The next morning, Niou got up early and swung his racket in his yard for a while as a warm-up.

However, he was very clear in his mind that he did not over-consume his physical strength, which would not affect his game today. There will definitely be many games in today's knockout round. He has to plan well for his physical strength, which is not his strong point. Although... he doesn't need to be so concerned about playing with these people?

After more than a month of intensive training, Niou's control over his body has improved a lot. Many moves he has seen in his previous life can be used. Of course, he has not tried those moves that are burdensome to the body.

When arranging the match, the seniors will definitely arrange it based on the observations of the past few days, and will not put the good players together to fight directly.

Now Niou feels that the only ones who can pose a threat to him in Rikkai are Sanada, Yukimura, and Mori! As for Yanagi, unfortunately, he is like Yukimura, and his data tennis that restrains Yanagi! At least Yanagi before high school has always been restrained by these two.

Others? No pressure! Niou can only say this. God gave him a second chance, and he wasn't going to waste it.

"Phew~ I'm really looking forward to it."

As he entered the campus with a tennis bag on his back, Niou noticed many people carrying tennis bags. However, after today, most people could only train with the team, but were not recognized by the tennis club of Rikkai University.

"Liu, is there any information about other new students?"

A gentle voice came into Ren Wang's ears and was caught by him instantly. Looking in the direction of the voice, three familiar figures were walking from behind.

So these three people were mixed together at this time? Puff~!

Ren Wang pulled his white hair braid. He really didn't notice it in his previous life.

"Currently, there is only one person with information about Marui Bunta, and although his strength is not bad, he is still a little behind us!"

The three of them walking together attracted a lot of attention, or it should be said that the two of them attracted a lot of attention. Both Yukimura and Yanagi are good at attracting attention, but with Sanada around, the attention will still be half less than usual. Maybe this is also the reason why the two like to walk with Sanada? Nioh thought with some evil taste in his heart.

Yanagi ignored those gazes, took out his notebook and flipped through it while walking. At this time, his skills were not as deep as they will be in the future, and he could not remember all the unimportant information.

Seeing that both Sanada and Yukimura looked as if they were expecting it, Yanagi pushed his glasses,"If there are no accidents this year, the champion will most likely be Rikkai University!"


Yukimura and Sanada looked at Yanagi with some surprise. Although they had only known each other for a short time, they both knew that this companion who liked to squint his eyes was not a boaster.

"This year, the main force of the third-year team of Shitenhoji in Kansai graduated, and almost all of Hyotei's lineup collapsed. If it's Makinoto, the remaining lineup is similar to Rikkai!"

While talking, the three of them passed by Niou.

"Haha...I'm really looking forward to it……"

Yukimura also sighed the same way as Niou just now. The remaining lineup is almost the same? Then won't we win once we join?

The three people have such similar ideas.

"Champion?" Niou's mouth curled up into a smile,"Always win, Rikkai University!"


The three people in front turned around as if they had telepathy, but they didn't notice the gaze that had just pierced their backs. Only Yukimura seemed to have discovered something, and locked his eyes on the white-haired head walking in another direction in the crowd.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the sunlight in early April was not very dazzling, but it gave people a warm feeling when it sprinkled on the body. Rikkai University is supportive of student clubs. As long as it does not affect normal studies, students can basically participate in the activities of the clubs.

So when the game was about to start, everyone started to gather in twos and threes to the tennis club, and some of the other people who were in activity classes also went to the tennis club to watch the excitement.

""Niou, Jack and I have agreed to stay in the tennis club together, you have to work hard too!"

Marui kept nagging in Niou's ear, causing Niou to shake his head helplessly. Niou glanced at the jackal Kuwabara next to him without leaving a trace. It was only a few days ago that Niou learned that Kuwabara and Marui knew each other before entering school. It was this usually silent mixed-race boy who silently dedicated six years to Rikkai University in the doubles position.

"Don't worry...Pu Li~ I will definitely stay in the tennis club! There are also surprises~"

Mori-senpai, Yukimura, are you ready?

The white-haired boy slightly bent his back and walked in front, with a fiery light in his eyes, but the two people behind him did not see

"All members, assemble! Next, I will announce the list of players for the elimination round!"

When the three of them slowly arrived at the stadium, the team leader Hiroki Mita just happened to announce with a loudspeaker. There was nothing they could do, there were just too many people. The other three regular members all wore the yellow and black regular uniforms, which made many teenagers in the queue envious.

When assembling, Niou inadvertently looked at Yukimura who was looking back in the first row, and then smiled and nodded, and then ignored him. Yukimura, we will have a fight one day!

"What's wrong?"

Sanada noticed that something was wrong with Yukimura and asked expressionlessly.

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