yet completely dry, and was scolded by his father.

Then, with the instigation of his younger brother Niwang Haruta and the concern of his sister, he was forcibly pushed into the bathroom by his mother.

After eating, Niwang went to bed early, intending to become a brave man again the next day.

It must be said that Niwang is handsome, especially when he was tidying up his Western-style school uniform in front of the mirror the next morning, Niwang felt that he was really reborn from the ashes.

Well, it must not be him who was so embarrassed yesterday, it must not be him!


Unfortunately, after taking the first step, Niou's face wrinkled instantly, and the handsome feeling just now disappeared immediately.

It hurts, it hurts so much! He endured the pain all the way to school, and finally arrived at the classroom, and Niou finally breathed a sigh of relief. In order to concentrate, Niou also listened to a few classes very carefully, so that his hands and feet would not move unconsciously.

But this made the teachers a little puzzled. Niou himself didn't know how famous he was among the first-grade teachers. He never took classes seriously, but always ranked first in the exams, so these teachers really didn't know what to say. How could such a person be serious today? They racked their brains and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Niou, I heard that you played with the vice-minister's black-faced team in yesterday's game? How did it feel? Was it scary?"

As soon as the class was over, Marui kept pestering Niou with questions.

As a non-starter, Marui was not on the team list, and he did not ask for leave himself, so he could only ask some other people who went to the team about the situation of yesterday's game.

"Well... you can try it then?"

Niou's face darkened. In any case, subjectively, he really didn't want to play doubles with Sanada! He didn't join the first-year team in his previous life, so he didn't know that Sanada's doubles in the first year were so bad!


Marui shuddered. Due to the growing prestige of Sanada and his stern face, he didn't even dare to call Sanada's name. When he met him, he would call him deputy director! When Marui thought about playing doubles with Sanada, he felt that it would be difficult for him to receive the serve.

"Forget it! I'd better go with the Jackal."

Shaking his head quickly, Marui turned around and pretended to read a book. If Nioh really mentioned it at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Under Nioh's suggestion, Marui began to practice doubles with the Jackal a lot while attacking in front of the net. Although the singles strength did not progress as fast as at the beginning, once he and the Jackal join the main selection, they can quickly form combat effectiveness in the doubles position.

This is exactly what Rikkai University needs.

Nioh knows that there have been many geniuses from their class to the class of Echizen Ryoma.

What is a genius? Genius means variables! Because you don't know when he will evolve to another level. Maybe he will be unable to resist in the first half, but he will suppress you in the second half!

Echizen Ryoma is a representative figure among them.

Well... because Nioh himself is not this type of genius, so He kind of hates this kind of people. So in his opinion, the stronger you are, the safer you are, and the same is true for doubles.

It is definitely not because Echizen Ryoma suddenly evolved and defeated Yukimura that he thinks so, absolutely not! Phew~

He endured the pain and went to the student union again, but this time Nioh did not instill in Yagyu the theory of good tennis and good tennis sticks. Now, he is no longer eager to form a doubles team with this old partner.

So what if he still joins the tennis club in the summer of the second year of junior high school? Yagyu can still stand with them... still... can hold the championship trophy together!

Aren't there still three years of high school? They can still fight for Rikkai at Rikkai.

The tennis club's club activities are at 3:30 in the afternoon. At 3 o'clock, several regular players held a small meeting by themselves.

When everyone arrived, Nioh limped in late.

"Hey, little white hair, were you injured yesterday? Is Sanada so weak?"The only one who dared to say that was Mori. Even Yukimura didn't dare to tease Sanada like that.

"Senior~Pu Li...If you don't want a group of girls to chase you tomorrow……"

Niou narrowed his eyes and smiled, causing Mori's expression to freeze instantly.

Everyone else was laughing with their hands covering their mouths.

Even Sanada, who was teased by Mori, pulled his hat down, trying to hide the arc of his mouth.

It was Niou who caused this matter in the first place, because he often cheated Mori, and Mori finally got angry and used force to torment Niou.

As for Niou's weak threats, he ignored them, thinking that if he didn't retaliate, Niou would continue to cheat him later, so he might as well bully him to his heart's content.

Niou had no choice but to accept the use of force to suppress him, because his weak arms and legs could not compete with Mori at all.

However, the next day, Niou ran outside as soon as class was over, skipping training for the first time in the tennis club. That day, Niou had almost phantomed Mori hundreds of times, almost exhausting his huge mental power.

And then... and then there was nothing else.

When another day passed, hundreds of girls besieged the tennis club holding love letters written by"Mori" and everyone saw Niou's ability to retaliate.

At that time, even Yukimura and Sanada were pale, and then put Niou on the highly dangerous list.

That was also the time when everyone saw Sanada's face was the palest.

That incident caused a sensation in Rikkai. Even the director of the women's tennis club wanted to discuss with Yukimura how to attract popularity. The popularity of the women's tennis club was dismal! ps: I just sorted out the information of the schools that participated in the national competition that year. There are 24 schools, and there are 11 in Kanto! There are eight in Kansai, only three in Kyushu and Shikoku, one in Okinawa Island, and one in Hokkaido!

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