Anyway, after hearing these words, everyone in Lihai could only speed up their pace and leave this crowded place as soon as possible.

"The Shimizu affiliated with the Shangzhou Institute is here too!"

Everyone at Rikkai heard the voice and turned around to see a group of eight people standing at the intersection on the other side, also looking over here, but their eyes were full of fear.

"Haha... Let's go, there are still many things to do."

Yukimura smiled and led everyone away.

Before the semi-finals began, they had to do more than just play the game.

They also had to cooperate with some official publicity.

The changes in the Japanese tennis environment can also be reflected in these places.

From coordinating the publicity, submitting the list of players, to preparing to start the game, basically at ten o'clock, the semi-finals of the Kanto Tournament officially began.

The competition venue for Rikkai University and Joshuin Affiliated Shimizu was at Court No.

7, but this game was basically watched by tennis enthusiasts and the like.

Everyone from other schools had a game, or they were schools that had been eliminated before the semi-finals.

"Please give me more advice!"

"Please give me your guidance!"

After the routine courtesy, the competition officially began!

"Next up is the doubles match between Rikkai University High School and Joshuin Affiliated Shimizu Academy! Rikkai University High School Shintaro Egawa, Makoto Yamauchi vs Joshuin Affiliated Hatano Masaki, Yuto Kubota!"

"Rikkai University High School serves!"

Why these two? Jiangchuan and Yamauchi were a little surprised. They thought it was the combination of Jinshun and Quanling mentioned by Liu, but it turned out that these two came to play doubles.

It's boring.

The two looked at each other and shrugged. Their eyes conveyed this meaning.

Since it's boring, let's fight quickly!


"15 to 0! The serving team takes the lead!"




"3-0! Rikkai University High School is leading! The two sides exchange venues!"

In eight minutes, Jiangchuan and Yamauchi were already leading 3-0. Not to mention Rikkai University, even the spectators were stunned. The gap was too big, right? Are you sure this is the semi-final of the Kanto Tournament?

"This... Liu, are you sure this is the school that made it to the semi-finals?"

Mao Li couldn't believe it. Are all the schools this year so weak?

"Even if I'm wrong, the organizers of the tournament wouldn't be wrong too, right? They were lucky. With masters in doubles and singles sure to win one round, they only needed to win one more round to win. Their opponents in the first few rounds were very weak, which gave them the opportunity. We only needed to defeat their second doubles and third singles, and there wouldn't be any accidents."

Liu's voice was lukewarm, but there was a strong sense of confidence in his tone, which made the other substitutes behind him look at him sideways. It turns out that the regulars in my school are so... arrogant? Put yourself in their shoes, and you have to say that this feeling is really great. Marui and the others couldn't help but be eager for the position of regulars.

As a result, Mita felt a stabbing pain in his back and couldn't help but smile bitterly. With Jiangchuan and Yamauchi both in the competition, he was the only soft persimmon left in the regulars.




"6-0! Rikkai University High School wins!"

Clean and fast, 19 minutes to win!

Niou couldn't stand it anymore. It was incredible to him that such a school could make it to the national competition even two years later.

They were beaten 6-0 as if nothing had happened. They were still talking and laughing when they left the court. It seemed like they didn't take the game seriously at all.


Quan Ling snorted when he saw the two of them. He wanted to scold them. He had never been used to seeing this attitude towards tennis! Allowing such people to participate in the competition was simply a waste of their hard-earned qualifications!

""Quan Ling!"

Deputy Director Uesugi Ao pulled Quan Ling's clothes, signaling him to bear with it. In the past two years, he and Director Ogihara Chihiro have paid enough to improve the environment of the tennis club, but there are only one or two good seedlings in the affiliated school of Joshuin, and they have done their best.

In his opinion, meeting Rikkai University means the end of this year's competition. Next year, they will all graduate, and by then, only Jin Shun and Quan Ling will take over the tennis club. There is no need to cause trouble for himself now.

"Deputy Minister……"

Quan Ling loosened his fist. He had always respected this powerful and kind deputy minister.

"Okay, stop talking. Let's go to the competition and show them that we at the Joshuin Affiliated School are not without people!"

Uesugi Ang patted Quanling on the shoulder, his words full of encouragement for the younger generation. But in fact, he was not optimistic about the match between Quanling and Jinshun. Judging from the last match of Rikkai University, their most powerful doubles team should be the doubles composed of the black-faced player and the white-haired player.

Although it doesn't look like a doubles match at all, they have rare skills in doubles, and they are almost invincible. Especially the white-haired kid!

Uesugi glanced at Niou over there, full of fear. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that in that inexplicable doubles... the one named Niou Masaharu was the dominant one! The miraculous imitation skills and the look of controlling everything...……


Quan Ling and Jin Shun responded excitedly.

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