"Rikkai, Niou serves!"Bang!


The tennis ball kept flying around the court, and both of them were in a simple test.

What a heavy ball!

While mobilizing the top shirt to keep running on the baseline, Niou was also mobilized by the top shirt to keep running.

"Don't worry, that's it!"

Shangshan's mouth curled up slightly, and he didn't use his own killer move. Niwang's state just fell into his rhythm. After consuming most of his physical strength, it was time for him to reap the harvest.

""Pu Li~"

Pada... The tennis ball bounced twice weakly in front of the net and landed.

"15 to 0!"

"Slice the ball?! Really……"The man in the shirt tightened his hands. How could he easily turn a long tennis ball into a short one?

"This is Nioh……"

Yukimura and the others all looked a little solemn. Judging from the usual training matches, Yukimura, Sanada, and Mori all have very comprehensive basic tennis skills, and they have made achievements in their respective areas of expertise.

Yukimura's attacking ability in the field of mental power is unique among junior high school students, Mori has fully utilized his physical talent and tennis talent, and Sanada has integrated his kendo talent into tennis. The offensive and defensive aspects of kendo are deeply reflected in Sanada's tennis.

And Niou... gives them the feeling that... he is omnipotent!

Although he has not shown any moves that make them feel invincible, Niou's phantom and huge mental ability, as well as various tennis skills that he can easily use, make them never understand Niou's bottom.

Like this kind of slice, Niou can use it at will, and he likes to use it.

This is also one of the reasons why Sanada hates Niou a little bit, it's just too much like someone...!




"1 to 0! Rikkai University High School is leading!"

For someone like Uesugi who is only good at one style of tennis, Nioh, as an all-around encyclopedia, is too easy to beat, and wins the game cleanly and neatly.

"Senior tennis……"

""Everything is blocked!" Di Yuan Qianxun took over Quan Ling's words. Their trump card of Shangzhou University's affiliated school couldn't even play tennis, which they were good at.

Fifteen minutes later

"6 to 0! Rikkai University High School wins!"

No surprises, Liu won the second singles match 6 to 1, and Senior Mita won 6 to 4.

Rikkai University High School won all five sets and successfully advanced to the next round.

"Let's go!"

Without any regrets, everyone from Rikkai headed to other competition venues.

"Quan Ling! Next year, I hope you can lead the tennis club to go further!"Shang Shan handed his racket to Quan Ling with some disappointment.

"Yes! Senior!"


"What? The game here isn't over yet?"

Marui was lying on the wire mesh, looking at the pigtails of Niou next to him. He wanted to pull them, but considering the terrible consequences, he held back.

"Don't be impatient. Don't be impatient.……"

The match between Rokkaku Junior High School and Fudomine was going on in the field, but Niou's attention had already turned to the other side, to a group of people in blue and white uniforms.


Don't run into us, don't! Otherwise, I'll show you what hell is!

"Ren...Rinou, what's wrong with you?"

Marui poked Renou's arm cautiously.

"Huh? Phew... No, I just thought of something interesting."Ryou narrowed his eyes and glanced at the people who were looking at him?


Maori and others subconsciously avoided Ryou's eyes. You must be kidding! Interesting? The momentum of wanting to eat people just now, was it because he thought of something interesting?

"That... is Rikkai University High School?!" At

Hyotei's competition venue, Atobe, wearing clothes and crossing his legs, saw Yukimura, who was also wearing clothes.

"Tsk tsk, Atobe, look at how fast he is, you are such a dull minister!" Yushi followed Atobe's gaze and said to him casually

"snort……"Atobe sat up straight,"I'm the most gorgeous one, right, Karaji!"


Huadi, who was carrying a tennis bag behind him, responded.

"Jiro! Cheer up, you have ten minutes to beat your opponent! Otherwise, you won't be allowed to sleep!"

Atobe waved his hand and urged Jiro Akutagawa in the field.

"What?! You won’t let me sleep?!"

Ji Lang jumped up immediately and kept urging the other party,"Hurry up, hurry up, do you hear me! If you don’t lose to me in ten minutes, I can’t sleep!"

The opponent:"……"

Referee, aren't people with mental problems not allowed to play in the game?

"This... Atobe, this is really a threat without any fancy words." Yushi felt himself sweating.

"whispering sound……"

Atobe had a dark face and said nothing. Well, he admitted that it was indeed not very glamorous.

Just like Yukimura and Sanada had a headache with Mori and Niou, Atobe also had a headache with Jiro.

He looked soft and cute, wanted to sleep every day and didn't participate in training, but stood firmly behind Atobe and Yuushi with his powerful strength. He was not afraid of anything except not being able to sleep! How could Atobe have no good solution for Jiro.

If he could have an in-depth discussion with Sanada about the situation in this regard, I believe they would both feel the same way.

As it seemed too early, everyone in Rikkai was waiting in the rest area. Recovering did not consume too much energy, while Liu went out to gather some information.

An hour later, Liu came back.

"According to the latest notice, the upcoming matches will be postponed to the afternoon, and the competition system will be temporarily adjusted to cancel the requirement to play all five sets."

"It doesn't matter……"

Everyone in Rikkai didn't care much about this situation, as long as they could win.

Niou did remember that it seemed that this kind of competition system had only been encountered in the national competition two years later, and he didn't encounter it in his second year. It should be because the level of excitement was not enough, and the game time was extended, which made many people impatient?

Without a specific reason, Niou could only make such an analysis.

The competition two years later will be a gathering of real masters, and this kind of competition system will be more attractive.

Attract investors and attract more young people to play tennis!

Japan's tennis plan has gradually started without anyone noticing.

"Phew~ Who is our next opponent?"

Ren Wang felt his hands trembling slightly.

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